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Discover the Land Down Under - Australia's Geography and Wildlife

Explore the diverse landscapes of Australia, the smallest continent yet the sixth-largest country. From the flat low-lying Plateau to the Eastern Highlands and iconic natural wonders like the Great Barrier Reef. Uncover the unique wildlife, including kangaroos, koalas, and the primitive monotremes. Learn about the different climate zones and the six seasons of the Northern Territory. Dive into the Aboriginal seasons such as Gunumeleng, Gudjewg, Bangerreng, Yegge, Wurrgeng, and Gurrung to understand the varied weather patterns and natural phenomena.

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Discover the Land Down Under - Australia's Geography and Wildlife

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  1. Modul 2Geography

  2. A.Land : 7.682.300 km21Smallest continent sixth largest country1Lying completely in the Southern HemispherePrimarily a flat low Lying Plateau 95% of the land standing less than 600 m above sea level.

  3. B.Physical Regions1Western PlateauÄAridityÄDesertÄSand ridgesÄ Dune1Eastern Highlands = great dividing rangeÄBlue mountainsÄEastern continental rimÄGreat barrier reef (2000 km)ÄMount Kosciusko

  4. 1 Great Artesian BasinÄ Carpentaria BasinÄEyre Basin  Lake EyreÄ Murray Basin

  5. Climate  varies with latitude1 Northern Part  tropical1 Southern  windy, mild, wet wintersWinter comes in JuneSummer comes in DecemberMost parts do not receive enough rainfall.

  6. Wildlife1Most primitive mammals :ÄPlatypus ÄSpiny  aneater ÄMonotremes  mammals that lay eggs.

  7. 1 Australian Typical Animals Ä Kangaroo 60 different species·Wallabies·Wallaroos·Tree Kangaroos·Red, Gray KangaroosÄKoalasÄTasmanian Devil

  8. States and TerritoriesAustralian is divided into Six States and two Self – governing Territories

  9. The six seasons of the northern territory 1GunumelengÄPre - wet seasonÄMore - more humidÄThunderstorm in the afternoonÄScattered rain

  10. 1 GudjewgÄWet seasonÄViolent thunderstormÄHeavy rainÄExtensive floodingÄBlooming ·Outback plants·Outback animals

  11. 1BangerrengÄViolent stormsÄMost plants are flowering and fruitingÄAnimals are caring the youngs1YeggeÄDrying windsÄBurning bushÄEarly morning mists

  12. 1 WurrgengÄKakadu  coldest weatherÄLow humidityÄDay 300C ÄNight 170C 1GurrungÄWindÄVery hotÄLifeless countryÄThunderheads

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