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Evolution of Islamic Law in Malaysia: Historical Background, Colonization, and Post-Independence

Explore the journey of Islamic legal systems in Malaysia, from pre-colonization to current issues post-Merdeka. Delve into historical events, British colonization, legal structures, and the position of Syariah Courts after independence.

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Evolution of Islamic Law in Malaysia: Historical Background, Colonization, and Post-Independence

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  2. ISLAMIC LAW IN MALAYSIA • Before colonization • During colonisation • Before MERDEKA • After MERDEKA • Current issues. ZULFAKAR/HHLC-IIUM/2015

  3. Historical Background • Batu Bersurat Terengganu (1303) • Undang-Undang Melaka (1446) • (1511 Mallacca under Portuguese) • Undang-Undang Pahang (1600) • Undang-Undang Kedah (1650) • Undang-Undang 99 Perak (1878) • Note: embodied Islamic criminal laws • ( Prof. Ahmad, Jurnal Hukum 1997, p.119-137.( • AILM p. 7-8 and 102. ZULFAKAR/HHLC-IIUM/2015

  4. 18th century: British colonization • 1786 in Penang. • 1824 Malacca and Temasik (singapore) • 1874 Perak , 1895 Selangor and Pahang. • 1909 all Malay states. • The Introduction of: • English Common Law and • Equity • Courts/judicial system ZULFAKAR/HHLC-IIUM/2015

  5. But, still recognised: • Islamic Law as the law of the land Case of Ramah v Laton [1927] 6 FMSLR 128 “The question ...., what here the rights of the plaintiff according to the law of this land in the estate of her deceased husband. The local law is a matter of which the court must take judicial notice.” See AILM at p.27-28. ZULFAKAR/HHLC-IIUM/2015

  6. ShaikhAbdul Latifv Shaik Elias Bux (1915) 1 FMSLR 204 “Sebelum triti-triti pertama, penduduk negeri-negeri ini hampir semuanya terdiri dari orang Melayu (Islam) bersama pelombong dan pengusaha Cina. Satu-satunya undang-undang yang terpakai kepada orang-orang Melayu ialah Undang-Undang Islam yang disesuaikan dengan Adat tempatan” AILM p.29 ZULFAKAR/HHLC-IIUM/2015

  7. “TidakbolehdiragukanlagibahawaUndang-Undang Islam akanmenjadiUndang-Undang Tanah Melayu (lexloci),SekiranyaUndang-Undang British tidakmasukdanmenahannya” -R.J. Wilkinson (1908) ZULFAKAR/HHLC-IIUM/2015

  8. Prior to 1948, InFederation of Malay States (Pahang, Perak, Selangor & N 9), SyariahCourt was recognised and put under the hierarchy of court’s structure.But was lower than 2nd class Magistrate Court. ZULFAKAR/HHLC-IIUM/2015

  9. Post 1952: • New Muslim enactments were introduced: • Selangor 1952 • Pahang 1956 • Negeri sembilan 1957 • ie. All matters fall under family or personal affairs except inheritance & succession were put under Syariah Court. ZULFAKAR/HHLC-IIUM/2015


  11. The position of Syariah Court after MERDEKA ZULFAKAR/HHLC-IIUM/2015

  12. SUPREMACY OF CONSTITUTION • This constitution is the Supreme law of the Federation and any law passed after Merdeka Day which is inconsistent with this Constitution shall, to the extent of the inconsistency, be void. (Article 4) ZULFAKAR/HHLC-IIUM/2015

  13. 1988 amendment:Article 121(1)(A) The courts referred to in clause (1) shall have no jurisdiction in respect of any matter within the jurisdiction of the Syariah courts. ZULFAKAR/HHLC-IIUM/2015

  14. THE POSITION OF ISLAM • Religion of the Federation (Article 3) • Conference of Rulers (Article 38) • Subject matter of Federal and State laws (Article 74, 9th Schedule – State List (list II), For FT see List I item 4. ZULFAKAR/HHLC-IIUM/2015

  15. Islam: legal definition • Kes Che Omar bin Che Soh v PP [1988] 2 MLJ 55 SC See AILM at p.35-38 • Kes Meor Atiqulrahman & Others v Fatimah & Others. [2005]MLJ 375 see AILM, pp. 38-53 • Kes Lina Joy lwn MAIWP [2007] 4 MLJ 585 FC See AILM at p. 222-225. ZULFAKAR/HHLC-IIUM/2015

  16. LINA JOY v MAIWP & Others [2007] 4 MLJ 585 FC Held: on the issue of her right to apostate and her current status ie. a muslim or not, the matter (subject-matter approach) falls under the jurisdiction of the Syariah Court. ZULFAKAR/HHLC-IIUM/2015

  17. (16) Seperti yang telah dihuraikan di perenggan sebelum ini, kes Soon Singh ketara menunjukkan bahawa hal murtad adalah dalam bidangkuasa Mahkamah Syariah. Di perenggan (10) saya juga telah merujuk kepada item 1, senarai 2, Jadual 9 PP bagi menunjukkan bahawa perkataan penting yang digunakan di situ ialah “matters” dan kerana “Islamic Law” adalah salah satu daripada “matters” yang terdapat dalam item 1 itu dan apabila dibaca pula berlatarbelakangkan kes Dalip Kaur, maka amat ketara sekali bahawa sesungguhnya perkara murtad itu adalah perkara yang berhubungkait dengan undang-undang Islam (Islamic Law) dan nyatalah oleh itu ianya adalah di dalam bidangkuasa Mahkamah Syariah dan kerana Perkara 121 (1A) PP, maka Mahkamah-Mahkamah Sivil tidak boleh campur tangan dalam hal itu. ZULFAKAR/HHLC-IIUM/2015

  18. Islamic Legal Institutions: • Conference of Rulers (Majlis Raja-Raja) • Mufti • Council of Islamic Religion • Department of Islamic Religion • Syariah Courts (Department of Syariah judiciary) ZULFAKAR/HHLC-IIUM/2015

  19. 1.Conference of Rulers (Majlis Raja-Raja) • Art. 38 of FC • 9 Malay Rulers + 4 YDP Negeri • At Federal level, CR is regarded as the highest authority in Islamic matters. • Each Ruler is the Head of the religion of Islam for respective states • YDPA for M, P, S and S. • See Art. 3(2) FC • See AAB,Islam Dalam Perlembagaan, p. 50-71. ZULFAKAR/HHLC-IIUM/2015

  20. 2. Mufti • Islamic scholar , as advisor to ruler • Chief religious adviser for the Ruler • From the era of Malacca Malay Sultanate • Fatwa Committee for every state in Malaysia • Role: to issue fatwa • Note: violation of fatwa is an offence • See section 9 and 12 of the Syariah Criminal Offences (FT) Act 1997 • See AILM, at p.581-588. ZULFAKAR/HHLC-IIUM/2015

  21. 3. Council of Islamic Religion • Under Sultan (Ruler) • S. 4- 31 of the AIL (FT) Act 1993. • The function of this Majlis: • S. 7(1) It shall be the duty of the Majlis to promote, stimulate, facilitate and undertake the economic and social development and well-being of the Muslim community in the Federal Territories consistent with Islamic Law. ZULFAKAR/HHLC-IIUM/2015

  22. (2) The Majlis shall have power, for the purpose of the discharge of its duty under subsection (1) - (a) to carry on all activities, which will not involve any element which is not approved by the religion of Islam, particularly the development of commercial and industrial enterprises, the carrying on whereof appears to it to be requisite, advantageous or convenient for or in connection with the discharge of its said duty, including the manufacturing, assembling, processing, packing, grading and marketing of products; (b) to promote the carrying on of any such activities by other bodies or persons, and for that purpose to establish or expand, or promote the establishment or expansion of, other bodies to carry on any such activities either under the control or partial control of the Majlis or independently, and to give assistance to such bodies or to other bodies or persons appearing to the Majlis to have the facilities for the carrying on of any such activities, including the giving of financial assistance by way of loan or otherwise; ZULFAKAR/HHLC-IIUM/2015

  23. (c) to carry on any such activities in association with other bodies or persons, including the departments or authorities of the Federal Government, or as managing agent or otherwise on behalf of the Federal Government; (d) to invest in any authorized investment as defined by the Trustee Act 1949 [Act 208], and to dispose of the same on such terms and conditions as the Majlis may determine; (e) subject to the approval of the Finance Minister, to establish any scheme for the granting of loans from the Fund to Muslim individuals for higher learning; (f) to establish and maintain Islamic schools, and Islamic training and research institutions; and (g) to do all acts which the Majlis considers desirable or expedient. ZULFAKAR/HHLC-IIUM/2015

  24. 4. Department of Islamic Religion • Established under state goverment • As an executor or enforcer to policies made by Majlis ZULFAKAR/HHLC-IIUM/2015

  25. 5.Department of Syariah Judiciary • JKSM was established by Federal government in 1998 • The main purpose is to co-ordinate the Syariah courts from all states. • To standardize qualification of judges, salary and procedures to be used. • Provide training to judges and court officers • Almost all states join the JKSM ZULFAKAR/HHLC-IIUM/2015

  26. The constitutionality of Syariah Court • In all States: By virtue of: • Article 74 • Ninth Schedule;Item 1 of the State List.(List II) • In Federal Territories: • Ninth Schedule; Item 6(e) of the Federal List.(List I) ZULFAKAR/HHLC-IIUM/2015

  27. Section 40 AIL 1993 • (1) Syariah Subordinate Court, • (2) Syariah High Court, • (3) Syariah Appeal Court. ZULFAKAR/HHLC-IIUM/2015

  28. Jurisdiction of Shariah Court • Sec.46 & 47 AILA 1993. • Two categories: • Civil jurisdiction: • 10 matters from (a) – (x) ZULFAKAR/HHLC-IIUM/2015

  29. (b) in its civil jurisdiction, hear and determine all actions and proceedings in which all the parties are Muslims and which relate to - (i) betrothal, marriage, ruju', divorce, nullity of marriage (fasakh) , nusyuz, or judicial separation (faraq) or other matters relating to the relationship between husband and wife;(ii) any disposition of, or claim to, property arising out of any of the matters set out in subparagraph (i);(iii) the maintenance of dependants, legitimacy, or guardianship or custody (hadhanah) of infants;(iv) the division of, or claims to, harta sepencarian; ZULFAKAR/HHLC-IIUM/2015

  30. (v) wills or death-bed gifts (marad-al-maut) of a deceased Muslim;(vi) gifts inter vivos, or settlements made without adequate consideration in money or money's worth, by a Muslim;(vii) wakaf or nazr;(viii) division and inheritance of testate or intestate property;(ix) the determination of the persons entitled to share in the estate of a deceased Muslim or of the shares to which such persons are respectively entitled; or(x) other matters in respect of which jurisdiction is conferred by any written law. ZULFAKAR/HHLC-IIUM/2015

  31. Tan Sri Abdul Khalid bin Ibrahim v Bank Islam Malaysia Bhd[2012] 7 MLJ 597 • To recap, I had already concluded that: • (a) the High Courts will only have jurisdiction and power as long as it is conferred by Parliament under the federal law; • (b) s 56 and s 57 of the Central Bank of Malaysia Act 2009 (Act 701 ) are valid federal laws enacted by Parliament pursuant to Item 4(k) of the Federal List (List I) in the Ninth Schedule of the Federal Constitution; • (c) should there any question concerning a Shariah matter, this court has to invoke s 56 of the Act 701; • (d) SAC is not a position to issue a new hukum syara', but only to find out which one of the available hukum is best applicable in Malaysia for the purpose of ascertaining the relevant Islamic law concerning the question posed to them; and • (e) SAC cannot be said to perform a judicial or quasi-judicial function. The function of SAC is confined to the ascertainment of the Islamic law on financial matter. The court still has to decide the ultimate issues which have been pleaded. ZULFAKAR/HHLC-IIUM/2015

  32. [2013] 3 MLJ 269Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim v Bank Islam (M) BhdCOURT OF APPEAL (PUTRAJAYA) • Held, dismissing the appeal with costs: • (1) Sections 56 and 57 were valid and constitutional. They were within Parliament's power to enact. Article 74(1) of the Constitution empowered Parliament to make laws with respect to any of the matters enumerated in the Federal List (List 1) or the Concurrent List (List 3) of the Ninth Schedule of the Constitution. Item 4(k) of List 1 empowered Parliament to make laws in respect of civil and criminal law and procedure and the administration of justice including the ascertainment of Islamic law and other personal laws for purposes of federal law. Banking was a matter within the Federal List and the Islamic Banking Act 1983 and the Act were clearly federal laws (see paras 20 & 21). ZULFAKAR/HHLC-IIUM/2015

  33. Jurisdiction of Shariah Court • Criminal jurisdiction: • Any offences committed by a Muslim under: • - Islamic family law Act/Enactment • -Syariah offences Act/enactment • Any other written law ZULFAKAR/HHLC-IIUM/2015

  34. Syariah Court (Criminal Jurisdiction) Act 1965 (Amendment) 1984 • Less than 3 years imprisonment • Less than RM 5,000.00 fine • Less than 6 strokes • Zero death penalty. 3560 ZULFAKAR/HHLC-IIUM/2015

  35. Next topic:Jurisdictional conflict Shariah Court Vs Civil Court ZULFAKAR/HHLC-IIUM/2015

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