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Tony Blair Labour Party PM 1997-2007

Tony Blair Labour Party PM 1997-2007. Political Parties. The 2 BIGGEST Political Parties in the UK are Labour and Conservative. The Conservatives sometimes called the Tories have been the dominant party for most of the 1900’s.

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Tony Blair Labour Party PM 1997-2007

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  1. Tony BlairLabour Party PM1997-2007

  2. Political Parties • The 2 BIGGEST Political Parties in the UK are Labour and Conservative. The Conservatives sometimes called the Tories have been the dominant party for most of the 1900’s. • There are several other players like the Liberal Democrats and UKIP. • Because the UK uses a First past the Post system these 3rd parties have typically had a hard time getting MP’s elected.

  3. Nowadays, Political Parties rely on charismatic candidates for PM and campaign manifestos to attract voters.

  4. Recent Success • The Labour Party had success for much of the early 2000’s in large part because of Tony Blair’s open image and media savvy campaign. • Blair also continued the trend started by Thatcher of consolidating power into the hands of the PM.

  5. The 3rd Way • Blair also continued with Thatcher’s privatization efforts. He coopted some of Labour’s positions – moving his party towards the center.

  6. The Wrong Way? • Blair spent much of his political capital supporting George W. Bush and the invasion of Iraq. • This was and continues to be a controversial both within the UK and especially among the EU nations.

  7. Prime Minister Notes • Prime Ministers are members of Parliament but they are extremely powerful. • MP’s serve in the PM’s cabinet – Example Chancellor of the Exchequer (Treasury). • Collective Responsibility means that the entire cabinet must agree on all major policy decisions and can go down with the ship (Vote of NO Confidence). • New Elections are held every 5 years. No more Early Elections.

  8. Prime Minister NotesVotes of NO Confidence – A majority vote in the legislature can force the resignation of the government.

  9. David CameronConservative Party PM2010 - present

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