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6 Mobile Computing 2 SKS. Dedy Alamsyah , S.Kom . Jquery Mobile + HTML 5. Sifat Aplikasi di Perangkat Mobile . Contoh Aplikasi dibangun dengan Jquery Mobile. Apa HTML 5.
6Mobile Computing2 SKS DedyAlamsyah, S.Kom.
Apa HTML 5 HTML5adalahsebuahbahasamark-up untukmenstrukturkandanmenampilkanisidariWorld Wide Web (Web), sebuahteknologiintidariInternet . HTML5 adalahrevisikelimadari HTML (yang pertama kali diciptakanpadatahun 1990 danversikeempatnya, HTML4, padatahun1997[1]) danhinggabulanJuni 2011 masihdalampengembangan. Tujuanutamapengembangan HTML5 adalahuntukmemperbaikiteknologi HTML agar mendukungteknologi multimedia terbaru, mudahdibacaolehmanusiadanjugamudahdimengertiolehmesin. HTML5 merupakansalahsatukaryaKonsortiumWWW(World Wide Web Consortium, W3C) untukmendefinisikansebuahbahasamarkahtunggal yang dapatditulisdengancara HTML ataupun XHTML. HTML5 merupakanjawabanataspengembangan HTML 4.01 dan XHTML 1.1 yang selamainiberjalanterpisah, dandiimplementasikansecaraberbeda-bedaolehbanyakperangkatlunak]] pembuat web.
ApaJquery Mobile Framework yang sudah include sistemnavigasidenganfitur Ajax yang membawaefekanimasipadahalaman web, transisi, core dari UI wigetseperti: halaman, dialog, toolbar, listview, button dengan icon, form element, accordion, collapsible , danbanyaklagi jQuery Mobile adalah web framework yang dioptimalkanuntuklayarsentuh (dikenal jugasebagai pustaka/librariJavaScript atau framework untukperangkatmobile) yang saat ini sedang dikembangkan oleh tim proyek jQuery. Pengembangan berfokus denganmenciptakan framework yang kompatibel dengan berbagai macam smartphone dan komputer tablet, yang dibuat akibatfenomenaperkembanganperangkat mobile dan tablet yang cukuppesattetapi sekaligusjugaheterogen.Framework Jquery Mobilekompatibel dengan framework mobile lainnya seperti PhoneGap, worklight dan banyak lagi.
FiturJquery Mobile Built on jQuery core for familiar and consistent jQuery syntax and minimal learning curve and leverages jQuery UI code and patterns. Compatible with all major mobile, tablet, e-reader & desktop platforms - iOS, Android, Blackberry, Palm WebOS, Nokia/Symbian, Windows Phone 7, MeeGo, Opera Mobile/Mini, Firefox Mobile, Kindle, Nook and all modern browsers with graded levels of support. Lightweight size and minimal image dependencies for speed. Modular architecture for creating custom builds that are optimized to only include the features needed for a particular application. HTML5 Markup-driven configuration of pages and behavior for fast development and minimal required scripting. Progressive enhancement approach brings core content and functionality to all mobile, tablet and desktop platforms and a rich, installed application-like experience on newer mobile platforms. Responsive design techniques and tools allow the same underlying codebase to automatically scale from smartphone to desktop-sized screens. Powerful Ajax-powered navigation system to enable animated page transitions while maintaining back button, bookmarking and clean URLs through pushState. Accessibility features such as WAI-ARIA are also included to ensure that the pages work for screen readers (e.g. VoiceOver in iOS) and other assistive technologies. Touch and mouse event support streamline the process of supporting touch, mouse and cursor focus-based user input methods with a simple API. Unified UI widgets for common controls enhance native controls with touch-optimized, themable controls that are platform-agnostic and easy to use. Powerful theming framework and the ThemeRoller application make highly-branded experiences easy to build.
KompatibilitasFitur jQuery Mobile memilikidukunganluasuntuksebagianbesardarisemua desktop modern, smartphone, tablet, dan e-reader platform. Selainitu, fiturponsel, dan browser lama yang di support jQueryMobile memilikidukunganluasuntuksebagianbesardarisemua desktop modern, smartphone, tablet, dan e-reader platform. Jquery Mobile membagi 3 kategoriSistem Platform Yang disupport • Kategori A (Full Fitur) • Kategori B (Full minus Ajax) • Kategori C (HTML)
Daftar Platform yang didukungJquery Mobile – Grade A • A-grade - Full enhanced experience with Ajax-based animated page transitions. • Apple iOS 3.2*-6.0 - Tested on the original iPad (4.3 / 5.0), iPad 2 (4.3), iPad 3 (5.1 / 6.0), original iPhone (3.1), iPhone 3 (3.2), 3GS (4.3), 4 (4.3 / 5.0), and 4S (5.1 / 6.0) • Android 2.1-2.3 - Tested on the HTC Incredible (2.2), original Droid (2.2), HTC Aria (2.1), Google Nexus S (2.3). Functional on 1.5 & 1.6 but performance may be sluggish, tested on Google G1 (1.5) • Android 3.2 (Honeycomb) - Tested on the Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 and Motorola XOOM • Android 4.0 (ICS) - Tested on a Galaxy Nexus. Note: transition performance can be poor on upgradeddevices • Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean) - Tested on a Galaxy Nexus and Galaxy 7 • Windows Phone 7-7.5 - Tested on the HTC Surround (7.0) HTC Trophy (7.5), LG-E900 (7.5), Nokia Lumia 800 • Blackberry 6.0 - Tested on the Torch 9800 and Style 9670 • Blackberry 7 - Tested on BlackBerry® Torch 9810 • Blackberry Playbook (1.0-2.0) - Tested on PlayBook • Dll http://jquerymobile.com/demos/1.2.0/docs/about/platforms.html
Daftar Platform yang didukungJquery Mobile – Grade B B-grade - Enhanced experience except without Ajax navigation features. • Blackberry 5.0*: Tested on the Storm 2 9550, Bold 9770 • Opera Mini 7 - Tested on iOS 5.1 and Android 2.3 • Nokia Symbian^3 - Tested on Nokia N8 (Symbian^3), C7 (Symbian^3), also works on N97 (Symbian^1)
Daftar Platform yang didukungJquery Mobile – Grade C C-grade - Basic, non-enhanced HTML experience that is still functional • Blackberry 4.x - Tested on the Curve 8330 • Windows Mobile - Tested on the HTC Leo (WinMo 5.2)
ArsitekturAplikasi Mobile Berbasis Web LAN Internet
Tool yang harusdisiapkanuntukmembangungaplikasiberbasisJquery Mobile • Web Server (Apache , IIS) • PHP, ASP • Database (MySQL, SQL Server, dll) • Jquery Mobile (http://jquerymobile.com/) • Editor (Notepad ++, Dreamweaver, Netbeans, Visual Studio) • Browser Firefox, Chrome, IIS 7+
Fasilitas Theming dengan Theme Roller www.jquerymobile.com/themeroller