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Hybrid Monte-Carlo simulations of electronic properties of graphene [ ArXiv:1206.0619]

Hybrid Monte-Carlo simulations of electronic properties of graphene [ ArXiv:1206.0619]. P. V. Buividovich ( Regensburg University). Graphene ABC. Graphene : 2D carbon crystal with hexagonal lattice a = 0.142 nm – Lattice spacing π orbitals are valence orbitals (1 electron per atom)

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Hybrid Monte-Carlo simulations of electronic properties of graphene [ ArXiv:1206.0619]

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  1. Hybrid Monte-Carlo simulations of electronic properties of graphene [ArXiv:1206.0619] P. V. Buividovich (Regensburg University)

  2. Graphene ABC • Graphene: 2D carbon crystal with hexagonal lattice • a = 0.142 nm – Lattice spacing • π orbitals are valence orbitals (1 electron per atom) • Binding energy κ ~ 2.7 eV • σ orbitals create chemical bonds

  3. Geometry of hexagonal lattice Two simple rhombic sublattices А and В Periodic boundary conditions on the Euclidean torus:

  4. The “Tight-binding” Hamiltonian Fermi statistics “Staggered” potential m distinguishes even/odd lattice sites

  5. Physical implementation of staggered potential Graphene Boron Nitride

  6. Spectrum of quasiparticles in graphene Consider the non-Interacting tight-binding model !!! One-particle Hamiltonian Eigenmodes are just the plain waves: Eigenvalues:

  7. Spectrum of quasiparticles in graphene Close to the «Dirac points»: “Staggered potential” m = Dirac mass

  8. Spectrum of quasiparticles in graphene Dirac points are only covered by discrete lattice momenta if the lattice size is a multiple of three

  9. Symmetries of the free Hamiltonian 2 Fermi-points Х 2 sublattices = 4 components of the Dirac spinor Chiral U(4) symmetry (massless fermions): rightleft Discrete Z2 symmetry between sublattices АВ U(1) x U(1) symmetry: conservation of currents with different spins

  10. Particles and holes • Each lattice site can be occupied by two electrons (with opposite spin) • The ground states is electrically neutral • One electron (for instance ) • at each lattice site • «Dirac Sea»: • hole = • absence of electron • in the state

  11. Lattice QFT of Graphene Redefined creation/ annihilation operators Charge operator Standard QFT vacuum

  12. Electromagnetic interactions Link variables (Peierls Substitution) Conjugate momenta = Electric field Lattice Hamiltonian (Electric part)

  13. Electrostatic interactions Effective Coulomb coupling constant α ~ 1/137 1/vF ~ 2 (vF~ 1/300) Strongly coupled theory!!! Magnetic+retardation effects suppressed • Dielectric permittivity: • Suspended graphene • ε = 1.0 • Silicon DioxideSiO2 • ε ~ 3.9 • Silicon CarbideSiC • ε ~ 10.0

  14. Electrostatic interactions on the lattice Discretization of Laplacian on the hexagonal lattice reproduces Coulomb potential with a good precision

  15. Main problem: the spectrum of excitations in interacting graphene Lattice simulations, Schwinger-Dyson equations ??? Renormalization, LargeN, Experiment [Manchester group, 2012] Spontaneous breaking of sublattice symmetry = mass gap = condensate formation = = decrease of conductivity

  16. Numerical simulations: Path integral representation Technical details Decomposition of identity Eigenstates of the gauge field Fermionic coherent states (η – Grassman variables) Gauss law constraint (projector on physical space)

  17. Numerical simulations: Path integral representation Technical details • Electrostatic potential field • Lagrange multiplier for the Gauss’ law • Analogue of the Hubbard-Stratonovich field :

  18. Numerical simulations: Path integral representation Technical details Lattice action for fermions (no doubling!!!): Path integral weight: Positive weight due to two spin components!

  19. Hybrid Monte-Carlo: a brief introduction Problem: generate field configurations φ(x) with probability For graphene– nonlocal action due to fermion determinant Metropolis algorithm • Propose new field • configurations with probability • Accept/reject with probability • Exact algorithm • Local updates of fields • BUT: • Fermion determinant recalculation

  20. Hybrid Monte-Carlo: a brief introduction Molecular Dynamics Classical motion with If ergodic: π(x) – conjugate momentum for φ(x) • Global updates of fields ϕ(x) • 100% acceptance rate • BUT: • Energy non-conservation for numerical integrators

  21. Hybrid Monte-Carlo = Molecular Dynamics + Metropolis • Use numerically integrated Molecular Dynamics trajectories as Metropolis proposals • Numerical error is corrected by accept/reject • Exact algorithm • Ψ-algorithm [Technical]: • Represent determinant • as Gaussian integral Molecular Dynamics Trajectories

  22. Numerical simulations using the Hybrid Monte-Carlo method • Hexagonal lattice • Noncompact U(1) gauge field • Fast heatbath algorithm outside of graphene plane • Geometry: graphene on the substrate

  23. Breaking of lattice symmetry Intuition from relativistic QFTs (QCD): Symmetry breaking = = gap in the spectrum • Anti-ferromagnetic state • (Gordon-Semenoff 2011) • Kekule dislocations • (Araki 2012) • Point defects

  24. Spontaneous sublattice symmetry breaking in graphene Order parameter: The difference between the number of particles on А and Вsublattices ΔN = NA – NB “Mesons”: particle-hole bound state

  25. Differences of particle numbers

  26. Differences of particle numbers on lattices of different size Extrapolation to zero mass

  27. Susceptibility of particle number differences

  28. Conductivity of graphene Current operator: = charge, flowing through lattice links Retarded propagator and conductivity:

  29. Conductivity of graphene: Green-Kubo relations Technical details Current-current correlators in Euclidean space: Green-Kubo relations: Thermal integral kernel:

  30. Conductivity of graphene Technical details σ(ω) – dimensionless quantity (in a natural system of units), in SI: ~ e2/h Conductivity from Euclidean correlator: an ill-posed problem Maximal Entropy Method Approximate calculation ofσ(0): AC conductivity, averaged overw ≤ kT

  31. Conductivity of graphene: free theory For small frequencies (Dirac limit): Threshold value w = 2 m Universal limiting value atκ>> w >> m: σ0 = π e2/2 h=1/4 e2/ħ Atw = 2 m: σ = 2 σ0

  32. Conductivity of graphene: Free theory

  33. Current-current correlators: numerical results κΔτ=0.15, m Δτ = 0.01, κ/(kT) = 18, Ls = 24

  34. Conductivity of grapheneσ(0): numerical results (approximate definition)

  35. Direct measurements of the density of states • Experimentally motivated definition • Valid for non-interacting fermions • Finite μ is introduced in observables only (partial quenching)

  36. Direct measurements of the density of states m/κ = 0.1

  37. Direct measurements of the density of states m/κ = 0.5

  38. Conclusions • Electronic properties of graphene at half-filling can be studied using the Hybrid Monte-Carlo algorithm. • Sign problem is absent due to the symmetries of the model. • Signatures of insulator-semimetal phase transition for monolayer graphene. • Order parameter: • difference of particle numbers on two simple sublattices • Spontaneous breaking of sublattice symmetry is accompanied by a decrease of conductivity • Direct measurements of the density of states indicate increasing Fermi velocity • see ArXiv:1206.0619

  39. Outlook • Lattice simulations by independent groups: • Spontaneous symmetry breaking in graphene • at α ~ 1 (ε ~ 4 – SiO2) • [Drut, Lahde; Hands; Rebbi; ITEP Group; PB] • Experimentally: suspended graphene is conducting, no signature of a gap in the spectrum [Elias et al. 2011] • What are we missing? Mass? Finite volume? • Our strategy works not so well as for Lattice QCD • Another interesting case: double-layered graphene,

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