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SynapSense www.SynapSense.com. WSN Market Evolution. WSN 2 nd Generation The “Commercial” Era Customer Requirements: Hardware platform flexibility Accelerated application development time Enable broadly varying sensor networks
SynapSense www.SynapSense.com
WSN Market Evolution • WSN 2nd Generation • The “Commercial” Era • Customer Requirements: • Hardware platform flexibility • Accelerated application development time • Enable broadly varying sensor networks • Rapid adoption of continuously emerging technology improvements Result: Complete, commercial solutions WSN 1st Generation The “Research” Era Issues: Incomplete Solutions Subject to the Tech Treadmill Many non-standard platforms Difficult to build, deploy and manage Domain-specific languages Result: Few complete solutions, fragmented value-chain 2000 2007 2010
Applications System Software Stack 1 Alert System GUI 6 7 2 802.15.4 Network Stack Node Time Temp … 1 12:00 42 .. 2 12:30 42 .. .. … … … System Overview EAI Web Services, SNMP, BACnet ModBus ! 5 Data and Control Bus Gateway Storage 4 3 Data Integration Data Analysis Software Data Analysis XML, SCADA
WSN Infrastructure Chips Boards Kits Oki Tendril XBow Mango Augusta Arch Rock Atmel Integration Ember TI Airbee Dust Aginova WSN Solutions Siemens Emerson GE Sentilla Data Center Wired Solutions IBM Liebert Sitescan HP Dynamic Smart Cooling APC NetBotz The Ecosystem Challenge Sensors Visualization WSN Packages Database Installation Service & Support WSN boards Data Collection Business Intelligence Bag of Parts Very Difficult Expensive & Intrusive
Sensor Types Chilled Water BTU Branch Circuit Monitoring Power Metering Leak Detection Air Pressure Rack Thermals Room RH & Dew Point Door Status
SynapSense Solution Overview CRAH Supply & Return Air Temp Supply RH Chilled Water Supply & Return Temp Fan Power PDU Current, Voltage & Power Rack Temperature RH Current Power Sub-floor Pressure Differential Chilled Water Flow (Captured at CRAH)
LiveImaging™ SynapSoft™4.0 2D Pressure Map 2D Thermal Map 2D Humidity Map • Ground-breaking 2D maps use your real-time data center analytics to create a visual description of your environment. • Live Environmental Imaging™ is a special service for SynapSense customers.
Towards a Greener Data Center: Tools & Techniques UCCSC 2008, UC Santa BarbaraGregory BellActing Chief Technology Architect, IT DivisionLawrence Berkeley National LaboratoryJuly 21, 2008
Motivation • Energy efficiency = core DOE mission • several LBNL researchers study power consumption of IT equipment (data centers, servers, power supplies, cooling, UPS technology) • More pragmatically: data center resources are increasingly scarce! • power, space, cooling all in short supply • Why? Significant growth in cluster computing: • 40% of LBNL scientific teams need or use clusters • 70% interested in cycles on shared cluster 10
Motivation: scientific computing Demand for computing cycles is growing rapidly on many campuses, not just LBNL the direct expression of a broad scientific need IT’s primary data center runs out of capacity between 2010 and 2012 depending on cluster growth rate (7% - 20%) Strategically, we must maximize efficiency of current data center even as we locate new space 11
The story of a data center: 50B-1275 Several decades old ~5000 sq ft 18” raised floors ~.5MW total power consumption Combination of clusters and business systems clusters account for almost all new demand Unusual cooling system 7 down-shot CRACs for under-floor supply supplementary overhead supply (chiller coil + fans)
The story of a data center: 50B-1275 Starting summer of 2007, IT began a data center efficiency effort In collaboration with researchers in EETD, we perform a series of engineering studies documenting electrical, mechanical systems measuring loads & capacities; performing CFD calculating efficiency identifying opportunities for improvement deploying wireless sensor system (more later)
What we learned The data center was overcooled but this is the norm Abundant low-hanging fruit simultaneous humidification & dehumidification blanking panels missing excessive number of perforated floor tiles air-flow pathologies (mixing, short-circuiting) The data center was relatively efficient! none of the clusters backed by UPS
Taking steps to increase efficiency Improved airflow overhead plenum converted to hot-air return supplementary cooling directed under floor floor-tile tuning blanking panels, curtains, etc Virtualization Water cooling Wireless environmental monitoring system
Steps to increase efficiency Improved airflow overhead plenum converted to hot-air return supplementary cooling directed under floor floor-tile tuning blanking panels, curtains, etc Virtualization Water cooling Wireless environmental monitoring system focus of remainder of talk
The importance of visualization • systems & network administrators have tools for visualization • useful for debugging, benchmarking, capacity planning, forensics • data center managers have comparatively poor visualization tools 17
One form of visualization: CFD Images: ANCIS
Visualization and real-time monitoring We installed a wireless sensor net from SynapSense 200 monitoring points temperature, humidity, under-floor pressure, current For the first time, we have a detailed understanding of environmental conditions in the data center real-time and historical graphs underlying database SynapSense is a technology transfer success story from UC Davis CTO and co-founder is Raju Pandey, also Computer Science professor at UCD http://www.synapsense.com “You can’t control or manage what you don’t measure.”
SynapSense hardware wireless sensor network “self-organizing” nodes 802.15.4 (not 802.11) multi-hop routing non-invasive installation 2 internal & 6 external sensors per node we measure temp., humidity, pressure, current we could measure liquid flow, liquid presence, particle count Image: SynapSense
Learning from the sensors lesson #1: eat your spinach! effect of adding one 12” blanking panel to the middle of a rack conventional wisdom is correct: blanking panes are essential other data center clichés also borne out eliminate leaks in floor manage floor tile permeability Top of rack Middle of rack
Visualizing impact of site modifications Graphing impact of major maintenance (redirection of overhead cold air supply underfloor) on air pressure in some areas, under-floor pressure increased by almost 50% impact varies according to distance from new air supply
Visualizing impact of maintenance each CRAC turned off in turn, for service hot spots monitored during maintenance two-fold benefit real-time feedback enhanced knowledge of data center redundancy characteristics provisionally turn off one or more CRAC units? Under-Floor Pressure Rack-Top Temperatures
Feedback on floor-tile tuning in the course of one day 24 perforated floor tiles removed 6 floor tiles converted from high- to low-flow 4 floor tiles converted from low- to high-flow Before After
Feedback on floor-tile tuning with instrumentation, we can observe results in real time when airflow is restricted, under-floor pressure increases rack-top temperatures decrease without monitoring and visualization, this process is guesswork how many tiles to remove? Under-Floor Pressure Rack-Top Temperatures
Focus on a single sensor iterative process: too cold, too hot, just right monitor with laptop in data center for convenience
Control DC Automation Branch Circuit Monitoring Capacity Planning PUE / DCiE / RTI DC Health & Efficiency Metrics DC Optimizations Air Mixing Mitigation Monitoring 24x 7 Visibility /Alerts & Alarms / Analysis Data Center Value
SynapSense 3-Step Process to Adaptive Cooling Air Flow Management 2 Visibility Adaptive Cooling Control 1 3
Environmental Baseline & ResultsSynapSense Thermal LiveImaging™ Baseline C H H C No Containment High Degree of Air Mixing High Inlet Temperatures
Environmental Baseline & ResultsSynapSense Thermal LiveImaging™ After Containment C H H C Cold Aisles Contained No Change to CRAHs Overcooled
Environmental Baseline & ResultsSynapSense Thermal LiveImaging™ With Control C H H C Controlled CRAHs ASHRAE Inlet Temperatures Increased Return Temperatures
Environmental Baseline & ResultsSynapSense Thermal LiveImaging™ Baseline After Containment With Control C C C H H C H H H C H C
One Solution – Three Vectors Balance Cooling Capacity Optimize: Air Pressure & Flow CRAC/CRAH Utilization Cooling Optimization Improve Energy Management UPS Capacity Planning Energy Baseline Metrics – PUE / DCIE Power Balance Synergize IT & Facilities – One Dashboard Integrated Tool Suite Optimized Capacity Planning Balanced IT & Infrastructure Operations Efficiency
“PG&E encourages continuous monitoring by the customer, as changes are invariably made when racks are added or moved. The SynapSense Wireless Sensor Network is an excellent way for the customer to ensure that his/her airflow is maintained at optimal efficiency.” Francois Rongere, PG&E Qualified for Utility Rebates SMUD: will provide incentive $0.14/kWh saved not to exceed 30% of project cost or $50,000 PG&E: Once improvements made, customer receives incentive of $.08 per kWh saved, up to half cost of improvements SVP: will rebate $0.18/kWh saved up to 80% of the solution cost with proven savings