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QCTO Annual Report 2017/18: Strategic Outcomes and Performance Environment

Explore the strategic outcomes, quality assurance standards, industry impact, and the QCTO's performance environment as detailed in the 2017/18 annual report presented to the Portfolio Committee on Higher Education and Training.

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QCTO Annual Report 2017/18: Strategic Outcomes and Performance Environment

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  1. QCTO Annual Report Presentation (2017/18) Portfolio Committee on Higher Education and Training

  2. Senior Management Structure Prof : P. Lolwana Chairperson of Council Mr Vijayen Naidoo Chief Executive Officer Mr Thomas Lata Chief Director : Occupational Qualifications Vacant Chief Director : Quality Assurance Ms Ndivhudzannyi Madilonga-Khondowe Chief Director: Corporate Services and CFO

  3. Governance Internal Audit

  4. Vision, Mission and Values

  5. Strategic Plan STRATEGIC OUTCOMES 1. Competent people in priority trades and occupations • Contribute to the creation of a skilled and capable workforce in priority trades and occupations for employment opportunities that are available in the labour market. 2. Create a sustainable organisation • Management Systems developed, implemented and maintained by March 2020

  6. Quality Assurance Standards The QCTO’s key components for quality assurance are: • Effective management of processes, information, resources and systems • Development of Occupational and Part Qualifications • Valid accreditation (SDPs and ACs) and monitoring compliance • Use of effective internal verification systems • Effective quality assurance of the External Integrated Summative Assessment by the QCTO • Successful validation of QCTO qualifications

  7. What does this mean for industry? Employing learners that have passed the EISA have the following benefits: • They will be competent workers - Competencies have been displayed in the relevant work tasks in the EISA • Employers can be confident in their ready-for-work skills (no further training or mentoring required), as they have proven their competency to do the job in the EISA • Whether learners qualify for the EISA via the apprenticeship, learner ship or RPL route, they are all required to take the same standardised EISA – testimony to the credibility of the QCTO certificate • The calibre of those with a QCTO certificate can be trusted by employers as all learners have to meet the same set of standards nationally • Learners are able to apply their knowledge and skills

  8. 2017-18 Performance Environment Response to National Priorities • National Development Plan • Industrial Policy Action Plan • Ministerial Guidelines on the Implementation of the NQF • White Paper on Post School Education and Training • National Skills Development Strategy III

  9. Performance Environment Towards a National Quality Assurance System National Quality Assurance System for OQSF

  10. Performance Environment Simplification of the NQF • Review of the OQSF to give effect to national policy imperatives. • Development of prioritised qualifications and part qualifications • Reduce the number of historically registered qualifications • Deactivation of dormant unit standard based qualifications. • Replacement of unit standard based qualifications with Occupational Qualifications. • Realignment of Unit standard based qualification to Occupational Qualifications. • Realignment of Skills Development Programmes • All Skills Development Providers to be accredited by a single quality assurance body.

  11. Performance Environment Vision 2020 • Vision 2020 strategy approved by QCTO Council • Vision 2020 submitted to Minister HET • Progress reported to Council • QCTO required to report quarterly to DHET

  12. Performance Environment • The crux of the Vision is for the QCTO to perform ALL functions associated with qualifications management and quality assurance. • The ideal situation would be to achieve the above by 2020 • The process is a phased-in approach where the QCTO works in conjunction with the SETAs to enable the QCTO to assume the functions previously delegated to Development Quality Partners (DQPs) and Assessment Quality Partners (AQPs) • The close relationship would require SETAS to support the efforts with funding and/or provision of resources • The above would provide an enabling environment to SETAs to manage relinquishing their former ETQA functions and structures

  13. Organisational Environment Human Resources • Implementation of new organogram based on the cluster model. • Provides vehicle to build internal capacity by providing for appointment of subject matter specialists and functional experts (qualification developers, assessment specialists etc.) • Facilitate shift of Quality Assurance Functions from QAPs (SETAs and Professional Bodies) to QCTO • Reduce third party dependency. Management Information System • Development of MIS progressing well. Currently implementing Phase 1 (Core operations). • Phase 2 will include bringing the Support functions onto the MIS.

  14. Projects • DHET Center of Specialisation (CoS) Project • Project fully supported by QCTO • 13 new Trade Occupational Qualifications being to be offered across selected TVET Colleges. • QCTO to quality assure all aspects of implementation. • Dual System Pilot Project • Plumbing and Electrician Occupational Qualifications being offered as apprenticeship training (TVET College and Workplace) • Roll out of project subjected to full QCTO quality assurance processes. • Digitisation • Digitisation of historical learner records

  15. Highlights

  16. Achievements

  17. Indicators not Achieved

  18. Indicators not Achieved

  19. Strategy to overcome areas of under performance • The revoking of functions delegated to SETA’s will be prioritised by quality assuring the historically registered qualifications under the same quality assurance regime applied to occupational qualifications and part qualifications. • QCTO to accredit all SDP’s • PoE replaced by Summative Assessments quality assured by the QCTO. • QCTO manage the upload of learner achievements to the NLRD.

  20. Skills Programmes to be offered at CET Colleges • QCTO through the NQF Forum developed a document to advise the Minister (HET) on skills programmes that could be offered at CET Colleges. • CET expected to introduce new programmes for the different needs of learners • Minister urged that the suite of programmes must promote livelihood and employment. • Need to link skills development and training at CETCs with Skills training offered by SETAs ( for industry relevance and funding) • QCTO conducted an investigation into current Skills programmes being offered across CET Colleges and Skills Development Providers. • QCTO analysis revealed over 950 skill programmes accredited and non-accredited. • Key skills programmes have been identified and the QCTO is packaging these into credit bearing skills packages to promote livelihood, employability and career opportunities.

  21. 2017/2018 Annual Report FINANCIAL RESULTS Statement of Financial Performance

  22. 2017/2018 Annual Report FINANCIAL RESULTS Statement of Financial Position

  23. 2017/2018 Annual Report FINANCIAL RESULTS Reasons for under expenditure • QCTO Business case towards Vision 2020 was not approved by DHET which resulted in planned expenditure not being spent(e.g. Recruitment of staff, tools of trades, general expenses) • Some projects could not be completed during the year but were commissioned(purchase of pool vehicles, video conference facility)

  24. 2017/2018 Annual Report FINANCIAL RESULTS Projects being financed by surplus funds • Office remodelling to accommodate new employees-R 7.5million • Development of QCTO assessment database-R 8million • Development of assessment tools for registered qualifications-R 4million • Reserve fund towards purchase of own office premises- R3.4million

  25. AUDIT OUTCOMES • CLEAN Audit Outcome for 2017/18 • Annual Financial Statements - No Material Findings • Predetermined Objectives- No Material Findings • Compliance with Legislation - No Findings • Internal Controls - No significant deficiencies identified

  26. Thank you

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