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預官甄試輔導 英文科. Dr. Jia-Yeuan Lee 李家遠 老師. 九十三年大專程度義務役預備軍官預備士官考試試題範例介紹. 題型. 92 93 1. Vocabulary 2. Grammar 3. Reading. 答題訣竅. 單字從文章閱讀中來記憶 1100 Words you should know — Longman 504 Words 文法記住基本之架構 閱讀常問的問題, 不外乎
預官甄試輔導 英文科 Dr. Jia-Yeuan Lee 李家遠 老師
題型 • 92 93 • 1. Vocabulary • 2. Grammar • 3. Reading
答題訣竅 • 單字從文章閱讀中來記憶 • 1100 Words you should know—Longman • 504 Words • 文法記住基本之架構 • 閱讀常問的問題, 不外乎 • 1. It can be inferred from the passage that …
2. Which is NOT the feature mentioned by the author about the … • 3. Which of the following is NOT mentioned …? • 4. The main idea of this passage is ….
答題訣竅 • 1. 相信第一選擇 • 2. 選長的選項 • 3. 猜 C • 4. 先讀完再答, 或邊讀邊找 ,隨個人喜好
Five Basic Forms of Sentences: 1. S + V2. S + V + C3. S + V + O4. S + V + O + OC5. S + V + Oi + Od
Five Kinds of Sentences ( Classified by Use) 1. Declarative sentences2. Interrogative sentences3. Imperative sentences4. Exclamatory sentences5. Optative sentences
Four Kinds of Sentences (Classified by Structure) 1. Simple sentences2. Compound sentences3. Complex sentences4. Compound and Complex sentences.
The Elements of Sentences 1.Subject2.Predicate 3. Object4. Complement5. Modifier6. Connective7. Independent elements
Parts of Speech: Noun, Adjective, Adverb, Verb, Preposition, Conjunction, Interjection, Pronoun.
Phrases: 1. Noun Phrase: how to swim, to study a language, speaking slowly, 2. Pronoun Phrase: each other, one another 3. Verb Phrase: take place, look forward to… have been working
4. Adjective Phrase: A bird in the hand, The pen on the table…5. Adverbial Phrase: The meeting began at 5.6. Prepositional Phrase: ( Used as adjective or adverb)
1. 介系詞片語 The pen on the table is mine. I put the book on the table. • 2. 片語介系詞because of, owing to, due to, as for, in spite of, in front of, by means of, with a view to, for the purpose of…
7. Conjunction Phrase: as soon as, as well as, as if, He talks as if he knew the secret. 8. Interjection Phrase: By heaven! My God!
Clauses • 1.Noun clause: A. That + S +V B. Wh + S + V C. Whether, if +S+V • That he is a good man is a fact. • I am not what I was ten years ago. • I don’t know whether he will come or not. • Just because you know him does not mean you can abuse your power.
2. Adjective clause: Those who live in a glass house should not throw stones. Mr. Jones, whose father was a decent man, helped a lot of poor people. 3. Adverbial clause: You may go where you like. When I was ten, I knew how to cook.
Forms • 1.Noun: Noun, Noun phrase, Noun clause, Infinitive, Gerund, The + Adjective • 2.Adjective: Adjective, Adjective Phrase, Adjective Clause, Infinitive, Present Participle, Past Participle • 3.Adverb: Adverb, Adverb Phrase, Adverb Clause,
What can be used as S, O, C. • S: N, Pronoun, The adjective, To + V, Gerund (V+ing), N Phrase, N Clause O: N, Pronoun, The adjective, To + V, Gerund (V+ing), N Phrase, N Clause
C: (A) SC: N, Pronoun, Adjective, Adverb, To + V, Gerund (V+ing), Present Participle, Adjective phrase, N Phrase, N Clause (B) OC: N, Adjective, To + V, Present Participle, Past Participle ,Adj. phrase
S + V • Birds fly. • John usually sleeps only 5 hours a day. • It is raining heavily. Mary came in. • This machine does not work well. Birds fly in the sky. • You cannot just depend on other people.
S + V + C • You look beautiful. She feels good. (be, seem look, appear, feel, smell, taste, keep, remain, prove, become, get, grow, turn, come, go, fall, run) • He acted as the manager of the company. • This word functions as the subject.
S + V + O • Everybody loves me. • The car knocked the boy down. • (1) (to + V) attempt, begin, cease, decide, endeavor, expect, fear, forget, help, hope, intend, learn, like, love, mean, need, offer, plan, prefer, pretend, promise, propose, refuse, start, try, undertake, want, wish,
(2) be, seem, appear, prove, turn out, happen, chance, care, long, agree, hesitate, fail, come, go, run, stop, etc. • I don’t know where to go.
V+ing(Gerund) (1) admit, avoid, consider, enjoy, escape, excuse, finish, give up, cannot help, mind, miss, practice, regret, cannot stand, stop, suggest, etc. (2) (both gerund and infinitive) cannot bear, begin, endure, forget, hate, intend, like, love, mean, need, prefer, remember, start, try, want, etc. (3) V+ing (participle) come, remain, stand, etc. We stopped smoking. • They came running.
That clause: acknowledge, admit, believe, command, confess, declare, demand, demonstrate, deny, doubt, expect, explain, fear, feel, hear, hope, imagine, know, mean, notice, perceive, prefer, propose, report, request, say, see, show, suggest, suppose, think, understand, urge, wish, etc. • He suggested that we should leave right now. • We complained that the place was too noisy. • It seems that Jane is very smart.
Wh clause: ask, discover, discuss, doubt, find out, imagine, know, reveal, say, show, suggest, tell, understand, wonder, care, marvel, mind, etc. Do you know who he is? I wonder whether he will come or not.
prep + O (pron. or n): buy, cash, choose, cook, get, leave, make, order, play, reach, save, spare, etc. • I explained the problems to my boss. • The police accused him of theft. • Thank you for your kind letter. • She gave the book to that boy.
S + V + Oi + Od • A. O + O : accord, afford, allow, ask, bring, buy, cash, cause, choose, cook, deny, do, fetch, get, give, grant, hand, leave, lend, make, offer, order, owe, pass, pay, play, promise, reach, read, refuse, render, save, sell, send, show, sing, spare, teach, tell, wish, write, etc. • She gave them the drinks. • He offered me a ride. Will you do me a favor?
B. O + that clause: (1) tell, show, teach, promise (2) assure, convince, inform, persuade, remind, warn. • I told him that he was wrong. • She promised me that she would finish the project by 10. • They informed us that they would be late.
C. O + wh clause: ask, show, teach, tell, inform: I asked him when the tower had been destroyed. • Could you tell me how long you are going to stay? • D. O+ wh + to V: My father told me how to assemble the bike.
S + V + O + OC • A. O + C: keep, leave, find, make, render, elect, appoint, call, name, think, consider, believe, suppose, feel, know, judge, report, declare, paint, dye, boil, cut, push, throw, etc. • She keeps her house clean. Everybody considers him a good man. • He pushed the door open.
B. O+ as + C: accept, acknowledge, characterize, choose, describe, know, interpret, rank, recognize, regard, represent, take, treat, view, etc. • We regard him as the leader. She described her son as really clever.
C. O+ p.p. : feel, find, hear, make, see, want, wish, etc. She heard her name called. • O+ Ving: (1) see, hear, feel, find, behold, watch, observe, perceive, notice, catch, keep, leave, have, set, send. (2) understand, remember, recollect, imagine, fancy, hear of, like, hate, mind, object to, etc. • Someone saw the man running away. • I don’t like the boys playing about here. • I cannot understand my daughter saying so.
O+ to V: (1) advice, allow, ask, beg, cause, command, compel, encourage, entreat, expect, force, get, help, impel, implore, instruct, invite, lead, leave, like, mean, oblige, order, permit, persuade, promise, require, teach, tell, tempt, urge, want, wish, etc. (2) believe, consider, declare, feel, find, guess, judge, know, prove, report, see, suppose, think. • We cannot allow the man to drink wine here. • He declared himself to be a Republican.
O+ V root: (1) make, let, bid, have, help (2) see, hear, feel, find, know, behold, watch, observe, perceive, notice, etc. • Let me come in. • I saw the boy steal the box.
The Expansion of a Sentence • A poor girl was crying. • A poor girl was crying because she had nothing to eat for three days. • A poor girl who was in tatters was crying because she had nothing to eat for three days.
參考書目 • 1100 Words you should know—Longman • 504 Words • TOEFL Structure and Reading
(B) 17. European settlers wasted no time in • (A) • importing many of their technology to North America and • (B) • applying it to the forests around them. • (C) (D)
(C) 18. In seventeenth century Amsterdam, • the house facades were not only harmonious • (A) • but also distinct, unlikely the uniformity of Parisian • (B) (C) (D) • and English squares.
(D) 19.When volcanoes are born in the • sea, the eruptions may be more violent than • (A) • those on land because the contact between • (B) (C) • molten rock and seawater produce steam. • (D)
(D) 20.Because carbon monoxide has • (A) • no odor or color, people breathing it usually • (B) • fall asleep without realizing they are be • (C) • poisoned. • (D)
(C) 21. The training manager must estimate • (A) • the expense for the program, including costs for his • (B) (C) • development, delivery, and evaluation. • (D)
(B) 22. Evaporation is the process (A) that a liquid turns into a vapor at a (B) (C) temperature below its boiling point. (D)
(C) 23. In paintings of cut flowers, (A) the artist has in most cases devoted (B) just as much care to the vase than (C) to the blooms, and sometimes the vase is the most effective part of (D) the picture.
(B) 24.Many machines use the inertia • (A) • force generating by a sudden • (B) • movementto activate catches and • (C) (D) • ratchets.
(A) 25. Despite the bear's vision is poor, its • (A) (B) • sense of smell is keen, enabling the • (C) • remarkable bruin to smell food as • (D) • far away as a mile.
(B) 26. If a stone thrown into a pond, • (A) (B) • the ripples will spread out from the • (C) • point where the stone hits the water. • (D)
27, When taking in small • (A) • amounts, caffeine increases the • circulation and is considered • (B) • harmless for most people. • (C) (D)