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AutomaticDefibrillator/ Weight2kg

Our state-of-the-art Automatic External Defibrillator is specifically designed to deliver swift and effective response in critical situations, ensuring life-saving defibrillation therapy is administered promptly and efficiently when every second counts. Incorporating advanced technology and intuitive features, our device is user-friendly and provides clear guidance for both trained responders and those with minimal experience, making it an essential tool for any setting where potential cardiac emergencies may occur.

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AutomaticDefibrillator/ Weight2kg

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  1. AUTO MATIC EXTERNAL DEFIBRILLATO R AM-AD31 www.abimed.com | info@abimed.com

  2. Automatic External Defibrillator AM-AD31 Automa�c External Defibrillator AM-AD31 combined with advanced ECG analy�cal technique. Low requirement for the operator to use the device, defibrillator will guide the operator to carry out defibrilla�on treatment through voice prompt. Lock out protec�on to reduce inadvertent defibrilla�on. It features three step defibrilla�on process with simple two bu�on opera�on. Con�nuous event recording for repor�ng each use to a printer or computer through SD Data-card. Features  Extensive voice and visual prompts for the operator  Biphasic energy output  Mul�lingual selec�ons are used as op�onal  It is portable, safe and easy to use  It can not only improve the success rate and also reduce the hurt to heart to lowest degree  Extensive voice and visual prompts for the operator Technical Parameter Model AM-AD31 Dimensions 303×216×89 nm Weight 2.0 Kg Opera�ng Temperature 0°C to 40°C Opera�ng Humidity Rela�ve humidity between 30% and 95% Storage Temperature with-out ba�ery -20°C to 55°C Storage Humidity with-out ba�ery Up-to 93%(non-condensing) Power Unit operates on internal ba�ery only External Electrical Connec�ons No Applica�ons  Used in family or in public place to provide first aid for sudden death symptom  It is portable medical device that can diagnose specific arrhythmias and give electric that can be used by non-professions to rescue pa�ents with cardiac arrest

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