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Vocational Education and Training in India. MIT India Reading Group, 20 Feb 2010 Anna Agarwal annaag@mit.edu. NEED. Low education levels in existing work force 67% of the existing work force is either illiterate or literate up to primary level of education High School Drop out Rate
Vocational Education and Training in India MIT India Reading Group, 20 Feb 2010 Anna Agarwal annaag@mit.edu
NEED • Low education levels in existing work force 67% of the existing work force is either illiterate or literate up to primary level of education • High School Drop out Rate Over 200 million students enroll in Class I each year, but only 20 million of these are able to finish Class XII • 90% of the students drop out at different stages before Class XII • 63% of the students drop out before reaching Class X They do not have necessary education and skills to be employed in the industry.
Comparing education levels of India’s adult population to other countries Comparing India to countries with similar income levels – India does not underperform in primary education but has a comparative deficit in secondary education. *These figures are from different years between 1998 and 2003 for the different countries
NEED • Unemployability of the “Educated” • The educated without professional skills constitute 69% of the total unemployed • NASSCOM — the Indian IT industry's trade association — reported that 75% of the fresh engineering grads recruited by domestic IT providers are unemployable. • Of roughly 509 million workers currently employed in India, only 12% are skilled. • Need to focus on the skills for the informal sector • The largest share of new jobs in India is supposed to come from the unorganized sector that employs up to 93% of the national workforce and produces 60% of GDP. • Informal sector has very low levels of productivity (incomes). • As per NSSO survey, large number of workers (around 30%) are living below the poverty line. • Provision of appropriate skills is important to increase the employment prospects and productivity of this workforce.
Skill Development in India Two Main Forms • Vocation Education • part of formal education system • vocational courses offered in school Grades 11 and 12 under a centrally sponsored scheme termed ‘Vocationalization of Secondary Education’. (in most states vocational and general courses are offered by the same institution). • Vocational Training • Outside formal education system • It is open to students who leave school anywhere from Grade 8-12.
Skill Development in India • Vocational Education • Vocational Training
Vocational Education (Grade 11, 12)Some History and Current Framework • The Vocational Education Program (VEP) was started in 1976-77 under the program of Vocationalisation of Higher Secondary Education in general education institutions. • The National Working Group on Vocationalisation of Education (Kulandaiswamy Committee, 1985 ) reviewed VEP and its recommendations led to the development of the Centrally Sponsored Scheme (CSS) on Vocationalisation of Secondary Education, which started being implemented from 1988. Its purpose is to • enhance individual employability, • reduce the mismatch between demand and supply of skilled manpower and • provide an alternative for those pursuing higher education without particular interest or purpose. • Vocational education falls under the purview of the Ministry of Human Resources Development (MHRD). The All-India Council for Vocational Education (AICVE), under MHRD, is responsible for planning, guiding and coordinating the program at the national level. State Councils for Vocational Education (SCVE) perform similar functions at the state level.
Vocational Education (Grade 11, 12)Selection Criteria • Students are selected into the vocational stream on the basis of performance in Grade 10 examinations. (belief is that students joining the vocational system are those who perform poorly in the Grade 10 examination) • Qualifications of Teachers • Similar to those of general secondary school teachers. • Full-time teachers need to have a masters degree, and are often the same as teachers who teach general subjects. • In addition, part-time teachers are also hired by institutions to teach specific courses – hired on the basis of their professional expertise in a particular field.
Vocational Education (Grade 11, 12)Courses Offered • Pandit Sunderlal Sharma Central Institute for Vocational Education (PSSCIVE) is responsible for developing the courses. • Courses are offered in six disciplines. • Agriculture (for example: veterinary pharmacist/technician; watershed management) • Business and commerce (for example: taxation practices; stenography) • Humanities (for example: classical dance; entrepreneurship) • Engineering and technology (for example: lineman; cost effective building technology) • Home science (for example: textile design; gerentology) • Health and para-medical skills (for example: x-ray technician; health/sanitary inspector)
Vocational Education (Grade 11, 12)Outcomes • Enrollment Figures • The Kothari Commission (1964-66) recommended that 50% of the students going to higher secondary education should be diverted to the vocational stream. The National Education Policy (1986-92) re-set the target at 25%, to be attained by 2000. • Only 6800 schools (almost all in public sector) received grants • Current Enrollment figures – Less than 3%! 14 million students or more in Grades 11 and 12, out of those 350,000 to 400,000 students are enrolled in vocational education • Average capacity utilization of the schools is about 40%. • Vocational students appear intent on entering higher education rather than entering the labor market.
Skill Development in India • Vocational Education • Vocational Training
Vocational Training (outside formal schooling)Current Framework • It is open to students who leave school after completing anywhere from Grade 8-12. • Programs administered under the Craftsmen Training Scheme (CTS) are operated by two main types of institutions • Industrial Training Institutes (ITIs) - financed and managed by state labor ministries and providing places for about 400,000 students in 3,358 institutes. • Industrial Training Centers (ITCs) - owned, financed and managed by private organizations or NGOs and providing places for about 340,000 students in 1,895 centers. While the state governments have no direct control over the functioning of these institutions, they are accredited to either the NCVT or an SCVT. • Students who eventually complete crafts courses sit for an All India Trades Test, conducted under the aegis of the National Council for Vocational Training (NCVT) but administered by the States. • Successful students receive a National Trade Certificate (NTC). • Wikipedia mentioned that after completion of ITI course a person has to undergo practical training in his trade in an industry for a year or two (necessary for certificate)
Vocational Training (outside formal schooling)Selection Criteria • Students are admitted to ITIs/ITCs purely on the basis of marks secured by the candidate in the public examination prescribed for the individual trade. Where ever there is no public examination, written examinations are conducted by the State Directorate of Training for the purpose of admission to the particular trade. As is the case with vocational education, the students who perform relatively poorly in the general education stream end up joining vocational training. • Teachers are directly recruited through a selection process involving written examinations and interviews. The qualifications for the posts are: • Principal/Vice Principal: Degree in Engineering with 5 years experience or a Diploma in Engineering with 8 years experience in industry; • Superintendent/ Group Instructor: Diploma with 5 years experience in industry; and • Instructors: National Trade Certificate/National Apprentice Certificate/Diploma. • DGET operates seven Central Training Institutes (CTIs) to upgrade skills of instructors.
Vocational Training (outside formal schooling)Courses Offered • Most CTS students are in 2-year training courses Although courses vary from 6 months to 3 years in duration, 43 of the 49 engineering trades are of either 1 or (mostly) 2 years duration. • About 80% students take admission in engineering courses, and the remaining in the non-engineering trades. Most of the non-engineering trades are 1 year long, and enroll fewer than 20% of students.
Vocational Training (outside formal schooling)Outcomes- Karnataka 1998-2001 Study • Activities of 209 ITI graduates from 1998 were traced from 1998 to 2001. • The study also made a comparison with students who had appeared in the Grade 10 exams (SSLC) and Grade 12 exam (PUC) in 1998. • Table shows the status of these graduates in 2001 (source: WB, 2002) • Students in 10th or 12th Grade are significantly more likely to go on to further education than ITI graduates – not surprising, as few avenues for further education are open to ITI graduates. • ITI graduates may do relatively better in the labor market than Grade 10 and Grade 12 completers, BUT their labor market outcomes are still poor.
Vocational Training (outside formal schooling)Outcomes – ILO 2003 Study • Evaluated employment in organized sector in 3 states – Orrisa, AP, Maharashtra • Labor market success rates of ITI graduates are somewhat better than those for ITC graduate ITI may be more stringent in terms of grading students in their intermediate examinations so that the poorly performing ones drop out early. It is also possible that the trades they offer may be more in demand in the labor market than the trades offered by ITCs.
Vocational Training (outside formal schooling)Employers Perspective – ILO 2003 Study Despite the relatively large number of ITI/ITC graduates, employers in the three States still experienced problems finding employees with the right skills. Employers felt that ITI graduates did not perform well enough in the use of computers, practical use of machines, communications and team work practices
Vocational Training (outside formal schooling)Employers Perspective • A survey by the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI) shows similar results. Courses are poor quality/obsolete!
Vocational Training (outside formal schooling) What about the informal sector! • The largest share of new jobs in India is supposed to come from the unorganized sector that employs up to 93%of the national workforce and produces 60% of GDP. • Public training institutions play a limited role in producing skills for the informal sector. While one of the mandates of ITIs is to train workers for the informal sector, evidence shows this is rarely the case. • Because of their educational entry requirements and long duration of courses, they are not designed to offer skills to the low-educated people.
Skill Development in India • Vocational Education • Vocational Training • For organized sector (ITIs and ITCs mainly address this) • For unorganized or informal sector (very important)
Vocational Training (outside formal schooling)Informal Sector – Different Programs • While there are no formal training programs for the informal sector, a number of institutions are involved in providing training in the informal sector. • Community Polytechnics (to some extent part of formal sector) There are now 675 CPs, training about 450,000 people a year • Jan Shikshan Sansthan offers 255 types of vocational courses to almost 1.5 million people (mostly women) • National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) offering 85 courses through over 700 providers recognized by the NIOS • Other Trainings for the Informal Sector • None of these programs has been evaluated rigorously.
Vocational Training (outside formal schooling)Informal Sector – Framework in contrast to ITIs • Unlike in ITIs/ITCs, a majority of students enroll in non-engineering and IT-related trades. Only about 15% enrolled in engineering-related trades, compared to over 80% in ITIs and ITCs. • The average duration of courses is shorter than in ITIs While the average duration of courses in ITIs is about 2 years, close to 90% of students in private or NGO institutions are in courses shorter than 1 year– with about 40% enrolled in courses shorter than three months. Furthermore, about 45% of students are enrolled inpart-time courses.
Vocational Training (outside formal schooling)Informal Sector - Community Polytechnics • There are now 675 CPs, training about 450,000 people a year within the communities. • Courses are of 3 - 9 months duration and there are no entry pre-requisites. • 1 month duration courses Glass painting; screen printing; purse making; carving, soft toys making. • 3 month duration courses Mobile and telephone repair; helper for hospital and nursing homes; electric motor winding. • 6 month duration courses Office management; electrician; plumbing; 2-3 wheeler mechanic; dressmaking, designing, embroidery and fabric painting; fashion designing.
Vocational Training (outside formal schooling)Informal Sector - Jan Shikshan Sansthan • JSS was launched as an adult education program aimed at improving the vocational skills and quality of life of workers and their family members. • JSS is financed by the Adult Education Directorate within MHRD. All the JSSs are managed by non-government organisations (NGOs) under Boards of Management that include a GoI representative. They must be registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860, incorporating a Memorandum of Association, Rules and Regulations. • The program initially focused on adults and young people living in urban and industrial areas and on people who had migrated from rural areas. • The target group has since shifted to newly literate workers and to unskilled and unemployed youth in both rural and urban areas. • Courses range from candle and agarbatti making, sewing and embroidery to computer courses. • By the end of 2002 there were 122 JSSs offering 255 types of vocational courses. • In 2001-02, almost 1.5 million people received vocational training or participated in other JSS activities. • Just over 60 percent of participants were women.
Vocational Training (outside formal schooling)Informal Sector - National Institute of Open Schooling • NIOS provides “opportunities to those who would have otherwise missed out.” • NIOS offers Open Basic Education (OBE) programs designed to bring students to Grade 3, Grade 5 or Grade 8 level. • Courses may be taken in combination with academic subjects at secondary and senior secondary levels. • Of the 85 course offered, only 12 are open to students who have less than Grade 8 completion; 54 courses (64%) require at least Grade 10 completion. • NIOS has accredited 731 training providers to deliver a vocational education programs. These include government financed institutions such as JSS, non-government providers.
Vocational Training (outside formal schooling)Informal Sector – Others Training Schemes • Training of Rural Youth for Self-employment (TRYSEM) • Established in 1979, • Aim to develop technical and entrepreneurial skills among rural youth (aged from 18 to 35) from families below the poverty line to enable them to take up income-generating activities. • Training is based on the needs of the area • Training is provided at ITIs, community polytechnics, extension training centres, Krishi Vigyan Kendras, khadi and village industry boards, state institutes of rural development and institutions run by voluntary agencies. • Trainees receive a stipend during their training which is normally for six months. • Entrepreneurship Development Centers/Institutes provide training in different fields based on the resource endowment of the area • There are many more, but no evaluation of their impact.
The Future50:50 joint venture of UK-based Pearson with Delhi-based Educomp Solutions to target vocational learning • Pearson (U.K.-based publisher of textbooks, Penguin books and the Financial Times newspaper) will pay $17.5 million for a 50% stake in the vocational training business of Delhi-based Educomp Solutions Ltd. (India's largest publicly listed education company; operates 26 vocational training centers across the country.) • Initiative is called IndiaCan Mission is to • provide 500,000 persons ‘ready to deploy’ to the industry annually by 2012 • be the top Vocational and Skill Development Company in India and • create and deploy globally transportable skills sets. Source: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB124581982533345915.html
The FutureEfforts by Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) • CII launched the Skills Development Initiative in 2004 The objective is to provide the socially and economically vulnerable population a chance to be part of the mainstream economy. To make the people employable for employment/self employment in India or abroad.
The FutureNGOs and Private Sector Entrepreneurs • NGO from Madurai have started Sadhana Samudaya Kalloori (SSK) in Madurai. Here the 10 and 12 pass students from economically backward families can go through courses that can later fetch them jobs in their own villages or they can set up a small scale industry by themselves. • Vocational Academy India Private Ltd. aims to establish learning centers in every district Head Quarters across the country over the next 5 years. These centers will offer courses that create employability or give career enhancement for the rural and semi - urban youth. * I got information on the NGOs and Private Enterprises mentioned in the “Future” section of this presentation from Google. These are just a subset of larger number of other organizations in India. (I am not involved or support any of these )
References (not appropriately referenced in the slides!) • World Bank Report, “Skill Development in India: The Vocational Education and Training System”, 2006 • Report of the Working Group on Skill Development and Training set up for preparation of XI plan, Government of India, Planning Commission, New Delhi, 2006 • http://online.wsj.com/article/SB124581982533345915.html