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Questions & Answers. Eran Perlstein, Customer Support Director. Q&A – Scanner Behavior. Q: Distance measurements are correct but volume is not what it should be A: Check that that the Full and Empty calibration levels configured in the scanner are the same as configured in the customer’s PLC
Questions & Answers Eran Perlstein, Customer Support Director
Q&A – Scanner Behavior Q: Distance measurements are correct but volume is not what it should be A: Check that that the Full and Empty calibration levels configured in the scanner are the same as configured in the customer’s PLC Check that silo dimensions are correct APM Annual International Partners Conference
Q&A – Scanner Behavior (2) Q: The displayed distance is incorrect For example, scanner is showing distance of 3m when manual dipping measured is 7m A: • Check in the vessel that there is no obstacle or internal structure that might cause a false echo • Analyze the grades, and see if there is an echo at distance of 3m • (Note that the grades show the R distance to the material or structure) • If there is an echo at 3m, map it manually with false echo mapping • If there is no echo at 3m, increase the rates (in this case emptying rate) or reset the 3DLevelScanner and see if measurements change APM Annual International Partners Conference
Q&A – Scanner Behavior (3) Q: There is a difference between displayed distance measurement and hand measurements A: Verify distance measurements to material from several positions in the silo’s top Verify measurements are on the same level of the scanner topmost position Measurements should be between the minimum and maximum measured values displayed in the Manager Solid materials have no flat surface and it could be that the level on one side is higher than on the other side See how big is the difference, in manual dipping there can always be differences simply because of the hand holding the measuring device Measurement should start from the scanner’s flange APM Annual International Partners Conference
Q&A – Scanner Behavior (4) Q: Measurements are correct but Mass calculation is incorrect A: Check Density value Due to material compaction, it is possible that on different material level there will be mass differences, a Linearization table should be inserted manually APM Annual International Partners Conference
Q&A – Scanner Behavior (5) Q: Instabilities in measurement when there is no activity A: Check the level of instability. If volume is changing up to 3%, this is within the accuracy range declared by APM If the measurement changes are higher than 3% analyze grades and see if there is an echo at the upper part of the silo (and map it out with false echoes) Reduce filling\emptying rates Open log file and check the behavior history of the material Analyze SNR, Distance and Volume APM Annual International Partners Conference
Q&A – Scanner Behavior (6) Q: Scanner is generating 5mA at the output, but the PLC is receiving a different value A: Run current simulation test Generate output current of 4,10,15,20 mA Measure the output with ammeter and on the PLC If the current at the PLC is different than the simulated current, the customer needs to check the wiring and connections and to see that the PLC is configured properly APM Annual International Partners Conference
Q&A – Scanner Behavior (7) Q: Grades energy levels are very low A: Verify that the material density is above the minimal recommended value In many cases, where the SNR shows high levels and the Grades are low, it can be indication that the horns are blocked with material and need to be cleaned APM Annual International Partners Conference
Q&A – Scanner Behavior (8) Q: Volume is increasing rapidly to 100% when filling process has just started A: Analyze the grades and check for strong echo generated from the filling stream close to the scanner A combination of high rates and very low SNR can cause a rapid increase of the volume after filling has stopped APM Annual International Partners Conference
Q&A – Scanner Behavior (9) Q: Scanner is showing Volume reading which is less than 100% but output current is 20mA A: Check that the cable from the transducer’s case is connected properly to the scanner’s head and that there are no loose wires If the scanner firmware was upgraded, it must be reset to factory defaults and reconfigured manually APM Annual International Partners Conference
Q&A – Scanner Behavior (10) Q: What data is processed in the scanners and what is processed within the application software? A: The 3DLevelScanner processes all data inside its processor The 3DLevelManager only displays the data received from the scanner and with MV scanners it also converts it into a 3D image APM Annual International Partners Conference
Q&A – Scanner Behavior (11) Q: What obstructions within silo/tank are acceptable? A: When internal structure inside the silo obstructs the scanner’s transmission it might reflect a false echo It is recommended to install the scanner below any obstruction in the silo using the neck extension or the Head-Body separation In general a flat surface will reflect better than other shapes, if the internal structure is round and not bigger then 2.5cm (1”) it might not have much influence APM Annual International Partners Conference
Q&A – Scanner Behavior (12) Q: M & MV Differences – Processing of echo returns – Will MV scanner process echo returns of product build-up on side walls and M scanner not? A: Both M and MV models function the same way, the only difference is with the activation of the 3D image Trained personnel can use the image and measurements from the scanner to understand if the readings are from a material build-up APM Annual International Partners Conference
Q&A – Scanner Behavior (13) Q: Non standard silo structures A: The 3DLevelScanner supports several silo types and structures When dealing with non standard constructions, it is recommended to consult with APM A suggested solution for a non standard bottom shape (such as pant legs – two bottom cones) can be to put the empty calibration above the cones Another solution is by using a linearization table to use the level measurements for Mass calculations APM Annual International Partners Conference
Q&A – Scanner Behavior (14) Q: Grades Analysis A: The grades analysis is carried out to understand the returned echoes inside the vessel X axis represents the distance to the echo Y axis represents a combination of calculated parameters, summed into a Grade number The grades values are determined per analysis and are different based on the silo dimensions and material Grades should be viewed separately from other analyses In each analysis the grades are in ratio between echoes APM Annual International Partners Conference
Q&A – Scanner Behavior (15) Q: Outdoors functionality A: When mounting the scanner above stock piles or open bins it is important to take into consideration the wind factor and mounting construction (movements) Maximal wind speed that will not influence the scanner’s measurements is 30 km/h or 8.33 m/s (18.65 miles per hour) APM Annual International Partners Conference
Q&A – Scanner Behavior (16) Q: What is the Maximal pressure inside the silo and near the 3DLevelScanner? A: • The 3DLevelScanner can stand up to a maximal pressure of up to 3 bar APM Annual International Partners Conference
Q&A – Scanner Behavior (17) Q: Model Upgrade A: It is possible to upgrade scanners from Model S to M or MV, and from Model M to MV It is not possible to upgrade a scanner to MVL unit APM Annual International Partners Conference
Q&A – Scanner Behavior (18) Q: Maintenance A: The 3DLevelScanner requires less maintenance than other products in the market Some materials require more frequent maintenance than others, such as sugar, calcium carbonate, citric acid Material build-up affects the scanner behavior and can in most cases be verified by high SNR and low grades (in compare to old grades) The internal part of the horns can be cleaned by using a dry cloth or a brush and not with other devices that might damage the membrane APM Annual International Partners Conference
Q&A – Scanner Behavior (19) Q: Behavior during filling A: The 3DLevelScanner should be installed in a location where the filling stream and/or noise will not interfere with the measurements In case the Scanner “sees” the filling stream – has a strong echo from the material stream, or the noise levels are very high, it might influence the reading, in such cases consider relocating the scanner It is recommended to further analyze the echoes using Grades analysis APM Annual International Partners Conference
Q&A – 3DLevelManager (2) Q: Customer is complaining about a wrong image A: Confirm that the device position is correct and that it is facing the center of the vessel Confirm the vessel’s dimensions Verify that filling and emptying points are set correctly In advanced configuration, uncheck extrapolation Check steepest material slope APM Annual International Partners Conference
Q&A – 3DLevelManager (3) Q: Why After disconnection is there still “traffic load”? A: • Traffic indication is only a matter of display, once the scanner is disconnected, the traffic stops APM Annual International Partners Conference
Q&A – 3DLevelManager (4) Q: When I am disconnecting the scanner from the Manager, will the LinkPro be disconnected immediately? (no GSM traffic) A: • When closing the Manager or pressing Disconnect, the communication stops immediately, the 3DLinkPro is waiting for a timeout until it closes its connection APM Annual International Partners Conference
Q&A – 3DLevelManager (5) Q: Comparing the max/min/average in the Visual Mapping and in the 3DLevel Manager are not identical A: Visual mapping takes longer to update. It can very well happen that you will see different numbers between Manager display and 3D image display. On average it might take up to 2 minutes for the figures in the image and the manager to be the same APM Annual International Partners Conference
Q&A – 3DVision Q: How does the 3DVision Server-Client SW work? A: 3DVision Server is a management process connected to all vessels in various methods – RS-485, TCP/IP, HART 3DVision Server addresses each vessel and each scanner separately and collects all data, including measurements, 3D images, communication information and more 3DVision Client is a GUI (Graphic User Interface) running on any computer in the Local Area Network (LAN) 3DVision Client is connected to a 3DVision Server to present the required info 3DVision Client is updated with new measurements based on the connection to the Server, the number of vessels and the computes’ characteristics APM Annual International Partners Conference
Q&A – 3DVision (2) Q: What is the difference between 3DVision and 3DMultiVision? A: • The 3DVision is limited to a single Site managing a single Vessel with number of scanners inside the vessel – Multi Scanner System - MVL APM Annual International Partners Conference