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Dark-to-Luminous Properties of Early-Type Galaxies

This study explores how planetary nebulae (PNe) serve as mass tracers in early-type galaxies, evaluating dark-to-luminous mass distribution trends and predicting radial mass-to-light ratios in the LCDM framework. Collaboration with researchers from Kapteyn Institute, ESO, INAF-OAT, University of Nottingham, and others provided insights into gravitational dynamics and baryonic physics, shedding light on galaxy formation and mass evolution. Through observations and simulations, the study aims to confirm LCDM predictions and understand the dichotomy in dark matter and luminous properties of galaxies. Predicted trends, gradients, and efficiency factors are analyzed to unravel the complexities of galaxy mass composition and dynamics. The implications of varying baryon cooling efficiencies and formation models are discussed, with a focus on PN kinematics as a key observational tool for future investigations.

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Dark-to-Luminous Properties of Early-Type Galaxies

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  1. PNe as mass tracers Dark-to-luminous properties of early-type galaxies Nicola R. Napolitano Kapteyn Institute Groningen (NL) ESO workshop: PNe beyond the Milky Way. Garching 19-21 May 2004

  2. PNe as mass tracers Dark-to-luminous properties of early-type galaxies Collaborators N. Douglas Kapteyn Institute PN.S Consortium K. Kuijken Un. Leiden M. Arnaboldi INAF-OAT M. Capaccioli INAF-OAC A. Romanowsky Un. Nottingham M. Merrifield Un. Nottingham H. Merrett Un. Nottingham K. Freeman Mt. Stromlo O. Gerhard Un. Basel ESO workshop: PNe beyond the Milky Way. Garching 19-21 May 2004

  3. Observed trends of the M/L in early type galaxies PNe kinematics Inner stellar kinematics (long-slit spectroscopy)

  4. When we measure =M/L ratios in galaxies we basicly deal with dark-to-luminous mass distribution At every radius, R, (in B band for example): assuming a radially constant stellar mass-to-light radius,* (from stellar population synthesis models) dark-to-luminous mass fraction In presence of a significant(?) dark halo, this quantity must grow with the distance from the center: OK! HOW MUCH in order to be consistent with LCDM(=NFW+cvir)? Can we predict the radial run of the M/L in galaxies?

  5. Predicted M/Ls in LCDM framework Stellar syntesis mod NFW 97 MDM=MDM(Mvir, cvir) Hernquist (1990) Mlum=Mlum(Ml,tot,,Re) Bullock et al. (2001) Shen et al. (2003) MDM=MDM(Mvir) Mlum=Mlum(Ml,tot) Formation efficiency Baryon fraction (CMB) Bennett et al. 2003

  6. Predicted M/Ls in LCDM framework esf=0.1 (Padmanabhan et al. 04) esf=0.2 (Fukugita et al. 98) esf=0.6 (Guzik&Seljak 02 Marinoni&Hudson 02) Ml,tot = 1.1x1011Msol M/Ls increase more quickly for decreasing efficiencies and ...

  7. Predicted M/Ls in LCDM framework MASS Ml,tot = 1.1x1011Msol

  8. Predicted M/Ls in LCDM framework MASS Ml,tot = 1.4x1011Msol

  9. Predicted M/Ls in LCDM framework Ml,tot = 5x1011Msol MASS …and M/Ls increase more quickly for increasing masses Are these trends observed in early-type galaxies?

  10. Predicted M/Ls in LCDM framework Ml,tot = 5x1011Msol NGC 1399 MASS M/L gradients

  11. Predicted M/Ls in LCDM framework esf=0.1 esf esf=0.2 M/L gradients esf=0.6 Log Ml,tot

  12. Predicted M/Ls in LCDM framework Gerhard et al. 01 Magorrian&Ballantyne01 esf=0.1 Spread distribution esf=0.2 Plateau esf=0.6 Log Ml,tot

  13. Predicted M/Ls in LCDM framework esf=0.1 esf=0.2 esf=0.6 Log Ml,tot

  14. Napolitano et al. 2002 Equilibrium? Log Ml,tot

  15. Baryon physics in galaxy luminous regions not accounted in simulation [adiabatic collapse (de Jong et al. 2003, Dutton et al. 2003)?]; hydrodynamical simulations (Meza et al. 2003, Wright et al. 2004) found DM not to be dominant up to 5Re in low-luminosity compact galaxies Halo stripping? Inconsistent with esf < 0.6 at 95% s.l. Low concentrations c=5±2 Log Ml,tot

  16. Conclusions We have a “toy-model” to make predictions of the M/L trend in the LCDM framework, to be compared with future PNe observations AND other dynamical tracers (GCs, Xrays, lensing). Thanks to the PN.S statistical samples of PN radial velocities are reaching the precision which will allow to discriminate the efficiency of the baryon cooling in galaxies. We have shown on a sample of 21 galaxies that the M/L gradients by PN and stellar kinematics are generally in agreement with the LCDM expectations with some “critical points”: a) nearly L* galaxies are in conflict with “reasonable” formation efficiency unless we do not assume low-concentration halos (at odd with collisionless LCDM simulations, but qualitatively expected in adiabatic collapse picture); b) low-luminosity/gradients galaxies are tendentially more consistent with very high formation efficiency (esf0.6) while high-luminosity/gradients galaxies are spread on all the range of allowed efficiencies (esf=0.1-0.6). The turn-off point is around Ml,tot =1.2x1011 Msun, i.e. around L* luminosities (MB ~ -20.2). More (accurate) M/L estimates are needed in order to confirm these results….

  17. FUTURE... …The PN Spectrograph

  18. Predicted M/Ls in LCDM framework Precisions of 20% at 5-6 Re in order to discriminate models Such a precisions are expected to be reached with the PN.S Ml,tot = 1.4x1011Msol

  19. Dichotomy of ETs in DM properties as well as in luminous properties? Turn-off point MB ~ -20.5 L* galaxies Such a dichotomy is observed in X-ray properties (Pellegrini 1999) faint bright power-law core boxy disky

  20. Predicted M/Ls in LCDM framework MASS Ml,tot = 1.1x1011Msol NGC 3379

  21. Predicted M/Ls in LCDM framework MASS Ml,tot = 1.4x1011Msol NGC 5128

  22. Predicted M/Ls in LCDM framework Ml,tot = 5x1011Msol NGC 1399 MASS …and M/Ls increase more quickly for increasing masses Are these trends observed in early-type galaxies?

  23. Predicted M/Ls in LCDM framework esf=0.1 Spread distribution esf=0.2 Plateau esf=0.6 Log Ml,tot

  24. Observed trends of the M/L in early type galaxies M/L “gradients” for systems with PNe kinematics gradients

  25. Observed trends of the M/L in early type galaxies M/L “gradients” from PNe kinematics+ systems with extended long-slit spectroscopy (out to 2 Re) gradients

  26. PNe have been extensively used in the recent past to constrain the mass distribution in early-type galaxies up to unprecedented distances from the galaxy center Early works were based on poor statistical sample (the reliability of which has been discussed in Napolitano et al. 2001) year GALAXY n.PNe Rout/Re M/L M/L* 1986 M32 15 6 6 3 1993 N3379 29 3.5(6) 7 7 1994 N1399 37 5 21-45 9 1995 N5128 433 5 10 4 1995 N3384 68 7 9 - 1996 N4406 19 3 13 - 1998 N1316 43 2.5 8 4 2001 N4472 24 5 21 8 Recently the improved observation techniques are allowing much larger samples 2001 N4697 535 3 11 9 2003 N821 100 ->150 5 15 8 2003 N4494 100 ->250 5 6 - 2003 N3379 110 ->300 5 7 7 2004 N5128 780 15 14 4

  27. Observed trends of the M/L in early type galaxies PNe kinematics Inner stellar kinematics (long-slit spectroscopy)

  28. Observed trends of the M/L in early type galaxies PNe kinematics B /* Inner stellar kinematics (long-slit spectroscopy)

  29. Observed trends of the M/L in early type galaxies In order to improve statistics we have added a sample of ETGs with extended long-slit spectroscopy data B /* Sample of 21 ETGs

  30. Observed trends of the M/L in early type galaxies In order to improve statistics we have added a sample of ETGs with extended long-slit spectroscopy data B/* B/* / * Sample of 21 ETGs

  31. Predicted M/Ls in LCDM framework MASS Ml,tot = 1.1x1011Msol NGC 3379

  32. Predicted M/Ls in LCDM framework MASS Ml,tot = 1.4x1011Msol NGC 5128

  33. Predicted M/Ls in LCDM framework Ml,tot = 5x1011Msol NGC 3379 MASS

  34. Predicted M/Ls in LCDM framework MASS Ml,tot = 1.1x1011Msol

  35. Predicted M/Ls in LCDM framework MASS Ml,tot = 1.4x1011Msol

  36. Predicted M/Ls in LCDM framework Ml,tot = 5x1011Msol MASS

  37. Predicted M/Ls in LCDM framework Ml,tot = 1.4x1011Msol * = 3.5 NGC 5128

  38. Predicted M/Ls in LCDM framework Ml,tot = 5x1011Msol * = 9 NGC 1399

  39. Predicted M/Ls in LCDM framework Ml,tot = 1.5x1011Msol * = 7 NGC 3379

  40. Stellar population versus dynamical M/L

  41. Predicted M/Ls in LCDM framework

  42. Predicted M/Ls in LCDM framework

  43. 2 Napolitano et al. 2002 Equilibrium? esf=0.6 esf=0.2 esf=0.1 Low concentration c=5±2

  44. Predicted M/Ls in LCDM framework Star mass following an Hernquist (1990) profile NFW dark halos with concentrations by Bullock et al. (2001) Luminous mass and dark mass are 1-parameter family models MDM/Mlum is a 2-parameter quantity: total stellar mass, M* , and virial mass, Mvir (or concentration cvir).

  45. Predicted M/Ls in LCDM framework Hernquist (1990) Total stellar mass virial mass NFW97 profile Shen et al. (2003) Bullock et al. (2001) Luminous mass and dark mass are 1-parameter family models MDM/Mlum is a 2-parameter quantity: total stellar mass, M* , and virial mass, Mvir (or concentration cvir).

  46. Predicted M/Ls in LCDM framework M* and Mvir are related to the efficiency which the baryons cool in stars with, assuming that the original baryon fraction is the same for all the dark halos and close to the cosmic value from CBM measurements (Bennett et al. 2003) where Star formation efficiency

  47. Predicted M/Ls in LCDM framework Ml,tot = 1.4x1011Msol * = 3.5 NGC 5128

  48. Predicted M/Ls in LCDM framework Ml,tot = 5x1011Msol * = 9 NGC 1399

  49. Predicted M/Ls in LCDM framework Ml,tot = 1.5x1011Msol * = 7 NGC 3379

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