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Public Schools of Robeson County Common Core State Standards 6 – 12 Mathematics SESSION 2. October 28, 2011 Welcome Back!!! Aaron Locklear Curriculum Specialist, LSHS Annette Kenworthy Mathematics Teacher , PSHS Catrina Bailey Curriculum Specialist , SRHS.
Public Schools of Robeson CountyCommon Core State Standards6 – 12 MathematicsSESSION 2 October 28, 2011 Welcome Back!!! Aaron Locklear Curriculum Specialist, LSHSAnnette KenworthyMathematics Teacher, PSHS Catrina Bailey Curriculum Specialist, SRHS
What is the function of the Unpacked Content? How does it compare to the Crosswalks? • Think-Pair-Share • 1) Think silently for one minute • 2) Share with your shoulder partner • 3) Share with your group STARTER
Starter • Session Logistics • “Vertical Alignment” -activity • BREAK • “Barbie Bungee” -activity • BREAK • Alignment w/textbook • Closure Sequence of Session
Norms - Be Yourself- Value Differences- Maintain Professionalism- Participate Actively - Enjoy Yourself
“Train the Trainer” Model Parking Lot Session Materials Technology
Q: How is the test going to change? A: Summative Assessment websites: http://www.ncpublicschools.org/acre/assessment/online/ www.k12.wa.us/smarter/
To understand the rationale for why North Carolina chose to adopt more rigorous state standards. • To categorize mathematical concepts by grade level and Integrated Mathematics to determine vertical alignment. • To participate in a model math lesson which demonstrates how to teach the new standards. • To utilize your textbook as a resource to teach the Common Core State Standards. Learning Objectives
State-led and developed Common Core State Standards for K-12 in English Language Arts and Mathematics by NGA and CCSSO • Focus on learning expectations for students, not how students get there. • Students apply the mathematics, rather than memorize steps. Overview of the Initiative
Fewer, clearer, higher • Content-centered application of knowledge • Use of higher order thinking skills • Alignment with college and career expectations Goals for New Standards
• Mathema6cal Prac6ces – College and career readiness – Level is ambi>ous but achievable • Focus and Coherence -Focus on key topics at each grade level -Coherent progression across grade level • Balance of Concepts and Skills -Content standards require both conceptual understanding and procedural fluency • Mathematical Practices -Fosters reasoning and sense-making in mathematics • College and Career Readiness -Level is ambitious but achievable Common Core Attributes
Place small colored cards in the grade or course where they are found in CCSS, using Math At A Glance handouts. Turn and Talk 1. What implications will these differences have on instruction? 2. What challenges do these changes present? Vertical Alignment Activity
http://illuminations.nctm.org/LessonDetail.aspx?ID=L646 • Cord length is important in a bungee jump. In this lesson, a bungee jump will be modeled by a Barbie doll and rubber bands. The distance to which the doll will fall is directly proportional to the number of rubber bands. • Therefore, the linear function will be examined. Weighted Washer Activity (different variation of Barbie Bungee) Barbie Bungee Activity
Middle School Teachers: -use your pacing guide and crosswalk to find those NCSCOS objectives that align with CCSS and write the page number you can use to teach that standard • High School Teachers: -use your Core-Plus alignment documents to write the standard in your book on the pages that align with each investigation. Alignment of CCSS and your textbook
Please set up an active account in NC Education website in order to access the training modules https://center.ncsu.edu/nc/login/index.php • Creating New Account Instructions: http://www.ncpublicschools.org/docs/profdev/resources/create-acct.pdf * The following due dates are the same for all teachers and administrators, not just the trainers. NC Education modules
1. A Call for Change - November 14, 2011 • 2. Understanding the Standards December 20, 2011 • 3. NC Professional Teaching Standards January 14, 2012 • 4. NC Falcon - February 28, 2012 • 5. Revised Bloom's Taxonomy March 23, 2012 • 6. Designing Local Curriculum May 20, 2012 *located on the right side under the LINKS, click on “New Standards” and “NC Falcon” to enroll yourself. Modules and Completion Deadlines
Edmodois a free and secure social networking platform for teachers, students, parents, and administrators. • Trainees must have an account to access all training powerpoints, activities,etc: 1)www.robeson.edmodo.com 2) If you have a current account, login with your credentials. If not, then select “I’m a Teacher” and enter Edmodo school code (email attachment) 3) Click “join” and enter code i9oi0e to join Mathematics Group-grades 6-12 EDMODO
Questions and Comments Locklearaa.psrc@robeson.k12.nc.us Aaron Locklear Kenworthya.swett@robeson.k12.nc.us Annette Kenworthy Baileyc.psrc@robeson.k12.nc.us Catrina Bailey 9/10/2014 • page 24