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The Voice of Good Shepherd. 9066 Gunpowder Road, Florence, KY 41042 www.goodshepherdlutheranky.org Church Phone: 859-746-9066 Church E-mail:gslc9066@fuse.net Rev. Rich Tursic (pastor.rich_gslc@fuse.net) Cell:(859) 760-1044. WELCOME GUESTS!
The Voice of Good Shepherd 9066 Gunpowder Road, Florence, KY 41042 www.goodshepherdlutheranky.org Church Phone: 859-746-9066 Church E-mail:gslc9066@fuse.net Rev. Rich Tursic (pastor.rich_gslc@fuse.net) Cell:(859) 760-1044 WELCOME GUESTS! Our worship services are held Sunday mornings at 8:30 and 11:00 a.m., with Bible Study for both children and adults at 9:45 a.m. Please introduce yourself to our pastor and worship with us again. FRIENDSHIP REGISTER Kindly pass the Record of Fellowship down your row, signing your name. Visitors please share your address and phone number that we might acknowledge your presence with us. OUR NURSERY Our staffed nursery is located at the end of the hall just outside the sanctuary. We welcome all children under age 5 both during worship and the Sunday School hour. This Week at Good Shepherd July 7th – July 13th, 2013 Installation of Officers Sun. 7 Human Care 6:30 pm Council Meeting 7:00 pm Paintsville Servant Event Begins Mon. 8 Tues. 9 No Women’s Bible Class PEP Testing 1:00 – 3:00 pm Kids’ Summer Lunches 11:00 am Wed. 10 Women’s Morning Study - 9:30 am Thurs.11 Fri. 12 Sat. 13 Men’s Bible Breakfast 6:30 am Finance Committee 7:00 pm 7/7 Installation of Officers - All newly elected officers and elders will be installed in this morning’s services. 7/14 Little Shepherds – Little Shepherds, for preschool – 5th grades will meet on July 14th from 3:00 – 5:00 p.m. We will study Jonah and the big fish. Jenn Ostermeier and the high school youth will lead the group. 7/15 Elders Meeting – 7:00 p.m. 7/20–25 LCMS Synodical Convention – Pastor Rich has been elected as our circuit’s pastor delegate to this Convention, which will be held in St. Louis. 7/24-25 Parking Lot Repaving - Our church parking lots will be repaved on these dates. One lot will be open to park during this repaving. If the front lot is blocked, please use the back parking lot. Upcoming Events Midweek Bible Studies Luke Tuesdays at 6:30 a.m. IHOP – Call Glen Leavens Fast Facts on False Teaching Wednesdays, 9:45 a.m. Family Life Center Led by Diane Derks Topics from Women’s Quarterly Thursdays, 9:30 a.m. Rotating in homes Call Regina Bremer Men’s Bible Breakfast All men are welcome for the Breakfast and bible study the first Saturday of each month at 9:00 a.m. at the church. Current Sunday Morning Bible Studies 1st Corinthians Led by Scott Holloway and Ted Janssen in the Family Life Center.
FIRSTFRUITS GIVING IS GIVING GOD THE FIRST AND BEST OF THE BLESSINGS HE GIVES US. “Honor the Lord with your wealth, with the first fruits of all your crops…” (Proverbs 3:9). Altar Flowers This week’s altar flowers are given to the glory of God by the Duane family in honor of Alain’s birthday, and by Arne and Sharon Almquist in honor of their 28th anniversary. Altar Flowers This week’s altar flowers are given to the Glory of God by the Bauer family. Announcements Servant Schedule – The new servant schedules for July/August are available on the table in the Gathering Area. Please take one for your family. Portals of Prayer – The devotional booklet for July – September is available as you leave the Sanctuary. Summer Reading Program for Over-The-Rhine - Pastor John Suguitan of Prince of Peace wants to set up a 2 week Summer reading program for the youth of Over-the-Rhine during the weeks of Aug. 5th and 12th from 3:00 – 5:00p.m. At least 10 volunteers are needed, and a volunteer could sign up for one or both weeks. The program will be similar to Whiz Kids consisting of a prayer, games, snacks, and tutoring in reading. His hope is that this would lead to a more sustained program during the school year. Age groups would run from preschool to 8th grade. Please prayerfully consider volunteering your time. Contact Lisa Burns at (859) 466-7834 or burnslisa05@gmail.com with any questions and/or to sign up. Remember… Refreshments are served in the Family Life Center after the 8:30 a.m. service. Please join us! Prayer Requests can be e-mailed to the church address gslc9066@fuse.net, or can be called into the church (746-9066). Messages are checked every day. Also, written prayer requests may be given to the Pastor or an usher prior to service. Last Week Attendance 117 Offerings $2,776 Stewardship Corner Our Servants This Week 8:30 a.m.11:00 a.m. Acolyte: Seth Bozarth Thomas Lykins Elder: Vince Woolley Dan Burns Comm. Assist: Fred Langsdale Harold Bacon Reader: Marlis Norton Christine Reasoner Greeters: George & Bev Beck John & Beth Gebka Nursery: Barb Barvincak Cassie Molina 9:45a.m.: Lead Usher: Dave Eising Leroy Raap Ushers: Kyle Eising, Billy Mitchell Mark Schmitt Marlis Norton John Derks & Brian Molina Flowers & Altar Care: Karyl Juergens & Carol Eising Fellowship: Tammy Vaughan Refuse Duty: Dave Schneider Offering Counters: Liz Molina & Shirley Duane Sound Ministry: Bill Shaw Dave Schneider Stewardship Corner. . . Altar Flowers This week’s altar flowers are given to the Glory of God by Kirk Porter in memory of Dorathea Porter. Our Servants Next Week 8:30 a.m.11:00 a.m. Acolyte: Adam Osterrmeier Sami Nelson Elder: Mike Weber Fred Langsdale Comm. Assist: Steve Langsdale Ed Lawrence Reader: Steve Langsdale Mark Schmitt Greeters: Marlis Norton Dean Daniels Nursery: Diane Derks Christine Reasoner John Derks Lead Usher: Jason RaapJohn Bernhardt Ushers: Sharon Snowden & Larry Shoop Bob Ahlfeld Bernie Wesselman John Gebka & Alain Duane Altar Care: Karyl Juergens & Carol Eising Fellowship: Marlis Norton Refuse Duty: Ed Mills Offering Counters: Marlis Norton & Bob Brockhoff Sound Ministry: Scott Holloway 11:00 am Leroy Raap “But rejoice that your names are written in heaven.” No one can snatch us out of the nail-marked hands of Jesus: He has redeemed us and claimed us as His own. As those whose names are written in heaven, we seek to live heavenly lives here on earth. This is the foundation of all our good works. [Luke 10:20] Actual BudgetVariance 129,191 147,236 (18,045) 145,505 150,018 4,513 (16,315) ( 2,782) (13,533) Kindly observe a quietertime before the service, during the organ or piano prelude, so that worshipers may spend time in prayer and meditation in preparation for worship. Gen. Fd. Receipts Gen. Fd. Expenditures Overall Shortfall Weekly Budget Amt. Needed Last Week’s Offerings In order to minister effectively to the needs of our members, please call the Pastor or church office when such things occur. Hospital Stay Birth or Death in the family Desire for a home visit or private communion Wedding plans are being made Also, please call Lynn at 746-9066 to report any changes in: Name or Address Phone Number E-mail Address $5,440 $4,355