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The Uttar Pradesh Police Recruitment and Promotion Board will release vacancies for the post of UP Police Sub Inspector (SI) 2020.
UP Police SI 2020 Online coaching classes; know the exam pattern/syllabus, eligibility criteria, recruitment process preparation tips and Written Exam The Uttar Pradesh Police Recruitment and Promotion Board will release vacancies for the post of UP Police Sub Inspector (SI) 2020. Nevertheless, the vacancies will be out with the release of UP Police recruitment notification. Soon, the application form for the post will be out on the official site and the interested candidates can fill the Online Form once it is out on its official website. If you are looking forward to cracking UP Police SI 2020 or the aspirants who planning to appear in the upcoming recruitments related to this post you are at the right path. So be a part of this meritorious State Government Job, the first step is that needs to read the exam pattern, syllabus & nature of question papers of UP Police SI recruitment. It is very essential to any exam preparation. As we know, this exam is conducted by The Uttar Pradesh Police Recruitment and Promotion Board (UPPRPB), aspirants should definitely take help from the exam pattern and difficulty level followed in its previous examinations then aspirants should start their study with a strategic approach. There are some important details regarding Uttar Pradesh Sub Inspector Online form as- Educational Qualification, Age limit, Physical Efficiency and Measurement Test, Fee, etc. ❖Total No. of Post of Sub Inspector (SI) – 5623 Posts (Expected) ❖The Age Limit for SI (Male & Female) - Between 21 to 28 Years ❖The age limit for OBC/SC/ST - 21 to 33 Years
❖Pay Scale for Sub Inspector - Rs. 9300-34,800 (Gr. Pay- 4200) ❖Application Fee - Rs. 400 through Debit Card/Credit card/Internet Banking Mode Only. Educational Qualification: Here, for SI (Civil Police) and Platoon Commander (PAC) post required any Graduation Degree or any equivalent qualification approved from any recognized University of the Government of India. Aspirants Should Have Complete Essential Qualification till last date of Form Submission. The candidates who have appeared or appearing in Graduation are not eligible to apply for this post. Recruitment Process: The recruitment process for this post will be following in 3 Steps that will be followed according to New Rules. I Step: Online Written Exam (Objective types Questions) II Step: Physical Efficiency Test (PET) III Step: Document Verification & Physical Measurement Test (PMT) MAJOR CHANGE: The Department has made a remarkable amendment in the selection process of this post. The major change in UP Police SI from this year onwards is the minimum qualifying marks criteria. From this year onwards, SI aspirants have to secure min. 35% marks in each subject instead of 50% marks. In spite of, they still have to secure aggregate 50% marks (200 marks) in all the subjects together.
Note: Final List will be released on the basis of written examination Marks of the aspirants. UP Police SI Exam Pattern: The pattern of the exam will be 400 marks consisting of 160 multiple choice questions (2.5 marks each) in 4 parts as follows: 1.General Hindi (100 Marks) 2.General Knowledge and Law/Constitution (100 Marks) 3.Numerical and Mental Ability Test(100 Marks) 4.Reasoning/Mental Aptitude Test/Intelligence Test (100 Marks) Note: There is no negative marking in onwards online test. The Online test for this post will be in both Hindi and English language except General Hindi. Physical Efficiency and Measurement Test: Running – For Male 4.8 Km. (Distance) in 28 Minutes Running - For Female Candidates 2.4 Km. (Distance) in 16 Minutes Height - For Male- 168 cm. (160 cm Only for ST Category) Height - Female Candidates- 152 cm. (147 cm Only for ST Category) Chest (Only for Male) - 79 cm. (77 cm only for ST Category) Note: The Male candidates should be able to expand his chest at least 5 cm. in addition to develop chest. UP Police SI Exam Syllabus:
General Hindi: Synonym and Antonym, One Word Substitutions, Sentence Correction, Idioms Phrases, Passage Questions, Use of Words, Letter Writing, Word Knowledge etc. General Knowledge: History, Geography, Economics, Science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology) Scientific Progress/Development, Books, Capital & Currency, Sports-Athlete, Script, Wild Life Conservation, National/International Awards, Environment, Current affairs etc. General Knowledge about Indian Constitution and Law: The Aim of the Constitution, Fundamental Rights, Directive principles, Children, Reservation of SC/ ST, Rules & Regulations of constitutional Amendments, Human Rights, Information about social Law related to women, Traffic Rules, Right of Self Defence, Right of Self Defence, National Security Issues etc. Numerical Ability: HCF LCM, Decimal & Fraction, Number System, Simplification, Time & Work/Distance, Percentage, Discount, Profit & Loss, Simple & Compound Interest, Partnership, Ratio and Proportion, Use of Table & Graph, Mensuration, Miscellaneous etc. Reasoning: Logical Diagrams,Word and alphabet Analogy, Letter and number series,Codification, Common Sense Test,The Forcefulness of argument,Letter and number coding,Direction Sense Test,The Logical interpretation of data,Determining implied meanings, Word formation Test, Symbol-Relationship Interpretation, Perception Test etc.
Preparation Tips to crack UP Police SI: •During the exam preparation make the proper study plan. •The basic concepts of Mathematics should be well-set in the mind and do practice number of time because Questions on Numerical & Mental Ability will be simple that of Intermediate level and will be in a position to answer comfortably. •Give more priority to the most prominent topics. •Current affairs and Law/Constitution are equally important for this Examination. •Static General Knowledge and Law/Constitution can be a lot of scoring part to the aspirants. •Hindi Grammar is the most prominent part of Hindi. •Attempting the questions on Hindi Literature will help. •अलंकार, समास, रस, संधियां, तद्भवतत्सम, लोकोक्तियााँ are very easy topics which are quite scoring in Hindi segment. •Reasoning/Mental Aptitude Test/Intelligence Test is the section which play final role in the Marks & Merit List of aspirants who Scores in this section have fare chances to score high in this examination. •Revise all important topic many times. Further not to forget that “Practice is the ultimate key to success”. So, aspirants must be practised more and more on weak parts/ areas or topics. Online Coaching for UP Police SI Exam preparation:
UP Police SI Exam is not as tough as we think. We need to choose right coaching for proper guidance and proper study material for this exam preparation. So, we need to join the best UP SI Exam Preparation Online Coaching in India. Here Examपुर is a leading Ed-tech firm that is very popular for its online coaching classes and provides the best test series which targeting various government job exams of Uttar Pradesh. Our online coaching is trusted by millions of students for their exam preparation. The Classes for UPSI examination will be handled by Experienced Facultyand toppers of UP Police SI who have proven track of records for producing some of the efficient officers of the state government of Uttar Pradesh. We have planned the same to enrich the aspirants who wish to crack this Examination. Our Online Video Course for UP Police SI exam preparation will also be helpful for the working aspirants who couldn’t allocate time to come to traditional classes for their preparation. This will be a pioneer for them and will assist them in ensuring the proper strategy to achieve their goal. ExamपुरOnline Coaching for UP Police SI providesOnline test series also which created by our meritorious faculty members from their past years experience. Here are some other benefits of online Coaching classes for UP SI 2020 exam as follows: •Most comprehensive study material - One solution
•Videos lectures on Quantitative Aptitude Basic to Advanced level •Videos lectures Basic to Advanced level of exam preparation of courses related syllabus •500+ Video lectures of duration more than 350 hours and 120+ PDFs capsules •Video lectures Previous Year Paper Solution of High level problem solving skills of various Govt. exams of Uttar Pradesh. Tips during the UP Police SI Examination: •One thing that is crucial for the aspirants of UP Police SI Examination is that they have to clear the segment wise cut- off (minimum 35% for each segment) as well as overall. •So, if in the Exam hall, aspirants find any section a bit challenging, attempt the maximum number of questions correctly that are required to clear the last year’s cut off. •If aspirants find any particular question difficult, make sure that they don’t waste their time by solving it. Apart from you should move to the next question and if time left then only come back to that question later. •Sometimes, the board asks the questions very tricky. We advise the aspirants to read them very carefully before answering. •While you solving any question in the Exam, may using any shortcut that you are not sure about that properly.
•Aspirants may use guesswork in the exam because there is no negative marking prescribed for this examination. At last, you must believe in yourself because ‘Belief’ is a very powerful tool for your UP Police SI exam preparation. Aspirant should motivate oneself in each and every moment that “I Can, I Will” and trust me you will crack this examination definitely. Conclusion: We hope the above mention complete article on UP Police SI recruitment 2020 will raise up your preparation.