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Understanding Asia: Gandhi, Buddha, and Genghis Khan

This unit focuses on the influential figures of Gandhi, Buddha, and Genghis Khan, as well as the cultures and countries of Asia. Students will engage in discussions, readings, and videos to deepen their understanding. They will also conduct mini-research assignments on Asian countries and complete European Union brochures.

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Understanding Asia: Gandhi, Buddha, and Genghis Khan

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  1. Asia Unit 4 ASIA UNIT 4

  2. The SWBAT to better understand India, the Caste System and the influence of Gandhi through notes, discussion, readings, and video. • 5-7/8-18 • Bell Ringer and discussion • CNN 10 • Notes over Gandhi, the Caste System, and India • Video clips over Gandhi • Make sure Asia Map is complete • European Brochure is due next Tuesday. No class time • Three Fun Facts about a country in Asia to report to class. Look them up on your Wizard Phone.

  3. Bell Ringer #1 for 5-7/8-18 • List two things you know about the continent of Asia • Who is Gandhi and what was his influence in Asia?

  4. The SWBAT understand Buddha's impact in the countries of Asia. 5-9/10-18 • Bell Ringer #2 and discussion • The Story of Buddha • Video clip of Buddha? • Mini Asian Country research assignment to report to class. Get info from your phone • Work Day for the last half of class on European Union Brochures, Asian Maps and anything else not completed.

  5. Bell Ringer #2 for 5-9/10-18 Tell me anything you know about Buddha and his influence on Asian culture.

  6. The SWBAT understand how Genghis Khan played a significant role in Mongolia and all the countries of Asia/Russia. 5-11/14-18 • Bell Ringer #3 and discussion • Notes over Genghis Khan • 21 facts about Khan • Video clip looking for the lost tomb of Genghis Khan. 28 minutes • Questions over the video clip • Present fun facts from country that was researched ( possibly next class) • Work time to get things completed

  7. Bell Ringer #3 for 5-11/14-18 • The last two classes we have talked about Gandhi and Buddha. Who were they and what was their influence to Asia? • What do you know about Genghis Khan?

  8. Mini Asian Country Research Assignment • What kind of Government do they have? • The main religion of the area? • What do they do for fun? What is school like there? • A favorite food of the area. • List 1-2 fun facts about the country. SHARE THIS WITH THE CLASS

  9. The SWBAT to understand the culture of the countries of Asia through readings, video and sharing with peers. 5-15/16-18 • Bell Ringer Learning outcomes 1-10 • CNN Student News • Students give fun facts report to class for 15 points. • Finish video clip over Genghis Khan and questions. • Make sure Asian map is completed • European Union Brochures are due!

  10. Bell Ringer #4 • Learning Outcomes #1-10

  11. The SWBAT be introduced to some of the history of Latin America and how it affects the United States. 5-17/18-18 • Bell Ringer/reading and discussion • CNN 10 • Latin American Vocabulary. Look the meanings up in the texts. • Independent work time to work on European Union Brochures, Asian Maps or anything else not completed. • War and nation building in Latin America video clip the last 15 minutes. Crash course with John Greene.

  12. Bell Ringer 5 for 5-17/18-18 Read article on Casting the First Stone and answer question #1 and the one on the back of the sheet on using your sociological imagination. This is a class copy. Do not write on it. Write in your notebook where your bell ringers are. You are two answer two questions. #1 and use your sociological imagination on the back

  13. The SWBAT understand some of the history of Latin America through note taking, discussion, reading and video. 5-21/22-18 • Bell Ringer 6 and 7 and discussion • CNN 10 and Dirt Cookies in Haiti video clip. Discussion • Latin American Power Point Notes • Reading assignment Read chapter 9 and answer questions 1-11 on pages 236-237 from the book. • Finish Vocabulary from last class the make sure EU Brochure is done. • Video ?? • Quiz next class

  14. Bell Ringer #6 for 5-21/22-18 • What two major geographic areas make up Latin America?

  15. Bell Ringer #7 for 5-21/22-18 • List 3 ways Latin America is different than North America?

  16. The SWBAT show what they know about Latin America and Asia by meeting proficiency on a quiz about the content 5-23/24-18 • Bell Ringer and class discussion • CNN 10 • Review for quiz (Make sure Latin America Vocab is done) • Quiz over Latin America and Asia • Study guide for Final Test • Collect Bell Ringers and complete any other work not completed.

  17. Bell Ringer #8( Last one) • Write down three things you learned this year in Global Perspectives that you did not know before that may be on the final test. Be prepared to share with the class.

  18. The SWBAT review content from the entire year with their peers in preparation for the exam. 5-25-18 • CNN Student News • Finish Review sheet • Review Game • Make sure everything is turned in please. • Test in 3A and 4A on Wednesday. 2A will be on Friday. • Make sure you take a review guide with you to study

  19. What did you like about the class? • What did you not like about the class? • What could be done different?

  20. 5-30-18 • The last day of Global Perspectives for 3A and 4A! • Review for test. • Last CNN News? • Test.

  21. Options for 2A for 5-30-18 • Study or Review games • Video

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