ACC 306 ash Course Tutorial For more course tutorials visit www.uophelp.com
ACC 306 ash Course Tutorial ACC 306 Entire Course (Ash Course) ACC 306 Week 1 Assignment E13-21, E13-22, P12-1, P12-7,P12-10, P12-14, P13-6 ACC 306 Week 1 Assignment • ACC 306 Week 1 Assignment E13-21, E13-22, P12-1, P12-7,P12-10, P12-14, P13-6 • ACC 306 Week 1 DQ 1 Equity Method • ACC 306 Week 1 DQ 2 Judgment Case 13-9 • ACC 306 Week 2 DQ 1 Ethics Case 14-8 Hunt Manufacturing • ACC 306 Week 2 DQ 2 Ethics Case 15-4 • ACC 306 Week 3 Assignment E 16-24, E 16-25, E 17-10, E 17-19, P 16-7, P 17-16
ACC 306 ash Course Tutorial ACC 306 Week 1 DQ 1 Equity Method ACC 306 Week 1 DQ 2 Judgment Case 13 ACC 306 Week 1 DQ2 Judgment Case 13-9 Judgment Case 13–9 - Valleck Corporation - Loss contingency and full disclosure ● LO5 LO6 In the March 2012 meeting of Valleck Corporation’s board of directors, a question arose as to the way a possible obligation should be disclosed in the forthcoming financial statements for the year ended December 31. • P 12–13 - Miller Properties - Equity method ● LO5 LO6 • On January 2, 2011, Miller Properties paid $19 million for 1 million shares of Marlon Company’s 6 million outstanding common shares. • Miller’s CEO became a member of Marlon’s board of directors during the first quarter of 2011. • The carrying amount of Marlon’s net assets was $66 million.
ACC 306 ash Course Tutorial ACC 306 Week 2 DQ 1 Ethics Case 14 ACC 306 Week 2 DQ 2 Ethics Case 15 Ethics Case 15–4 - American Movieplex - Leasehold improvements ● LO3 American Movieplex, a large movie theater chain, leases most of its theater facilities. In conjunction with recent operating leases, the company spent $28 million for seats and carpeting. • Ethics Case 14–8 - Hunt Manufacturing - Debt for equity swaps; have your cake and eat it too LO5 • The cloudy afternoon mirrored the mood of the conference of division managers. • Claude Meyer, assistant to the controller for Hunt Manufacturing, wore one of the gloomy faces that were just emerging from the conference room. • “Wow, I knew it was bad, but not that bad,” Claude thought to himself.
ACC 306 ash Course Tutorial ACC 306 Week 3 Assignment ACC 306 Week 3 Ethics Case 17 Ethics Case 17–6 - VXI International - 401(k) plan contributions ● LO1 You are in your third year as internal auditor with VXI International, manufacturer of parts and supplies for jet air- craft. VXI began a defined contribution pension plan three years ago. • ACC 306 Week 3 Assignment E 16-24, E 16-25, E 17-10, E 17-19, P 16-7, P 17-16
ACC 306 ash Course Tutorial ACC 306 Week 3 Integrating Case 16 ACC 306 Week 4 Assignment E 18 ACC 306 Week 4 Assignment E 18-18, E 18-24, E 19-2, E 19-5, E 19-9, E 19-24, P 18-5 • Integrating Case 16–5 - Williams-Santana, Inc. - Tax effects of accounting changes and error correction; six situations • LO1 LO2 LO8 • Williams-Santana, Inc. is a manufacturer of high-tech industrial parts that was started in 1997 by two talented engineers with little business training.
ACC 306 ash Course Tutorial ACC 306 Week 4 Communication Case 18 ACC 306 Week 4 Ethics Case 19 Ethics Case 21–7 - Ben Naegle - Where’s the cash? ● LO1 LO3 After graduating near the top of his class, Ben Naegle was hired by the local office of a Big 4 CPA firm in his hometown. Two years later, impressed with his technical skills and experience, Park Electronics, a large regional consumer electronics chain, hired Ben as assistant controller. • Communication Case 18–10 Should the present two-category distinction between liabilities and equity be retained? Group interaction. ● LO1 • The current conceptual distinction between liabilities and equity defines liabilities independently of assets and equity, with equity defined as a residual amount.
ACC 306 ash Course Tutorial ACC 306 Week 5 Analysis Case 20 ACC 306 Week 5 Assignment E 20 ACC 306 Week 5 Assignment E 20-18, P 21-11, P 21-14 • Analysis Case 20–10 - DRS Corporation - Various changes ● LO1 through LO4 • DRS Corporation changed the way it depreciates its computers from the sum-of-the-year’s-digits method to the straight-line method beginning January 1, 2011. • DRS also changed its estimated residual value used in computing depreciation for its office building.
ACC 306 ash Course Tutorial ACC 306 Week 5 Ethics Case 20 ACC 306 Week 5 Ethics Case 21 Ethics Case 21–7 - Ben Naegle - Where’s the cash? ● LO1 LO3 After graduating near the top of his class, Ben Naegle was hired by the local office of a Big 4 CPA firm in his hometown. Two years later, impressed with his technical skills and experience, Park Electronics, a large regional consumer electronics chain, hired Ben as assistant controller • Ethics Case 20–5 Softening the blow ● LO1 LO2 LO3 • Late one Thursday afternoon, Joy Martin, a veteran audit manager with a regional CPA firm, was reviewing documents for a long-time client of the firm, AMT Transport. • The year-end audit was scheduled to begin Monday. • For three months, the economy had been in a down cycle and the transportation industry was particularly hard hit.
ACC 306 ash Course Tutorial ACC 306 Week 5 Final Paper • ACC 306 Week 5 Final Paper (Lease)
ACC 306 ash Course Tutorial For more course tutorials visit www.uophelp.com