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Employment and the unemployment rate in ROMANIA.
Employmentandtheunemployment rate in Romaniais hard tounderstandifnotrelatedtothe general employmentstructureandotherlabor market indicatorssuch as theoccupationandactivity rate or the role of (shortterm) migration. • Evenduringthe hard recessionandtheiraftermathofficialunemploymentrates in RomaniawererelativelylowwhencomparedtootherEastern European countries
Romania: Unemployment Rate, OccupiedPersons – Forecasts 2008 – 2014
EmploymentStructure in Romaniaby Sector • A somewhatpuzzlingevolutionisthat of theimmenselygrowingimportanceoftheagricultural sector for employment, which in turn follows an oppositepattern. “Employment” in agricultureroseduringtherecessions of theninetiesfrom 28.18 % tonearly 41.4 % by 2000 anddecreasedduringthefollowinggrowth period from 2000 onwardsonlyrelativelyfewbynearly 10 % until 2005.
Employmentandtheunemployment rate in Neamt county Fromtheanalysis of the regional economic surroundingswecan observe thediversity of the economic activity, thelatestadvance of servicestowardsindustry, highermoderationofagricultureandconstructions, a loweragricultural output or agriculturalresourcesthat are notcapitalized. As a conclusion, therecanbeseenagrowth in thenumber of firmsand IMM personnel, an encouragingdynamics on foreign direct investments, especiallyupuntil 2008 and a slight decline of theeconomystartingwiththeyear 2009, as a result of the economic crisis. Adjacentlywithallthereorganizationfromtheindustrythathaveaffectedthe big companies, therewas a massivegrowth of personnel in thesmallercompanies.
Total population. General dynamics • Total population. General dynamics • Accordingtothestatisticsgivenbythe DJS Neamt, on the 1st of January 2010, thenumber of thepopulationofNeamtCountywasabout 563.000inhabitants, representingaproximately 15% of thepopulationoftheNorth-Eastregionand 2,5% of thepopulationofthe country. • Source: PRAI (INS, renewed data)
The evolution of populationbetween 2000 – 2012, Source: DS NeamtCounty • Therecanbeseen a constant decreaseof theinhabitans in Neamtcounty just byanalyzingtheevolution of itsinhabitantsbetween 2000-2011. But a growthin thenumber of populationwillbepossibleandwillbe constant until 2025.
Companiesfromthecounty. Dynamics, regional distribution, sizes • Accordingtotheprevious table, in Neamtcountyin2011, therecouldbeobservedthatmost of thecompanies activate in services, especiallyincommerce, real-astates, constructionsandprocessingindustry.
Labourwork • Between 2002 – 2009 therewas a dropdown of the active population: from 206.300 persons in 2002 to 188.300 persons in 2009. Agriculturewasmostlyaffectedwith 20000 persons, but with a significantincrease in theservicesarea, with 12.000 persons.
The structure of occupied civile populationbased on themainactivities of ournationaleconomyThe evolution of theoccupied civile populationbased on themainactivities of ournationaleconomy in NeamtCountyinthousands of persons
The situation of theunemployment – vacant jobs • Agriculture– 374 unemployedpeople (fromwhich 35 graduates) and 61 vacant jobs; • ChemistryIndustry– 263 unemployedpeople (fromwhich 5 graduates) and 65 vacant jobs; • Commerce– 2183 unemployedpeople (fromwhich 86 graduates) and 2607 vacant jobs; • Constructions– 1503 unemployedpeople (fromwhich 47 graduates) and 1147 vacant jobs; • Electricity – 451 unemployedpeople (fromwhich 43 graduates) and 161 vacant jobs; • Electromechanics– 412 unemployedpeople (fromwhich 20 graduates) and 139 vacant jobs; • Electronics andautomation– 145 unemployedpeople (fromwhich 32 graduates) and 15 vacant jobs; • Aesthetics– 65 unemployedpeople (fromwhich 3 graduates) and 52 vacant jobs; • Wood manufacturing– 1193 unemployedpeople (fromwhich 106 graduates) and 439 vacanjobs; • Foodindustry– 344 unemployedpeople (fromwhich 40 graduates) and 167 vacant jobs; • Textile andleatherindustry– 1361 unemployedpeople (fromwhich 76 graduates) and 628 vacant jobs; • Buildingmaterials– 124 unemployedpeople (fromwhich 1 graduate) and 38 vacant jobs; • Mechanics– 4761 unemployedpeople (fromwhich 116 graduates) and 2390 vacant jobs; • Sylviculture – 273 unemployedpeople (fromwhich 9 graduates) and 168 vacant jobs; • Polygraphictechniques– 34 unemployedpeople (fromwhich) and 21 vacant jobs; • Tourismandfoodindustry– 787 unemployedpeople (fromwhich 39 graduates) and 820 vacant jobs.
The dominant profile at a regional levelregardinglabourworkseemstobegivenbythefollowingdomains: commerce, tourismandfoodindustry, economyand electric. The mostrequestedjobs: constructions, installations, public works, economy.
Unemploymentstructure – Analyzingtheunemploymentstructure for 2002-2010, wecan observe a decrease in thenumber of theunemployedpeople; for 2002-2008, the rate actuallydecreased; but thisprocessisnotavailableanymore, sinceduring 2008-2010 theuneploymentincreasedbecause of the economic crisis.
Recent evolutions of unemploymentand vacant jobsenlistetat AJOFM (Regional Agency for Labour Market Occupation). • The main profile for labourdemandseemstobethefollowingdomains: mechanics, textile andleatherindustry, constructions, commerce, woodmanufacturing, tourism, foodindustry, electricity • Foodindustry – has a stationarytendance of vacant jobsandnumber of unemployedpeople in thefield, with a deficit in theentirecounty. • Mechanics – isthemainfieldthatenlists a significantnumber of vacant jobs but also a significantnumber of unemployedpeople. • Electricityandelectromechanicsalsoenlists a significantnumber of vacant jobsand a dropdown of unemployedpeople. • Textile andleatherindustryseemstobeconfrontingwithcontradictoryevolutions; thereis a decrease of boththenumberof vacant jobsand of theunemployedpersons. • Wood manufacturing– alsomeetstherequirements of poor vacant jobs as wellas of unemployedpersons.
Conclusions of labour market analyses. • The followingconclusionsmaybedrawnfrom an elaborate analyses: • The unemployement rate keptitstendancy of droppingdownbothregionalyandnationalyuntil2008 and grow after. • Undergraduatedpeopleoccupythehighestlevel in thepopulationstructure, both urban and rural. • Thereisalso a positivedynamics for servicesandtourismwith a decrease in thenumber of unemployment. The latestevolutionshavealsoshownthattherewouldbehigherdemands in constructions, commerce or foodindustry.
The reduction of population and population occupied: much higher than in the women in the men. " • People active and busy population have increased in urban areas, but decreased significantly in rural. • The rate of activity and employment rate: decline rate of activity and especially the rate of employment at regional level, with major disparities by sex and residential environments. • Dropping an alarming phenomenon of continuous affecting particularly female population in rural environment, combined with a quality reduced to the employment in rural areas • Unemployment - In the fall, compared to previous years, the unemployment rate remains higher than national. • Highest unemployment rate in rural areas, significantly higher than the national unemployment rate areas; • Unemployment is slightly higher for men; • High unemployment (15-24 years): • High rate of youth unemployment (relative to population, 15-24 years): 16.6%, below the national level (19.7%) and European (EU-27: 18.6%), but higher for women (17.5%). • -Relative to the entire population of 15-24 years group, 6.5% of young people are unemployed (6.9% in rural).
Regional unemployment rate for people with low education level is double than the national level • East employment opportunities are much lower than the national level personal training low (no more than secondary education). • The regional employment rate of women with low education level is two times lower than for men
More important than the protection of the unemployed is to reduce unemployment, and the most important ways are: • To stimulate demand, while the supply may increase. There is a danger of inflation, the measure can be applied especially in conditions of deflation. • Harmonization of education plans in proportion to the structure of supply and labor market needs - as follows: increase of the share in services and technical and resource reduction. Making local analysis to define more specifically offer tuition plan and consultation structures involved in regional and local development. • Qualifications and Curriculum Update - dynamic economy requires appropriate skills and competencies with greater occupational mobility and flexibility of labor. • Establish partnerships - with high adaptability of the workforce at different workloads. This goal can be achieved by: -Development of CDL schools in partnership to meet the needs of local employers. - Upgrade skills in line with economic development and labor market. - Development of skills that can provide search and / or create your own job. - Promoting lifelong learning. - Strengthen training in active partnership, employment agencies effectively.
Development of rural and mountain areas - given that most rural population included in subsistence agriculture (weakness), but correlated with the potential geographical mountain area (strength) is necessary to achieve a coherent program of education and training measures professional, the following directions: • Initiation / development of pilot schools agromontan profile, equipped with adequate material: teaching farm, school workshops and laboratories - organized and properly equipped in terms of mountain agriculture - campus facilities. • Filling / adaptation training at secondary level in mountain areas by introducing the general concepts and practical mountain rural economy and food household. • Promoting their products through the use of logos accepted by the UE