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Space Weather (SpW)

Space Weather (SpW). Near Earth Space Environment (NESE) Implications for Spacecraft (S/C) Design. Yurdanur Tulunay, Ph.D., Space Research, UK, 1972. keywords-statements. Spaceweather (SpW) NESE interacts with S/C engineering subsystems and payloads. ancient dream.

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Space Weather (SpW)

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  1. Space Weather (SpW) Near Earth Space Environment (NESE) Implications for Spacecraft (S/C) Design Yurdanur Tulunay, Ph.D., Space Research, UK, 1972 ODTÜ UYDU TKN.

  2. keywords-statements • Spaceweather (SpW) • NESE interacts with S/C engineering subsystems and payloads ancient dream • Traveling among the stars, the planets, moon ODTÜ UYDU TKN.

  3. Isaac Newton • 260 years ago had a complete understanding of what was required to place an object in orbit around E+ ODTÜ UYDU TKN.

  4. 1957 • Technological ability to leave the E+’s surface • First steps in exploration of our solar system ODTÜ UYDU TKN.

  5. challenge • Difficulty of getting a S/C into orbit • S/C must be designed to operate in environments that are quite different from those found on the E+’s surface. ODTÜ UYDU TKN.

  6. 1971-1989 • Database of 2779 S/C anomalies related to interactions with NESE (The Nat. Geophyl. Data Center, Boulder, Co., USA) • NASA and AF S/C studies: ~20-25% of all S/C failures are related to NESE (Tribble, 1995) ODTÜ UYDU TKN.


  8. 1993 • NASA recognised the importance of the field of NESE by forming a national program to coordinate a efforts in this area • International Standards Organisation (ISO) under charter from the UN formed a Space System Technological Comm. one of the missions was to develope internationaly recognised NESE standards. (Song, et al., eds., 2001) ODTÜ UYDU TKN.

  9. 1994 June • 1st doc. by Anderson, B.J. (Ed.) Natural Orbital Environment Guidelines for use in Aerospace Vehicle Development NASA Technical Manual ODTÜ UYDU TKN.

  10. 1999 - 2001 2003 - 2005 • Space Weather and the ESA feasibility studies • Space Weather Applications Pilot Project including Service Development Activities (SDA) SWWT 1999 – today • Space Weather Working Team • European Union (FP5, FP6 and FP7) and Space Weather (Jansen, et al., 2004) ODTÜ UYDU TKN.

  11. Seek to bridge the gap between space physics and astronautical engineering ►NESE◄ i.e. Emphasis on the facets of the NESE that may degrade S/C subsystems ODTÜ UYDU TKN.

  12. objective To obtain an understanding of the relationship between: NESE and S/C or Space inst., operating principals and design alternatives. ODTÜ UYDU TKN.

  13. content • description of the NESE • a discussion of the ways in which the NESE may interact with an orbiting S/C • by relating the various NESE interactions to S/C design specifics ODTÜ UYDU TKN.

  14. justification Understanding these relationships is important to • S/C designers-must develop a spacecraft capable of operating in specified orbital environment • Payload providers-must provide instrumentation capable of delivering high quality data under potentially adverse conditions ODTÜ UYDU TKN.


  16. S/C design • Regardless of the specific nature of the payload, all the S/Cs must perform certain basic functions in order to enable the payload to function properly. ODTÜ UYDU TKN.

  17. finally A physical structure to accomodate systems and payloads ODTÜ UYDU TKN.

  18. Most S/Cs can be grouped into one of the three orbital altitude range: LEO MEO (HEO) GEO ODTÜ UYDU TKN.

  19. LEO: perigee<1000 km altitude region space shuttle operates mostly, typically reserved for i) largest operational payloads (e.g. space station-Skylab, Mir, Salyut) or ii) S/C need a close view of the E+ (e.g. LANDSAT, TIROS, DMSP) ODTÜ UYDU TKN.

  20. MEO (or HEO): perigee:1000-2000 km altitude range e.g. mostly reconnaissance sattelites placed on highly elliptical orbits. • GEO: altitude 35800 km Popular with various surveillence and communication S/Cs. ODTÜ UYDU TKN.

  21. (Tribble, 1995) ODTÜ UYDU TKN.

  22. S/C’s orbital altitude and • orbital inclination (i). i=f(altitude) (A given launch vehicle can launch the heaviest possible payload into an inclination=latitude of the launch site) major impacts on the type and magnitude of NESE effects experienced by a S/C. ODTÜ UYDU TKN.

  23. (Tribble, 1995) ODTÜ UYDU TKN.

  24. (Fortescue, Stark, eds, 1995) ODTÜ UYDU TKN.

  25. (Fortescue, Stark, eds, 1995)

  26. (Fortescue, Stark, eds, 1995) ODTÜ UYDU TKN.

  27. conclusion • NESE may have a direct impact on a S/C subsystem’s ability to execute its design objective. • Depending on the severity of the orbit, these interactions may be quite mild or may be mission threatening. ODTÜ UYDU TKN.

  28. (Fortescue, Stark, eds, 1995) ODTÜ UYDU TKN.

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