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你正在被騙. 校準於上帝國的規格. 結構內容 ( 詩篇 一百零六 ). 正確生活的呼求 被騙的翻轉 被騙的表徵 被騙的翻轉 正確生活的呼求. 結構內容 ( 詩篇 一百零六 ). 正確生活的呼求 —— 贊美,稱謝,傳說,表明,有福 , 呼求 , 看見 被騙的翻轉 罪惡的覺醒 因神的名 他拯救 被騙的表徵 不仰望指教嫉妒榮耀的主換為像藐視那美地 與偶像聯合 爭鬧 無神的文化 被自己所做的汙穢 生活艱困未曾學習 被騙的翻轉 哀告, 因神的約 正確生活的呼求 離開漂蕩 招聚 一同 , 稱頌. 正確生活的呼求 贊美,稱謝,傳說,表明,有福.
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結構內容(詩篇一百零六) 正確生活的呼求 被騙的翻轉 被騙的表徵 被騙的翻轉 正確生活的呼求
結構內容(詩篇一百零六) • 正確生活的呼求—— 贊美,稱謝,傳說,表明,有福 ,呼求,看見 • 被騙的翻轉 罪惡的覺醒 因神的名他拯救 • 被騙的表徵 不仰望指教嫉妒榮耀的主換為像藐視那美地與偶像聯合爭鬧無神的文化被自己所做的汙穢生活艱困未曾學習 • 被騙的翻轉 哀告,因神的約 • 正確生活的呼求 離開漂蕩招聚一同,稱頌
正確生活的呼求 贊美,稱謝,傳說,表明,有福 • 1Hallelujah! Thank God! And why? Becausehe’s good, becausehis love lasts.你們要贊美耶和華!要稱謝耶和華,因他本為善;他的慈愛永遠長存!2 But who on earth can do it— declaim God’s mighty acts, broadcast all his praises?誰能傳說耶和華的大能﹖誰能表明他一切的美德﹖3 You’re onehappy manwhen you do what’s right, onehappy womanwhen you form the habit of justice.凡遵守公平﹔常行公義的,這人便為有福!
正確生活的呼求——呼求,看見 • 4 Remember me, God, when you enjoy your people; include me when you save them;耶和華啊,你用恩惠待你的百姓;求你也用這恩惠記念我,開你的救恩眷顧我, • 5 I want to seeyour chosen succeed, celebrate withyour celebrating nation, join the Hallelujahs of your pride and joy!使我見你選民的福,樂你國民的樂,與你的產業一同誇耀。
被騙的翻轉——罪惡的覺醒 • 6 We’ve sinned a lot, both we and our parents; We’vefallen short,hurt a lot of people.我們與我們的祖宗一同犯罪;我們作了孽,行了惡。7 After our parents left Egypt, they took your wonders for granted, forgot your great and wonderful love. They were barely beyond the Red Sea when they defied the High God我們的祖宗在埃及不明白你的奇事,不記念你豐盛的慈愛,反倒在紅海行了悖逆。
被騙的翻轉——因神的名 • 8—the very place he saved them! —the place he revealed his amazing power!然而,他因自己的名拯救他們,為要彰顯他的大能,9 He rebuked the Red Sea so that it dried up on the spot —he paraded them right through!—no one so much as got wet feet!並且斥責紅海,海便幹了;他帶領他們經過深處,如同經過曠野。
被騙的翻轉——他拯救 • 10 He saved them froma life of oppression, pried them loose fromthe grip of the enemy.他拯救他們脫離恨他們人的手,從仇敵手中救贖他們。11 Then the waters flowed back on their oppressors; there wasn’t a single survivor.水淹沒他們的敵人,沒有一個存留。12 Then they believed his words were true and broke out in songs of praise.那時,他們才信了他的話,歌唱贊美他
被騙的表徵——不仰望指教 • 13 But it wasn’t long before they forgot the whole thing, wouldn’t wait to be told what to do.等不多時,他們就忘了他的作為,不仰望他的指教,14 They only cared about pleasing themselves in that desert, provoked God with their insistent demands.反倒在曠野大起欲心,在荒地試探神。15 He gave them exactly what they asked for— but along with it they got an empty heart.他將他們所求的賜給他們,卻使他們的心靈軟弱。
被騙的表徵——嫉妒 • 16 One day in camp some grew jealous of Moses, also of Aaron, holy priest of God.他們又在營中嫉妒摩西和耶和華的聖者亞倫。17 The ground opened and swallowed Dathan, then buried Abiram’s gang.地裂開,吞下大坍,掩蓋亞比蘭一黨的人。18 Fire flared against that rebel crew and torched them to a cinder.有火在他們的黨中發起;有火焰燒毀了惡人。
被騙的表徵——榮耀的主換為像 • 19 They cast in metal a bull calf at Horeb and worshiped the statue they’d made.他們在何烈山造了牛犢,叩拜鑄成的像。20 They traded the Glory for a cheap piece of sculpture—a grass-chewing bull!如此將他們榮耀的主換為吃草之牛的像,21 They forgot God, their very own Savior, who turned things around in Egypt,忘了神─他們的救主;他曾在埃及行大事,22 Who created a world of wonders in the Land of Ham, who gave that stunning performance at the Red Sea.在含地行奇事,在紅海行可畏的事。。23 Fed up, God decided to get rid of them— and except for Moses, his chosen, he would have. But Moses stood in the gap and deflected God’s anger, prevented it from destroying them utterly.所以,他說要滅絕他們;若非有他所揀選的摩西站在當中(原文是破口),使他的忿怒轉消,恐怕他就滅絕他們
被騙的表徵——藐視那美地 • 24 They went on to reject the Blessed Land, didn’t believe a word of what God promised.他們又藐視那美地,不信他的話,25 They found fault with the life they had and turned a deaf ear to God’s voice.在自己帳棚內發怨言,不聽耶和華的聲音。26 Exasperated, God swore that he’d lay them low in the desert,所以,他對他們起誓:必叫他們倒在曠野,27 Scattering their children hither and yon, strewing them all over the earth.叫他們的後裔倒在列國之中,分散在各地。
被騙的表徵——與偶像聯合 • 28 Then they linked up with Baal Peor, attending funeral banquets and eating idol food.他們又與巴力.毘珥連合,且吃了祭死神(或譯:人)的物。29 That made God so angry that a plague spread through their ranks;他們這樣行,惹耶和華發怒,便有瘟疫流行在他們中間。30 Phinehas stood up and pled their case and the plague was stopped.那時,非尼哈站起,刑罰惡人,瘟疫這才止息。31 This was counted to his credit; his descendants will never forget it.4.那就算為他的義,世世代代,直到永遠。
被騙的表徵——爭鬧 • 32 They angered God again at Meribah Springs; this time Moses got mixed up in their evil;他們在米利巴水又叫耶和華發怒,甚至摩西也受了虧損,33 Because they defied God yet again, Moses exploded and lost his temper.是因他們惹動他的靈,摩西(原文是他)用嘴說了急躁的話。
被騙的表徵——無神的文化 • 34 They didn’t wipe out thosegodless cultures as ordered by God;他們不照耶和華所吩咐的滅絕外邦人,35 Instead theyintermarried with the heathen, and in time became just like them反與他們混雜相合,學習他們的行為,36 Theyworshiped their idols, were caught in the trap of idols.事奉他們的偶像,這就成了自己的網羅,37 Theysacrificed their sons and daughters at the altars of demon gods.把自己的兒女祭祀鬼魔
被騙的表徵——被自己所做的汙穢 • 38 Theyslit the throats of their babies, murdered their infant girls and boys. They offered their babies to Canaan’s gods; the blood of their babies stained the land.流無辜人的血,就是自己兒女的血,把他們祭祀迦南的偶像,那地就被血汙穢了。39 Their way of life stank to high heaven; they lived like whores.這樣,他們被自己所做的汙穢了,在行為上犯了邪淫。
被騙的表徵——生活艱困未曾學習 • 40 And God was furious—a wildfire anger; he couldn’t stand even to look at his people.所以,耶和華的怒氣向他的百姓發作,憎惡他的產業,41 He turned them over to the heathen so that the people whohated them ruled them.將他們交在外邦人的手裏;恨他們的人就轄制他們。42 Their enemiesmade life hard for them; they were tyrannized under that rule.他們的仇敵也欺壓他們,他們就伏在敵人手下。43 Over and over God rescued them, but theynever learned— until finally their sins destroyed them.他屢次搭救他們,他們卻設謀背逆,因自己的罪孽降為卑下。
被騙的翻轉——哀告,因神的約 • 44 Still, whenGod saw the troublethey were in and heard their cries for help,然而,他聽見他們哀告的時候,就眷顧他們的急難,45 Heremembered his Covenantwith them, and, immense with love,took them by the hand.為他們記念他的約,照他豐盛的慈愛後悔。46 Hepoured out his mercyon them while their captors looked on, amazed.3.他也使他們在凡擄掠他們的人面前蒙憐恤。
正確生活的呼求——離開飄蕩招聚一同,稱頌 • 47 Save us, God, our God! Gather usback out of exile Sowe can give thanksto your holy name andjoin in the glorywhen you are praised!耶和華─我們的神啊,求你拯救我們,從外邦中招聚我們,我們好稱贊你的聖名,以贊美你為誇勝。48 Blessed be God, Israel’s God! Bless now,bless always! Oh! Let everyone say Amen! Hallelujah耶和華─以色列的神是應當稱頌的,從亙古直到永遠。願眾民都說:阿們!你們要贊美耶和華!