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Dominance. Overview. In this unit, we explore the notion of dominant strategies Dominance often requires weaker views of rationality than does standard equilibrium play These weaker rationality requirements support choice of equilibria satisfying dominance over other equilibria.
Overview • In this unit, we explore the notion of dominant strategies • Dominance often requires weaker views of rationality than does standard equilibrium play • These weaker rationality requirements support choice of equilibria satisfying dominance over other equilibria.
An Example – Prisoner’s Dilemma • In this game, it pays to defect regardless of the rival’s strategy • Defect is a best response to cooperate • Defect is a best response to defect
An Example – Prisoner’s Dilemma • In the language of dominance: • The cooperate strategy is strictly dominated by defect • This means that the defect strategy gives strictly higher payoffs for Rowena than does cooperate
Rationality • Rationality axiom 1: Never play a strictly dominated strategy regardless of your opponent • Why? • Even if you have serious doubts about the rationality of the other player. • A dominated strategy does strictly worse than some other strategy… • regardless of your rival’s play • So it should be avoided.
Solving Using Dominance • In the prisoner’s dilemma, we can solve the game purely by eliminating dominated strategies • Since this elimination leaves each side only one undominated strategy, this pair constitutes an equilibrium.
Team Production • Both the design and the production departments are required to produce some saleable output. • The quality of the output determines the price for which it can be sold. • For each unit of effort undertaken by either team, up to 10 units, profits increase by $1.5million/unit. After that, it does not increase.
Costs of Effort • It costs $1million per unit of effort in either department • Effort is unobservable by management • To compensate design and production, management has instituted a profit sharing plan whereby production and design each get one-third of the profits as compensation.
Optimal Effort • From the perspective of the firm as a whole, each unit of effort up to 10 taken by design and production costs only $1m and has a return of 50% • Therefore from the firm’s perspective each department should exert 10 units of effort
Equilibrium Effort • Notice that the design team needs to determine its level of effort not knowing the choice of the production team. • What are its profits if design chooses effort e1 and production chooses e2? • Profit1 = Profit share – Cost of effort • Profit1 = (1/3)(1.5e1 + 1.5e2) – e1
Equilibrium Effort Continued • Profit1 = (1/3)(1.5e1 + 1.5e2) – e1 • Notice that regardless of e2, Profit1 is decreasing in e1 • So any choice e1 > 0 is dominated by e1 = 0. • Hence design exerts no special effort despite the profit sharing incentives • The situation for production is analogous • The conclusion is that both production and design will try to free ride off the efforts of the other and no effort will occur
Solving the Free Rider Problem • Free rider problems appear in numerous settings • Devising incentive schemes to solve these problems is critical • What was wrong with the profit sharing scheme?
Bonuses • Suppose that instead of doing a straight profit sharing arrangement, the firm uses a bonus system to compensate design and production. • Recall that if production were efficient, profits would be $30m and the profit share gave away 2/3rds of this amount or $20m. • Instead, suppose that the firm pays each team a bonus of $10m + $1 if they reach the profit target of $30m.
Equilibrium Analysis • Suppose that design expects production to work all-out to meet the target. • To receive the bonus, design has to work all-out too. • If it doesn’t, then the analysis is as it was before but without even the profit sharing incentive---therefore design either works all-out or not at all. • How do these situations compare?
Design Choices • If design doesn’t work, it earns zero • If they works all-out, profits equal the bonus less the cost of effort, which nets design $1. • Thus, it is better to work all-out than not at all, so a best response to production’s working all-out is for design to do likewise • Bottom line: The structure of incentive schemes (as well as the total amount) can have a big effect on free-rider problems.
Iterative Elimination • Recall that rationality axiom #1 prescribed that it was never a good idea to play a dominated strategy • If you have some confidence of your rival’s rationality, you might be willing to assume that she follows this axiom as well. • This suggests that you should eliminate her dominated strategies in thinking about the game.
Dominance Solvable Games • To use dominance to solve a game: • Delete dominated strategies for each of the players • Look at the smaller game with these strategies eliminated • Now delete dominated strategies for each side from the smaller game • Continue this process until no further deletion is possible • If only single strategies remain, the game is dominance solvable
More on Dominance Solutions • Not all games are dominance solvable • If after elimination, a small set of strategies remain for each player • These strategies survive iterative dominance and are relatively more robust than others
Weak Dominance • To eliminate a strategy as being dominated, we required that some other strategy always be better no matter the rival’s move • Suppose we weaken this: • A strategy is weakly dominated if, no matter what the rival does, there is some strategy that does equally well and sometimes strictly better.
Auctions • eBay and a number of other online auctions use “proxy bidding” rules • Under a proxy bid, you enter a bid amount, but what you pay is determined by the second highest bid plus a small increment. • Suppose that you know your willingness to pay for an item for sale on eBay. • What should you bid?
A Model of eBay • There’s a lot of “sniping” on eBay • Sniping is where bidders wait for the last possible instant to bid • In that case, there is little feedback about other bids at the time you place your bid • Think of the following version of the eBay game • There are an unknown number of potential bidders • You know your value, but know little about other bidders (including their rationality or their valuations) • All bidders choose bids simultaneously • High bid wins • Pays second highest bid
Bidder’s Problem • How should you bid in this auction? • It turns out that eliminating weakly dominated strategies provides an answer regardless of your rival’s choice
Graphically – Bid Shading Profit If I shade down my bid, this is my profit profile v My bid Highest rival bid v
Graphically – Bidding Above Value Profit If I shade up my bid, this is my profit profile v My bid Highest rival bid v
Graphically – Bid = Value Profit If bid=value, this is my profit profile v Highest rival bid v My bid
Comments • Notice that when bid = value • I win in all the cases when bid < value • And in some cases where I lost earlier. • Moreover, these cases are profitable • Notice that when bid = value • I win in fewer cases than when bid > value • But I made losses in all the cases where I won when bid > value • Therefore I’m better off losing then
Weak Dominance • Therefore: • Bid = value • Does at least as well as all other strategies in many cases • And strictly better in some cases • So all other strategies are weakly dominated by bid = value • So we can use weak dominance (one round of deletion) to find the best strategy in this auction
Case Study: Tender Offers • A frequent strategy among corporate raiders in the 80s was the two-tiered tender offer. • Suppose the initial stock price is $100. • In the event that a firm is taken private, shareholders get $90 per share. • Campeau will buy shares a $105 for the first 50%, and $90 for the remainder.
Tenders... • All shares are bought at the blended price of totals tendered. • For instance, if z%>50% of shares are tendered, then the price is • P =$105 x (50/z) + $90 x ((z-50)/z) • P = $90 + $15 x (50/z)
Details • Notice that the tender is a binding agreement to purchase shares regardless of the success of the takeover. • Second, notice that if everyone tenders, the raider pays: • P = $90 + $15 x (50/100) = $97.50 • which is cheaper than the initial price of the stock!
Dominance of the tender • What is less obvious is that it is a dominant strategy to accept the tender: • Three cases to consider: • z>50. Then P = $90 + $15 x (50/z) > 90 • z<50. Then P = $105 > 100 • z=50. Then P = $105 > 100 or 90 • So it is a dominant strategy to sell your shares.
A White Knight • Suppose Warren Buffet offers to buy all shares at $102 conditional on getting a majority. • Does this undo the two-tiered offer strategy?
Dominance revisited • Again, consider the 3 cases: • z < 50. P = $105 vs $100 or $102. • z > 50. P = 97.50 vs $90 • z = 50. P = 105 vs $100 or $102. • Is there any way to undermine the two-tiered deal?
Summary • Rationality Axiom: Don’t play dominated strategies • As your confidence about the rationality of your opponent grows, can iteratively delete dominated strategies to arrive at a good plan • Deletion of weakly dominated strategies can give clarity in even complicated situations