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Pressure Ulcers, IAD, ITD, and Friction Injuries

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Pressure Ulcers, IAD, ITD, and Friction Injuries

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Presentation Transcript

    1. Pressure Ulcers, IAD, ITD, and Friction Injuries Issues and Challenges in Accurate Classification and Staging

    2. WOC Nurse Role in Wound Classification and PU Staging Leader of the Wound Care Team Responsible for Staff Development You Drive The Skin and Wound Care Program For Your Agency

    3. Classification of Trunk Wounds Pressure Ulcer? Incontinence Associated Dermatitis (IAD)? Intertriginous Dermatitis (ITD)? Friction Damage? Mixed Damage?

    4. Challenges in Accurate Classification Terminology issues: PrU has been used as “umbrella” term Inclusion of partial thickness lesions in staging system Patients frequently at risk for multiple types of wounds

    5. Why Bother? Accurate classification affects treatment Misclassification can increase risk of litigation and regulatory action Inconsistencies in classification affect value of P & I data

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