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Bergen, 27, februar 2009

Forskningsetikk og premiering av deltakere i forskning: Hva sier NESHs retningslinjer og hvilke forskningsetiske spørsmål reises?. Bergen, 27, februar 2009. Om premiering av informanter.

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Bergen, 27, februar 2009

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  1. Forskningsetikk og premiering av deltakere i forskning: Hva sier NESHs retningslinjer og hvilke forskningsetiske spørsmål reises? Bergen, 27, februar 2009

  2. Om premiering av informanter • Hva sier De forskningsetiske retningslinjer for samfunnsvitenskap, humaniora, juss og teologi? Hvilke andre retningslinjer finnes? • Hvilke forskningsetiske hensyn reises?

  3. CIOMS §7: Guideline 7: Inducement to participate • Subjects may be reimbursed for lost earnings, travel costs and other expenses incurred in taking part in a study; they may also receive free medical services. Subjects, particularly those who receive no direct benefit from research, may also be paid or otherwise compensated for inconvenience and time spent. The payments should not be so large, however, or the medical services so extensive as to induce prospective subjects to consent to participate in the research against their better judgment ("undue inducement"). All payments, reimbursements and medical services provided to research subjects must have been approved by an ethical review committee.

  4. Suitable recompense vs undue influence • It may be difficult to distinguish between suitable recompense and undue influence to participate in research. An unemployed person or a student may view promised recompense differently from an employed person. Someone without access to medical care may or may not be unduly influenced to participate in research simply to receive such care. A prospective subject may be induced to participate in order to obtain a better diagnosis or access to a drug not otherwise available; local ethical review committees may find such inducements acceptable. Monetary and in-kind recompense must, therefore, be evaluated in the light of the traditions of the particular culture and population in which they are offered, to determine whether they constitute undue influence.

  5. Oviedo-konvensjonens tilleggsprotokoll om biomedisinsk forskning, artikkel 12: Undue influence • The ethics committee must be satisfied that no undue influence, including that of a financial nature, will be exerted on persons to participate in research. In this respect, particular attention must be given to vulnerable or dependent persons.

  6. American Psychological Association • 8.06 Offering Inducements for Research Participation (a) Psychologists make reasonable efforts to avoid offering excessive or inappropriate financial or other inducements for research participation when such inducements are likely to coerce participation. (b) When offering professional services as an inducement for research participation, psychologists clarify the nature of the services, as well as the risks, obligations, and limitations. (See also Standard 6.05, Barter With Clients/Patients.)

  7. Krav om fritt og informert samtykke, Forskningsetiske retningslinjer for samfunnsvitenskap, humaniora, juss og teologi, punkt 9 • Deltakerne må gis reelle muligheter til å reservere seg fra å delta i forskningen uten utilbørlig press eller ulemper for dem selv.

  8. Andre forskningsetiske hensyn: • Krav om respekt for integritet, frihet og medbestemmelse (punkt 6) • Krav om å unngå skade og alvorlige belastninger (punkt 7) • Hensynet til utsatte grupper (punkt 22) • Forskeres og forskningsinstitusjoners uavhengighet (punkt 38) • Datas kvalitet • Konsekvenser for forskningen

  9. Takk! Helene.ingierd@etikkom.no

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