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ICT PSP Information day 28 February 2011 Objective 1.1: Innovative lighting systems based on Solid State Lighting (SSL) John Magan / Gabriella Leo Photonics Unit, European Commission. Why SSL pilots? Strengthening the Value Chain. SSL Global Markets in 2010 and 2020. 2020. 2010. <€1B.
ICT PSP Information day28 February 2011Objective 1.1: Innovative lighting systems based on Solid State Lighting (SSL)John Magan / Gabriella Leo Photonics Unit, European Commission
Why SSL pilots? Strengthening the Value Chain SSL Global Markets in 2010 and 2020 2020 2010 <€1B €6B (30%) €2B (11%) €6B (65%) €3B (3%) EU market shares
Solid State Lighting - Objective 1.1under the ICT PSP Workprogramme 2011 • Pilot Actions for stimulating innovation and competitiveness and for developing EU-wide markets • Actions technology deployment and demonstration (not research!) • Target user communities! 2 to 3 pilot actions for up to 10M€ EU contribution in total
SSL pilot actions – what? Characteristics: A broad range of general lighting applications Reliable data on energy and economic savings large scale demonstration in different environments and settings maximise impact and visibility to European citizens 2-3 demonstration projects is preferred to a single large one Network between these projects for broad EU-wide awareness and maximum impact. Involve relevant SSL players in the full value chain, including end-users. refurbishment of existing infrastructure, rather than installation in new buildings. Focus on commercial/non-residential sector rather than domestic. Address BOTH improved energy efficiency AND better light quality. Showcase of the full exploitation potential of SSL technology, including its integration with intelligent lighting systems. test the performance of state-of-the art SSL products and intelligent light management systems in terms of total life-cycle costing, reliability, interoperability with facility management of buildings, etc.
SSL pilot actions – where? Where should they take place? Anywhere in Europe necessary to achieve the requirements of the action. Given the expected scale and scope, and to maximise impact and visibility, possible locations include: Airports Public buildings Museums Commercial centres (e.g. shopping malls) Retail outlets Offices Pilots could address more than one of these in more than one location Each pilot should showcase or demonstrate a variety of SSL applications (e.g. in the main spaces, shops, restaurants, cafeterias, bars, parking). Signage or indication functions could also be incorporated.
SSL pilot actions – who? Who can apply? All relevant players in the SSL "food chain": lighting and luminaire industry, architects and lighting designers, contractors/installers and end-users, including stakeholders and end-users from the public sector as appropriate. National and regional energy agencies should be involved in the dissemination of the results. The consortium must include at least four mutually-independent legal entities from four different Member States or ICT PSP Associated countries to be eligible for Pilot Type B. Non-MS/AS, Intl. Orgs. are not eligible for funding.
SSL pilot actions – expected size and duration Total costs 4M€ - 8M€ per pilot action (2M€ - 4M€ funding). The EC funding is up to 50% of the eligible implementation costs, to cover: the additional initial cost of an SSL installation over a lighting installation based on non-SSL technology, the validation of the energy savings and carbon footprint reduction realized, the dissemination of the project outcome beyond today’s standard practice, involving installers, citizens and users. Research activities are not funded; although, when needed, technical adaptation and integration work in order to achieve the objectives may be covered, Typical duration 3 years (but can be longer), including the design, installation and assessment phases, although the generation of longer-term data or results (on real energy savings, user perception etc.) should continue after that time. At least 1 year should be operational.
Smart lighting in public buildings: Objective 1.1 or Objective 1.2? Objective 1.2: "ICT for energy efficiency in public buildings" could also address smart lighting. The correct Objective depends on the focus of the proposed pilot: If the main emphasis is on SSL and in showcasing its benefits when compared to traditional lighting,, then it should be submitted to Objective 1.1. If it includes smart lighting together with many other energy saving technologies (such as smart metering, power electronics, energy micro-generation, etc.) then it should be submitted to Objective 1.2.
ICT PSP 2011 - Timetable 28 Feb 2011: ICT PSP Call for proposals; infoday 7 April 2011: SSL pilots workshop (Brussels)* 1 June 2011: Call closes End 2011: projects start; to run 2012 ~ 2015 * register at infso-SSL@ec.europa.eu
Thank you for your attention For further information: john.magan@ec.europa.eugabriella.leo@ec.europa.eu http://cordis.europa.eu/fp7/ict/photonics/cip_en.html(for FAQs, etc.) Newsletter: INFSO-PHOTONICS@ec.europe.eu
ICT Policy Support Programme1.2 ICT for energy efficiency in public buildingsCall 5 Information Day Brussels, 28th of February 2011 Carmen IFRIM ICT for Sustainable Growth European Commission Information Society and Media Directorate-General
ICT for a low carbon economy1.2 ICT for energy efficiency in public buildings • Objective: to improve, through ICT-based solutions, energy efficiency in European public buildings (e.g. schools, hospitals, administrative offices) • Funding instrument: Pilot B • Budget: 7 M€ • Several actions to be funded up to maximum budget allocated
ICT for a low carbon economy1.2 ICT for energy efficiency in public buildings Pilot actions should aim to: • demonstrate that advanced ICT components and systems (e.g. smart metering, smart lighting, power electronics, energy micro-generation, etc.) can contribute directly to reducing energy losses and consumption in public buildings; energy savings in peak and annual consumption of more than 15% should be presented; • validate the effectiveness of ICT-based solutions, serve as showcases, facilitate their wider uptake and replication.
ICT for a low carbon economy1.2 ICT for energy efficiency in public buildings Pilots should: • Use existing ICT (off-the-shelves or mature research results) • Involve significant number of buildings in each pilot to ensure the proposed solution is relevant for a European wide market In addition: • Involve public authorities and provide evidence of timely availability of the energy infrastructures required for the successful implementation of pilots
ICT for a low carbon economy1.2 ICT for energy efficiency in public buildings In addition (cont.): • Demand-driven approach, ensuring acceptance and uptake, involving end-users throughout the project duration • Consortium must include ICT providers, distribution network operators, building managers • Validation must be carried out for at least 1 year in real life conditions and result in a consolidated set of best practices • Socio-economic evidence for ICT investments should be provided, including users acceptance and recovery of investment
ICT for a low carbon economy1.2 ICT for energy efficiency in public buildings In addition (cont.): • Address interoperability issues, comply with relevant standards, take into account best practices and relevant standardisation effort • Provide appropriate ethical & privacy safeguards • Share information and cooperation with other projects, in particular to define and adopt a common methodology to measure energy gains • Address experts, public authorities and relevant stakeholders, as well as large public, through dissemination and communication activities • Specific and realistic quantified indicators to monitor progress should be included
ICT for a low carbon economy1.2 ICT for energy efficiency in public buildings Expected impact: • Accelerate market acceptance and wide deployment of innovative ICT systems in Europe, leading to substantial energy savings and lower total lifetime costs for users • Empower building managers and end-users to play a central role in increasing energy efficiency and reducing CO2 emissions • Contribute to meeting Europe’s energy efficiency targets for 2020
Next steps • Read carefully the guidelines and the Work Programme 2011 • Find partners, prepare the proposal • Call or e-mail us for clarifications or additional information • Check also previously funded projects (next slides)
Projects funded under call 2008 - ICT for energy efficiency in public buildings and spaces, including lighting • BEST Energy: Built Environment Sustainability and Technology in EnergyWebsite: www.bestenergyproject.eu • HosPilot: Intelligent Energy Efficiency Control in Hospitals Website: www.hospilot.eu • SAVE ENERGY Website: www.ict4saveenergy.eu/ • LITES: Intelligent street lighting for energy savingWebsite: www.lites-project.eu
Social housing Projects Call 2009: ICT for energy efficiency in social housing • 3e-Houses: Energy Efficient e-Houses Website: www.3ehouses.eu/ • E3SoHo: ICT services for Energy Efficiency in European Social HousingWebsite: www.e3soho.eu/ • eSESH: Saving Energy in Social Housing with ICTWebsite: www.esesh.eu Call 2010: ICT for energy and water efficiency in social housing • Grant Agreements signed or to be finalised
Thank you for your attention! INFSO - Unit H4 “ICT for Sustainable Growth” http://ec.europa.eu/ictforsg http://cordis.europa.eu/fp7/ict/sustainable-growth/energy_en.html#smartbuildings Mailbox: INFSO-ICTPSP-H4@ec.europa.eu Project officer: Carmen IFRIM E-mail:Carmen.Ifrim@ec.europa.eu
ICT-PSP Info Day. 28/2/2011 Francisco Ferreira DG INFSO-G4 ICT-PSP WP2011 Call 5 Objective 1.3: “Smart Connected Electro-Mobility”
CIP ICT-PSP Infoday. 28/02/2011 : Slide 25 The Challenges of Europe's Transport Sector • Safety • Congestion • Energy Efficiency & Emissions • Growth in demand • Balance between modes • Make use of research and developments including ICT • Increasing urbanisation • Ageing of Europe's population
CIP ICT-PSP Infoday. 28/02/2011 : Slide 26 Meeting the ChallengesCan Smart Connected Electro-Mobility contribute? Electro-mobility is seen as one of the largest opportunities to radically change today's transport system and make a quantum leap into the next generation of sustainable mobility.
CIP ICT-PSP Infoday. 28/02/2011 : Slide 27 Objective 1.3: “Smart Connected Electro-Mobility” Funding instrument: Pilot Type B up to 3 pilots for up to 7M€ EC contribution in total. Focus and outcomes: • Contribute to a pre-deployment and wider uptake of smart connected Electro Mobility; • Test urban and inter-urban ICT services that facilitate and enhance the user experience of electrical vehicles.
CIP ICT-PSP Infoday. 28/02/2011 : Slide 28 Objective 1.3Conditions and characteristics (1) Essential characteristics to achieve the expected outcomes: • Focus on ICT applications for electro-mobility that contribute to the full integration of electrical vehicles into the transport system; • All types of electric vehicles and plug-in hybrids should be considered; • Attention on the origin of the electric energy used (coal, gas, renewable, etc…).
CIP ICT-PSP Infoday. 28/02/2011 : Slide 29 Objective 1.3Conditions and characteristics (2) • The European Standardisation Organisations (ESOs) are currently deploying standards for Electro-Mobility. The pilots should test the interoperability of these standards; • Focus on ICT based services, complementing ongoing EU projects and pilots; • Include specific and realistic quantified indicators to monitor progress.
CIP ICT-PSP Infoday. 28/02/2011 : Slide 30 Objective 1.3Conditions and characteristics (3) • Participation of relevant stakeholders like public authorities, electricity utilities, automotive industry and suppliers, users, etc. • Pilots should be designed to form a scalable base for long term deployment; • Dissemination and communication activities should be included.
CIP ICT-PSP Infoday. 28/02/2011 : Slide 31 Expected impact • Contributing to the European goal of creating a sustainable transport system with lower carbon emissions; • Developing tools for measurement, monitoring and assessing carbon emissions from the electro-mobility sector; • Contributing to meeting Europe's energy efficiency targets for 2020.
CIP ICT-PSP Infoday. 28/02/2011 : Slide 32 Thanks for your attention Francisco Ferreira francisco.ferreira@ec.europa.eu Eva Boethius eva.boethius@ec.europa.eu Myriam Coulon Cantuer myriam.coulon-cantuer@ec.europa.eu Antonio Fernandez-Ranada Shaw antonio.fernandez-ranada-shaw@ec.europa.eu