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生物新知簡報. -- 詹于萱 Dead Fish Tell Evolutionary Tales. Dead Fish Tell Evolutionary Tales by Phil Berardelli on 12 October 2010, 7:03 PM
生物新知簡報 --詹于萱 Dead Fish Tell Evolutionary Tales
Dead Fish Tell Evolutionary Tales by Phil Berardelli on 12 October 2010, 7:03 PM Stages. Researchers found that the soft tissues of lampreys and hagfish (inset) decay in a consistent, predictable sequence.
研究內容 • 英國萊斯特大學的一群古生物學家,在超過六個月觀察死魚如何腐爛後,發現軟組織的爛敗有一定的規律。他們指出,那樣的發現有助於日後對化石樣本的解讀。
研究內容 • 人們之所以能夠得知已絕種的脊椎動物之模樣,無非是透過牠們形成化石的骨骼。由磷酸鈣形成的骨骼在動物死後結合了其他礦物質,就成了能夠保留上億年的化石。不過骨骼不過是動物的一部分,動物其他大部分如皮膚、肌肉、內臟等軟組織卻極易腐敗。
研究內容 • Robert Sansom及同事Sarah Gabbott和Mark Purnell花了200天觀然這些死魚(盲鰻、八目鰻)的腐化過程。在忍受夠了極噁心的惡臭後,他們發現腐化的過程是有規律的,在演化上愈晚出現的組織愈早腐化。
研究內容 • 例如在腦或嘴中,能分辦牠們和其他魚類不同之處的組織在一天就腐敗掉了。因此,那些失落的組織,可能讓生物學家誤認牠們是比原本還要原始的物種。所以在化石中,可能已經失去了能夠讓生物學家做出正確判斷的訊息。
結論 The study provides "important constraints on the interpretation of rare fossils, including some of our earliest ancestors," writes paleobiologist Derek Briggs of Yale University's Peabody Museum of Natural History in an e-mail. The results with decaying fish, he adds, "can be applied to the interpretation of soft-bodied fossils in general, and particularly to determining their true place in the tree of life."
參考資料 • Sansom, R. S., Gabbott, S. E. & Purnell, M. A. Decay of vertebrate characters in hagfish and lamprey (Cyclostomata) and the implications for the vertebrate fossil record. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. Published online before print October 14, 2010, doi: 10.1098/rspb.2010.1641 • ScienceNOW - Dead Fish Tell Evolutionary Tales • http://www.sciscape.org/news_detail.php?news_id=2594