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372 我若稍微偏離正路 If From The Right Course I Depart. 我若稍微偏離正路, 我要立刻舒服; If from the right course I depart, At once comfort I'd find. 但我記念我主基督, 如何忠心受苦。 But I remember how my Lord Did suffer agony. (二)
372 我若稍微偏離正路If From The Right Course I Depart 我若稍微偏離正路,我要立刻舒服;If from the right course I depart, At once comfort I'd find.但我記念我主基督,如何忠心受苦。But I remember how my Lord Did suffer agony.
(二) 我今已經撇棄世界,所有關係都解;I'll utterly forsake this world, And sever all the ties.雖然道路越走越窄,但我在此是客。My path may narrow more and more; I'm but a pilgrim here.
(三) 儘管別人藐視冷嘲,我只求主微笑;Though men may scowl and laugh to scorn, I only want His smile.別人雖然喜歡外貌,但我要主的”好”。Let others fancy outward show, His "best" is my desire.
(四) 我心所望不是偉大,不是今生通達;Not after greatness do I seek, Nor success in this life.我願現在卑微事主,那日得祂稱祝。But humbly I would serve the Lord, That day to gain His praise.
(五) 我今每日舉目細望審判臺前亮光;I'm daily gazing at the light Out of His judgment seat,願我所有生活、工作,那日都能耐火。That all my living and my works May stand the test of fire.
(六) 讓你們去得著名聲、富足、榮耀、友朋;Let others seek for name and fame, For glory, wealth and friends.讓你們去得著成功、讚美、從者、興隆。Let them procure their great success, Their followers and praise.
(七) 但我只願孤單、貧窮,在此不求亨通;In solitude and poverty, I wish to prosper not;我心切望忠誠跟從我主到了路終。But faithfully I'll follow Him Until I reach the goal.
(八) 因我知道,主在此世不過得著一死,I know, while here to earth He came,His only gain was “death.”所以現在我無他志,只願與祂損失。That's why no other wish have I But with Him to suffer loss.
(九) 我的榮耀還在將來,今日只得忍耐;Since all my glories lie ahead, Now patient I must be.我決不肯先我的主在此得榮、得福。I will not go before my Lord Much glory to receive.
(十) 那日,我要得著尊貴,主要擦乾眼淚;That day, my honor I‘ll receive; The Lord will dry my tears.今日,主既仍舊遲延,我要忠心進前。Today, while he must tarry still, I'll press on faithfully.