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Číňané v zahraničí. Program konference. Michaela Kapičková : Gourmet China in the Czech Republic.
Michaela Kapičková: Gourmet China in the Czech Republic • Viewingofgourmet China is a ratherdelicate matter mainly due toitsdiversity all aroundtheword, whichmeansthatanyforeignanalysescould not beapplied on thespecificconditionsthatdifferfromstatetostate. Moreoversystematicresearchwhichisnarrowlyfocused on this matter in Czech Republichasyettobeconducted. Thatiswhatmakesthispaperundeniablyunique. Therefore, thebrief but widelyfocusedintroductionisneededtosecure a basicunderstandingof Chinese eatingculture, whichwelatercomparetothecurrentsituation in Czech Republic. The paperexplainshow Chinese eatingcultureisviewedby Czech peopleandhowitoriginated. An importantpartofthisisgettingtoknowthemainingredientscommonlyused in China. Andfurthertothisinformation, thesurveydealswiththeaccessibilityofingredientsforcookingfromthebasicsupermarketstothespecializedshopsandmarkethalls. Finallythe last part, albeitthemostsignificantfor a deepunderstandingof Gourmet China, isfieldresearch in Brno. Bywaysofusing different methods, we will introducesomeinterestingknowledgeablepeoplewhoarecrucial in termsofjustifyingourresults in respectofgourmet China in the Czech Republic, with a specificfocus on Brno.
KristínaSzabová: Chinese in Hollywood • Hollywood haslongexerted an international influence on the global imagination. In thefirst half ofthe 20th century, Chinese American actorswhoaspiredto a career in Hollywood foundtheiropportunities limited to roles that propagated Asian stereotypes.Meanwhile, many Chinese roles were given to non-Asian actors playing “yellowface”.It has been a long, difficult road for Chinese in Hollywood who have striven to build meaningful careers behind and in front of the camera. This presentationprovidescaptivatinginsightintothehistoryof Chinese artists in Hollywood. Itbringstogether a fascinatingportraitofactors, directorsandiconicimagestoshowhowthe Chinese havebeenrepresented in moviesfromthesilenteratothecurrentnewwaveof Asian American cinema. The studyrevealsstoriesbehindthe Asian facesthathavegracedthesilverscreen, andunforgettableperformancesandgroundbreakingfilms.A qualitative exploratory approach, using autobiographical literature and American-Chinese movies provides the basis for primary research, with case studies as a secondary research method. Together, these methods facilitate an analysis of the evolution of Chinese influence in Hollywood, focused on the contributions of Chinese and Chinese Americans to the film and television industries as well as of those who lived and worked in the Hollywood area.
Milica Majorčíková: ShenYun • The Chinese cultureisoftenconsideredoneoftheoldest, most original andinterestingcultures in theworld. Despitemanyanthropologistsstudyingitand a wealthof well-researched studies available, there are still areas not so well known to the public yet. However, that does not mean that they are not worth to be better known. It is rather due to the amazing breadthof this topic and the ability to always surprise and attract. The conference paper that I will present at this conference examines the topic of Shen Yun, one of the ways in which the Chinese culture is being widespread and presented to the world. Professional artists meet together to show us how diverse, breath-taking and energetic Chinese culture is. In my presentation I focus on historical background of this group. I describe certain historical events, which significantly influenced the formation of this community. I speak about the tight connection between Shen Yun and Falun Gong and how this relationship has been influencing the artists. I look closer onwhere they take their inspiration for the performance from, and what their desire and intention to propagate and represent Chinese traditional culture despite persecution and restriction of the Chinese government stems from. I bring you closer to the Chinese traditional dance and music - the main elements presented in the performance. Besides that, I show you how particular opinions on this worldwide phenomena differfromeachother and what we imagine under the Shen Yun concept.
Pavla Krajcová: Chinese community in Ryukyu • Throughouthistory, theRyukyuKingdomhashadsomecomplextributaryrelationswith China and Japan. In 17th century, thiskingdom was evenconsideredtobe a tributarystateofboth countries simultaneously. Everyoneofthese countries perceivedthelevelofitspartner’sindependenceandimportance in a different way. The levelofthe mutual influence also varieddepending on thepointofviewandtheera. The pointistoillustratethesignificanceandtheimpalof such relations. This researchisfocused on Chinese migrantscomingtoRyukyu in the 14th century, whosettledthereandfounded an importantcommunityofintellectualscalledKumemura. Itispossibletoshowitsdeeperculturalandpoliticalinfluence due toresearchdone on literkysourcesandthusexaminationsofthecommunity’ssocialstatusandfunction. The conclusionformedisthatmembersofKumemurabelongedto a high andprivilegedpartofsocietyco-creatingRyukyu’s administrative organizationandscholarshipoverseveralcenturies.
KateřinaValíčková: Chinese immigrants in Mongolia • The migration of the Chinese population to Mongolia is now closely linked to several factors. The first is location - Mongolia is borderingChina in the South which is a great opportunity for cultural transmissions and trade. The second is history - the history of China has very close connections with Mongolian history, which reached its peak in the 13th century, when the mongolian Yuan dynasty was established in China. The third factor is investment - not only do the Mongolian have fertile plains that offers space for farmers, but also minerals and oil that are a source of Mongolian natural wealth. Given that the migration of Chinese in Mongolia began in the 9th century, we can also observe some cultural similarities between these two cultures. However, the Mongolian feeling about chinese immigrants is unfriendly. It is characterized by a constant struggle for power, and after the fall of the Yuan Dynasty of Mongolia rencopasses an effort to break away from Chinese influence.Thepresentation will be divided into several parts. First, a brief introduction will be given to the historical development of Chinese immigration to Mongolia and a situation during the soviet period and after the fall of the USSR. The situation of Chinese immigrants, especially their social conditions, will be presented in part two. The third part is devoted to Chinese investment in Mongolia, as now Chinese investors are very much in demand and are currently considered to be the main reason of migration of the Chinese population in this country.
AdélaBoráňová: Incorporationof Chinese immigrantsintosociety • My contribution to Chine abroad should highlight main issues which are related to the integration of Chinese immigrants into society. Every aspect of their lives should be examined. All individuals should be handled as a part of the society they moved into. We should analyze matters, which bias their living in a contemporary world. There are many non-occupational problems, which are affected by their way of living. Social life is corrupted by interruption from the families. What should also be considered is the educational difficulties that are often faced by immigrants. Great matter is impersonated by the relationship between the government and people migrating in matter of labour. We should bring out another, perhaps less obvious topics, such as language differences, which are reducing chances for success. Integrating Chine immigrants into society is not an easy task, and as it is a very complex topic, nevertheless I would like to reflect highlight the key issues. I believe it will be an enriching acquisition for an audience and it gives the right opportunity for a reflection of a reported theme in a discussion after my contribution, because it is a truly contemporary issue surrounding Chinese society that should be spoken about.
Alena Chrápavá: Illegal Migration from China to Hong Kong • This is an abstractformycontribution at a studentconference at Masaryk University; topicis Illegal migrationfrom China to Hong Kong. The communisticregimeandsocialsituation in People’sRepublicof China, emigrationlevelshavebeenrisingforsome time. Unfortunately, illegal migrationoffers an easy wayfor Chinese inhabitantstomoveaway, ratherthanpursuingtheoften time-consuming legal route. Oneofthemostpopulardestinations, andtheclosest, thattheyopttomoveto, is Hong Kong, whichholds a special administrative statustowardsChina.Thispresentationmainlyconcernsthereasonsfortheabovementioned illegal immigration. Reasonswhythe Chinese residentschoosethisregion, whatkindoffuturetheyarehopingtoachieveandresultsofthe real livingforthem, mostofthe time, end up. Also an issueisthehugeriskstheyarewillingtoundertakefor a “betterfuture” andthemeansoftransportwhichareused, is an importanttopic. The second half ofthisspeechbringstotheforethehistoryof illegal immigrationto Hong Kong, andcurrent/contemporarylawsandregulationsagainst such migrants. The presentationconcludeswith an examinationof international opinionregardingthisissue, and Hong Kong’sreactions.
BarboraKrausová: CCNC Redressthe Chinese Head Tax • Chinese Canadian National Council was founded in 1980to improve conditions for Chinese inhabitants. Various projects have been created within this organization with the aim to stop social oppression and violent or subtle forms of discrimination and racism (e.g. protests against CTV and W5’s producers, against Deputy Mayor of Markham Carole Bell, etc.). The question is how efficient this effort is. In this paper, we focus on a campaign Redress the "Chinese Head Tax". This movement is quite successful. It sought a formal apology and appropriate redress for families affected by racist policies in the past.Thepaper clarifies conditions surrounding the creation of this proposal, started in 1984, and initial reactions of the government and local non-Chinese citizens. Furthermore, the woes this movement had to experience and the final compensation. Above all, the main goal of the paper is to compare the original idea of compensation and current situation on the basis of information from various sources.Likemany others, this movement also did not reach its goal completely. Compensation was paid only to immigrants who were alive, or to their widowed spouses. The children of robbed immigrants cannot claim any compensation.Nevertheless, this campaign can be regarded as successful, especially considering the initial, very strong resistance that it endured. Nowadays, people still tend to be racist, though perhaps less overtly so. We can only hope that the gradual steps taken, like this campaign, will change the Canadian-Chinese society into being accepted and respected as equals.
Nicola Poledňáková: The Chinese andgoldrush in New ZealandArrowtown • My presentation will be about the Chinese community who went to New Zealand because of the gold rush. Although most of the gold diggers went to Australia or California, some searched for fortunes in the then not so famous New Zealand. From the available sources we can see, that the Chinese originally arrived in New Zealand in the 1860s during the Otago Gold Rush (began 1861). The Chinese who went there were mainly from Guangdong province in southern China. They left their country because they lived in poverty, there was high unemployment, the area was over-populated and still suffering the effects of the Opium Wars, but they were still dreaming of returning home rich to a proud family. This presentation will concentrate on Arrowtown Chinese Settlement since I have been there and I would like to describe what their everyday life consist of, what their housing looks like, and how they clothe themselves. I would also like to focus on how much people in their host community accepted them or otherwise how cruel it was to adapt to freezing winters in New Zealand and how it currently looks in Arrowtown. The presentation will also display interesting photos that I personally took when in Arrowtown.
Boris Frešo: The economicimpactof Chinese migrationintoAfrica • Chinese investments in Africaareincreasingyearbyyear. Accordingtothenew China-AfricaEconomicand Trade Cooperation White Paper which was releasedbythe Chinese State Council in 2013, the total China-Africatradevolumehasgrownfromslightlymorethan US$ 50 billion in 2006 toapproximately US$ 200 billion in 2012. In comparison, the total valueoftradebetweenthe US andAfrica in 2012 was statedasbeing US$ 72 billion. Substantial Chinese investments in Africahaveinevitablyleadedtostrengthenpoliticalinfluence. As a result, variousexperts in thefieldof global politicscriticize China forpossibilityofbecoming a new “neo-colonial power” in the Dark Continent. Whilepresentstudiesarelargelyfocusing on the “newscrambleofAfrica`sresources” regardingtogeopolitics, thispaperexaminestheeconomicimplicationsof Chinese migration in Africa. Firstly, thisstudy will briefintroducethe Chinese businessactivities in the African continent, alongwiththepossiblemotivationsofthe Chinese Governmentforadopting such a policy. Secondly, it will describetheSino-African tradingrelationshipwithregardstotheamountof Chinese investments, numbersofmigrantworkersandcompanies in eachparticularcountrywithinthe last 10 years. Finally, thisresearch will discussthequestionof positive and negative consequencesof Chinese influence on the African continentfromtheeconomicpointofview.