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What is Physics? Ch1. Physics (A) Winter, 2010-2011. What is Science?. Science. Living Things. Physical Things. Geology. Physics. Chemistry. Botany. Zoology. Biology. What is Physics?. Science – Study of Nature’s Rules and Guidelines to gain knowledge/understanding
What is Physics?Ch1 Physics (A) Winter, 2010-2011
What is Science? Science Living Things Physical Things Geology Physics Chemistry Botany Zoology Biology
What is Physics? • Science – Study of Nature’s Rules and Guidelines to gain knowledge/understanding • Physics – Study of matter and energy and their interactions in nature • Physics is not just the study of motion: -Study of Motion: Dynamics -Study of Stationary Objects & their Forces: Statics -Study of Motion due to heat: Thermodynamics -Study of Motion due to attraction of charged particles: Electricity
What is the Language of Science? Math is used as Language of Science. Why? • Math typically has one meaning, so confusion is reduced. Ex. DC has at least 3 meanings: District of Columbia, Direct Current, & Detective Constable (a police detective in Great Britain) • Math makes a scientific idea easier to defend or disprove by experiments. Ex. F=ma • Math formulas translate through various languages: 2+2=4 can be translated in many different languages and still produce 4
What is the Scientific Method? (Old School) • What It Is: Methodical approach to answering a question to solve a problem • What It Does: Increase consistency • The Creators: • Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) Italy • Francis Bacon (1561-1626) England • The 1600’s were busy times!
What is Scientific Inquiry?(New School) • Observations or Experiences noted of a specific event (Ex. Sunsets are typically Red-Orange in color) • Observations lead to a question: Why? How? • Patterns are studies of the questions & observations (wavelengths of various shades of light energy) • Explanations are written theories of patterns: Due to angle of sun at time of sunset, only longer wavelengths of light are not scattered; remain visible
What are the Steps of The Scientific Method? • Generate ?? after making observations of something. • Write a problem statement. • Make an educated guess (hypothesis) to answer the ?. • Predict the results of the hypothesis. • Perform experiments to test each prediction. • Organize results of all experiments (look at data). • Summarize what the data stated.
What Else Could You Do? • Without Scientific Method, you could also answer questions by: • Trial and Error (Edison completed over 1000 failing light bulbs before discovering the light bulb as we know it today) • Blind Experiments-experiments w/o hypothesis (Jack Skellington in Nightmare Before Xmas) • Accidental Discovery (Microwave ovens, Post-It Notes, SuperGlue) • Even with the Scientific Method, be prepared to be wrong more times than you’re right!
The Process of Science • Let’s Go to the Flowchart • What happens if evidence is discovered that contradicts a law or principle? • Then it has to be re-written or • It has to be abandoned • Has this ever happened in the real world? • You Betcha! • In my 13 years in engine testing, I have seen a principle of business abandoned at least six times. • In 1610, the geocentric model was abandoned by newly evidence-based heliocentric model of universe.
How Do You Write a Hypothesis? • Hypotheses: • Must be testable; ability to prove it wrong • Does not contain speculation, emotion, or opinion: do not use words like best, most, least, always, never • Example: Oil and Vinegar do not mix. • Example: Oils from Algae can be blended with Diesel Fuel to make a Renewable Fuel.
How Do You Write a Problem Statement? • A Problem Statement: • Must be complete to be efficient • Contains many details and is very specific • Bad Example: I cannot do my homework tonight. • Good Example: Because I work tonight from 3pm to 7:45pm, and I have an English paper due tomorrow, I won’t have time to do my Physics homework tonight. • Not complete enough, time and money can be lost!
Final Words on Science, Technology • Science-study of life and physical things • Technology-applying this new knowledge to answer questions and solve problems EFFICIENTLY • STEM Careers-Jobs related to Scientific, Technology, Engineering, and Math • If you like science and math, you need to think about a STEM Career-the USA workforce needs you!