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EzyFix presents a slideshow on the do's and don'ts to keep in mind when you begin any DIY bathroom renovations.
DIY Bathroom Renovations Do’s and Don’ts
There’s a piece of all of us that likes to believe we’re DIY aficionados, able to wield our weapon of choice with the utmost precision and prowess, whether that weapon be a hammer, a paintbrush, or a drill. • Unfortunately, this isn’t always the case, and as much as we like to think we are able to revolutionise our bathroom, kitchen, bedroom, or living room in a single day with nothing but our own two hands and some steely determination, sometimes, we need a helping hand.
And here it is: a list of Do’s and Don’ts to keep in mind when undertaking DIY bathroom renovations.
DO Make a Plan - and Stick To It Before you begin anything, make sure you know what your goals are for this DIY project. If all you’re planning to do is re-tile: measure the area before hand, decide on the tiles you want, talk to a professional about the best methods and any tips they can give you, and away you go. A clear plan about what you want to achieve means that you’ll know exactly what needs doing. Having no plan at all will result in your getting sidetracked, not having enough materials, going over budget, and buying things that you don’t need.
DON’T Go Over Budget If you’ve made a budget, chances are you made it for a reason and you’re going to want to stick to it. For big renovations, make sure you keep track of any quotes you receive from contractors or suppliers. If you can, it’s always a good idea to keep some money aside for any unexpected changes that might occur. You don’t want to be left out of pocket and with an unfinished bathroom because of sloppy budgeting.
DO Choose Appropriate Materials When choosing the materials for your new bathroom, remember that you are in a bathroom. Thick carpet might feel good when it’s freshly laid, but will it feel as good after a couple of years being trampled on by wet feet and splashed with shampoo? Do your research about which tiles are best for bathroom floors and which materials are best for your countertop. Remember that they want to be long-lasting and easy to clean.
DON’T Meddle With the Plumbing Unless you are a certified plumber, chances are you don’t fully understand the plumbing system in your bathroom. As much as possible, try to avoid meddling with the placement of your plumbing system - changing anything around is incredibly time-consuming, not to mention expensive. If you absolutely must alter the plumbing, make sure you call in a professional to do the job.
DO Make Eco-Friendly Changes Making environmentally conscious changes to your bathroom has never been easier. When renovating your bathroom, the tasks of switching out your regular fittings for eco-friendly, water-saving replacements is a quick and easy job that will conserve water, help the environment, and reduce your monthly water and electricity bills, so everyone wins!
DON’T Overestimate Your Skills Brazenly asserting that remodelling your entire bathroom can’t be that hard will do nothing but leave you out of money, out of energy, and out of patience. While removing old tiles, taking up old floorboards, and taking down shelving may be well within your DIY ability, don’t overestimate yourself and attempt to make changes that should be done by a professional. You don’t want to end up with a flooded bathroom, after all.
DO Think About Space If you’ve been complaining about your lack of storage space since you moved in, now is the time to remedy that. Adding storage cupboards and shelving units during renovations is a great time to create space for your toiletries, towels, linens, and whatever else you’ve been wanting to store. On the flip side, if you’re in the position where you find storage cupboards are clogging up your bathroom, removing them during the renovation process can help open up your bathroom, making it larger and more welcoming.
DON’T Forget Ventilation Your bathroom ceiling is a meeting ground for all the steam and hot air to mingle and stagnate, and if your bathroom doesn’t have a proper ventilation system, you could find yourself with a mould problem. While renovating, remember to factor in your ventilation system. Upgrading it doesn’t have to be expensive, and it can save you an awful lot of trouble down the line.
DO Get Easy-Install DIY Fixtures What are the odds… we happen to stock just such fixtures. In fact, EzyFix taps and showerheads are the only ones of their kind that carry a no-excuses warranty that holds up EVEN if you do the install yourself. Some of our showers can be installed in minutes, and all of our bathroom tapware is designed for easy DIY installs. We also operate a 24/7 helpline if you need a tip or helping hand.