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America’s Job Link Alliance. 12.3 Review. Employer Use Policy.
America’s Job Link Alliance 12.3 Review
Employer Use Policy #01939 Employer Use Policy Updates: Link added to “Find Employees” fly out and the Employer Desktop. Accept/Decline/Pending buttons are suppressed on these views. This was in response to the last EEOC issuance on offenders. We wanted to make the policy more accessible so changes could be viewed easier.
Admin Security Function #11170 Admin Security Function Updates: Agency/Region/Office structure has been modified. Select the agency and drill down to the respective regions and offices. Add/Edit buttons for respective selections.
Login Message: Duplicates #11170 Admin Security Function Updates: Agency/Region/Office structure has been modified. Select the agency and drill down to the respective regions and offices. Add/Edit buttons for respective selections.
Job Order Default #9372 Job Order Default Display: Instead of defaulting to the current default – have the default set to “See Job Description” for the following fields: Type of Employment, Hours Per Week, Education Required, Experience Required
Job Search Results #8975 Job Search Results Short Display: Modified the job search results to display the company name when AJL is the source. The Company Name is retrieved from the Job Details Screen under Contact Information when the job listing is placed as Public. If the job order is set to something other than Public disclosure, “Contact KANSASWORKS for more information” displays instead of the company name
Exit Reports Consolidation of Exit Warning and Recently Exited reports. #8909 Exit Reports: Moved the Exit Warning and Recently Exited reports to a NEW menu item, “Exit Reports”, located last in the Reporting menu. Added the option of selecting the Program from a dropdown. Excluded UI and made Job Service and RES available only at the office level. This also allows you to select multiple programs to include in one report.
Report 8 #8830 Report 8: Added O*NET title and O*NET code to the Report 8.
TAA Service Details • After TAA enrollment date. • Before Actual Start Date. #8292 TAA Service Details: Added “Enrollment Date” field to the Service and Training Plan for TAA. The field will be used for Training Services to show the date the client is enrolled in training (which can be different from the EST Start Date).
Client Status Sheet #8091 Jobseeker ID to Client Status Sheet (printable version): Added the job seeker's Participant ID to the header of the Client Status Sheet (Printable Version). The Participant ID now displays at the top of the Client Status Sheet between the participant’s last name and the date.
Service Details #8002 S & T: Added program and enrollment names to the header of the Service & Training Plan page.
Referral Letter #5812 Job Seeker Referral Letter: Modified the job seeker referral letter to include “How to Apply” information from the job order
Delete Employment Plan Delete level is set by a new application variable. #5734 Delete Employment Plan for Closed Enrollments: Added a Delete button to enrollment plans for closed enrollments. Created an app var “delete closed empplan” to set the lowest casetracker level that can delete employment plans when enrollment is closed.
Advanced Job Search: Sample Location Free text entry in the application variable. #5597 Example City/State: An application variable has been added to allow the example city/state on the advanced job search to be customized.
TAA Petition Management #5498 TAA Petition Management: Originally we going to change the Petition Entry field in Client demographics to a text box with validation checks against the petition table. Determined that a change to Petition Management would work better. New field “Currently In Use” added. Select YES/NO.
Employer Security Question #5145 SS Employer Security Question/Answer: Created functionality allowing self-service employers to change their security question and answer, the same way job seekers and staff can.
Exit Information #5118 Exit Page Display: Exit Questions can now be updated while an enrollment is still open if all criteria are met. 1. All Services (excluding follow-up) are closed in all enrollments tied to the program. 2. There is no gap in service scheduled on any enrollment tied to the program. 3. No future services are scheduled on any enrollment tied to the program. An application variable was added to set the CT level. The link only displays if criteria are met and if a service is added the link is then removed.
Employment Plan #5034 Printing Options for Employment Plan: Added the ability to print specific sections of the employment plan, rather than the entire plan.
Client Call-in #1177: Job Referral Call-in: Added the job order number, as a clickable link, to the client call-in information page, when a client has been called in for a Job Referral.
Office Display Number #1165 Add Office Display Number: Added an officenumber field to the production.office table. This allows an office number to be established as desired when registering a new office, keeping reports and display values in line with existing offices. If the office display number field is blank the actual office number displays.
Date of Completion of Services #11026 Date of Completion of Services: Add a new field labeled Date of Completion of <Enrollment Name> Services to the Enrollment Info template. The date entered will be used to determine completion of services date prior to the actual exit date and will be required for the WISRD and WIASRD and, potentially the TAPR. The date will also we used to determine the date when participation ends for literacy/numericy calculations. The participation for lit/num will continue as long as the date is null. Edit Checks:All edit checks currently used for entering an actual exit date will apply. Date cannot be in the future. Past dates allowed, but no later that the last stdactenddate with status of Completed on Youth Enrollment(s). All services must be complete All goals must be set to attained or not attained. Date cannot be entered if a gap in service exits Date cannot be entered if a future service is scheduled This is to meet the WIA Youth enrollments new reporting requirements for the WISRD and WISPR.