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represent … as… 把 … 描绘成 … represent oneself as (to be) 声称自己是 represent sth. to oneself 想像出某事物

1. represent. represent 表现;描写;描绘;代表 (= stand for) ; 声称. represent … as… 把 … 描绘成 … represent oneself as (to be) 声称自己是 represent sth. to oneself 想像出某事物 be representative of 代表,表示. e.g. His opinion ~ s that of the majority. The sign “&” represents the word “and”.

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represent … as… 把 … 描绘成 … represent oneself as (to be) 声称自己是 represent sth. to oneself 想像出某事物

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  1. 1. represent represent 表现;描写;描绘;代表(= stand for);声称 represent … as…把…描绘成… represent oneself as (to be)声称自己是 represent sth. to oneself想像出某事物 be representative of代表,表示 e.g. His opinion ~s that of the majority. The sign “&” represents the word “and”. This painting represents a storm of sea. This picture ~s the end of the war. He represented himself as a philosopher.

  2. e.g. The thirteen stars on the flag __ the thirteen colonies that have announced independence. A. are B. sign C. represent D. compare 析:答案为C。句意为:“旗帜上的十三颗星代表了已宣布独立的十三个殖民地。Sign作动词用,意为:“签名”,compare “比较”。

  3. 2. include vt. 包括,包含 including prep. 包括 (表主动) included p.p. 被包括 (表被动) e.g. The tour included a visit to the Science Museum. The band played many songs, including some of my favourites. At least 20 people got hurt, including five children. = At least 20 people got hurt, five children included. = At least 20 people got hurt and five children included.

  4. 辨别: include与contain vt. “包括;包含”。它侧重指包含者是整体的一部分。即范围或整体. include contain vt. “包含;含有”。它指包含者是某物的组成部分(或内容成份)。 e.g. The book includes two chapters on grammar. 这本书有两章是关于语法的。 Everybody took part in the fight against the flood, including the old people. 所有的人,包括老人,都参加了抗洪战斗。 Orange juice cntains things which help keep you healthy. 桔汁里含有有益于健康的东西。 Sea water contains salt. 海水里含有盐。

  5. 例:1. Detailed instructions are ______ in the booklet (小册子),_____ the way you get there. A. including; included B. included; including C. including; including D. included; included 2. There’s no need to leave a tip. Service ______ in the bill. A. includes B. is included C. will include D. is including 析: 1)、include 为及物动词,它同instructions之间存在被动关系;including 为介词,常位于句尾。答案为B. 2)、include同Service 之间是被动关系。故答案为B。

  6. 用 include 的适当形式填空 ① Their names are ____________ in the list. ② There are a lot of names in the list, _____________ his name. ③ There are a lot of names in the list, his name ______________. ④ The rent is 40 yuan a month ____________ water and electricity. ⑤ The price _____________ postage then. included including included including included

  7. 3. give in give in不及物短语, “投降、屈服、让步” eg. One shouldn’t give in while he or she stands and sees. She would rather die than give in. give in还可意为“上交”;= turn in, hand in eg. When shall I give in my paper? All papers should be given in before 12:30. give in to …向…让步、迁就 eg He is always giving in to others.

  8. give up vt. / vi. 放弃、不在做(某事)、把----献给 交出、让给 I’ve given up that idea long before. She has given up her life to nursing the sick. They had given up the city to the enemy. give up + doing He has given up playing football.

  9. give up 放弃、交出 give in 让步、投降 • give away 赠送、泄露、分发、丧失 • give back 归还、送回 • give off 发出(光、热、烟、火、声、味) • give out 分发、用完、筋疲力尽 • He _________ his seat to an old woman. • The gas _________ an unpleasant smell. • Our money soon _____________. • Have you _____ him ______ the money yet? gave up gave off gave out given back

  10. 4. in ruins bring sb. To ruin 毁灭某人 ruin oneself毁了自己 (be ) a ruin已成废墟 ruin one’s health把身体搞垮 fall into ruin(变得)破败不堪 go / come to ruin损坏 be in ruins成为废墟、落空 eg. The house across the street is in ruins. Our plan is in ruins. ruin n. 毁坏、破坏(不可数)、废墟、遗迹(常用复数) eg. Drink leads to his ruin. We could see the ruins of the house. in pieces成碎片、破碎、落空 His plans are now in pieces. He dropped the cup and now it is in pieces

  11. e.g. After the big earthquake in Bam of Iran, almost all the houses and buildings were not only ______, more than 20000 people also lost their lives and many more were homeless. A. fallen B. in ruin C. destroying D. in ruins 解析:本题考查介词短语的用法。题意:“伊朗巴姆市大地震后,不但几乎所有的楼房成了废墟,而且两万多人失去了生命,还有好多人无家可归。”选项A无被动语态,选项C须用被动语态才正确,选项B词组有误。故答案为D.

  12. 5. burn burn vt./vi (burned, burned; burnt, burnt) (1) 烧掉、烧毁 He burned all her letters. (2) 烫着、烧着、烧焦、晒黑 Hot water will burn you. Be careful not to burn the meat. (3) 燃烧、烧着 Paper burns easily. (4) (脸部)绯红、(皮肤)发烫 Her cheeks are burning with shame. (5) 迫切想(做某事) She is burning to tell you the news.

  13. burn up 烧光 burn down 烧毁 burn … to the ground The hotel burned down. / was burned down. burnt burnt burned burned 烧伤的, 烧坏的 burn 相同点: 常都可作定语 lighted lighted lit lit light 点燃的, 燃着的 e.g. He lit a candle with a lighter and then put the lighted candle on the burnt table but unfortunately it burned the newspapers.

  14. 6. bring… back to life come back to life苏醒过来 bring … back to health使…恢复健康 They did all they could to bring him back to life. Her stay in the mountains has brought her back to health.

  15. 7. photograph n. take a photograph of = take photographs of have one’s photograph taken请人给自己拍照 have a photograph taken with… 和…合影

  16. 8. limit vt. & n. limited adj. limit … to …把……限制到…… e.g. Our holidays are limited to two days. My mother limited us to one cake each. n. [U] 限度;界限 a speed limit 速度限制 His patience reached its limit. = He reached the limit of his patience.

  17. 9. breath n. ------ breathe v. out of breath上气不接下气地;气喘吁吁地 take a deep breath深呼吸 take breath歇口气;歇会儿 hold one’s breath屏息

  18. 10. give sth. back give sth. back归还;送还 give sth. in (= hand in sth.)呈交 give in to sb. / sth. 投降;屈服 give sb. / sth. away泄露;捐赠;赠送 give sth. off发出气味、热气等 give up sth. / doing sth. 放弃(做)某事 give up sth. to sb.把……给某人 give out vt. 分发;发表;公布;发出(声音) vi. 用完;耗尽

  19. 例:1. ---- Smoking is bad for your health. ---- Yes, I know. But I simply can’t _____. A. give it up B. give it in C. give it out D. give it away 2. Don’t mention that at the beginning of the story, or it may ______ the shocking ending. A. give away B. give out C. give up D. give off 解析:1). “我只是不能放弃抽烟”,答案为C. 2). “在故事开始不要提及这,不然可能泄露这令人震惊的结尾。”答案为A。

  20. 11. “动词+ down ” 短语 pull down拆毁(建筑物等) cut down砍倒;消减(数量) break down损坏;拆散 turn down将(收音机、灯等)关小,调低;拒绝;不接受(某人、某物) bring down降低(温度、物价等) come down塌下;(雨、雪等)落下;(也指温度)降低;流传下来 get down to sth. (doing sth.)开始做某事;认真处理某事 put down放下;记下;把某物储藏起来 take down记下;拆除;将某物从高处取下

  21. 例:1. They are ______ those houses to make room for a new hotel! A. pulling down B. putting down C. turning down D. pulling down 2. If traffic moves at low speeds, the number of accident is _______. A. pulled back B. cut down C. cut off D. turned off 3. The final examination is coming; you really must ______ your studies. A. get along B. get down to C. get on with D. get up 解析:1. 答案为A。句意为:“为了建造新旅馆,他们已在拆除那些房屋。”2. 答案为B。cut down 减少某事物的数量。 3. 答案为B。get down to=give serious attention to sth.。

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