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The world is plague with problems of which many of them deal with morality.

The world is plague with problems of which many of them deal with morality. Moral problems take many forms: S ome deal with Personal M orality Ex. Abortion Masturbation O thers are Interpersonal (social) Problems Ex. Poverty Corruption War

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The world is plague with problems of which many of them deal with morality.

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  1. The world is plague with problems of which many of them deal with morality.

  2. Moral problems take many forms: • Some deal with Personal Morality • Ex. • Abortion • Masturbation • Others are Interpersonal (social) Problems • Ex. • Poverty • Corruption • War • NOTE: All have various consequences

  3. What is morality? • Morality is a science. • Morality is concerned with free human conduct. • - people can perform human acts • - it presupposes freedom • Morality concerns what we do with our freedom. • Morality is concerned with what we ought to be. • - it is concerned with how things should be. • Morality is RESPONSE + ABILITY

  4. Thus, Morality is: A science; concerned about ought to be; judging right and wrong in light of who we are; dealing with human conduct in light of revelation; summed up by the word responsibility; responding to a personal invitation of Jesus.

  5. Ours is a pluralistic society with many philosophies, religions, systems of thought and ways of looking at reality. As a result, very few people can agree on one correct way to solve the problems.

  6. STOP STOP The STOP sign is an approach which will help us draw moral judgements.

  7. STOP SEARCH out the facts of the issue by asking key questions like: What, Why, Who, Where, When and How

  8. STOP THINK about the alternative to your proposed action and consider the consequences

  9. STOP OTHERS should be consulted and the effect of the action on others should be considered

  10. STOP STOP PRAY for guidance

  11. Elements around the STOP sign

  12. Jesus STOP STOP What does he have to say about how we should act? Is the action a loving and serving one?

  13. Jesus Reason & Revelation STOP STOP In the light of human intelligence and divine revelation, what is the human thing to do?

  14. Jesus Reason & Revelation STOP STOP Imagination What role does creative insight have in solving moral problem?

  15. Jesus Reason & Revelation STOP Imagination Law (principles & Authority) Of what help is the objective norm of morality in making moral decisions?

  16. Jesus Reason & Revelation STOP Imagination Law (principles & Authority) Church What teaching of the Christian community are helpful in doing the right thing?

  17. Jesus Reason & Revelation STOP Imagination Law (principles & Authority) Values Church How do I rank the values involved in a particular moral action?

  18. Jesus Reason & Revelation STOP Instinct Imagination Law (principles & Authority) Values Church What help can one’s “moral sensibility” be in the solution of moral problems?

  19. Jesus Reason & Revelation Conscience STOP Instinct Imagination Law (principles & Authority) Values Church What role does conscience, the subjective norm of morality, play in moral decision making.

  20. Jesus Conscience Reason STOP Instinct Imagination Law (principles & Authority) Values Church

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