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Un Sabor de Bilingual Speech. Presented by: Lauren Miles and Sharon Rzyski. Opening Activity. It’s quiz time!!!!. Answers…. 1. Quemó 2. Fueron 3. Caminar 4. Llamo 5. Hablas. Reflection on quiz. How did you do? Write two words that describe how you felt:______________ ________________
Un Sabor de Bilingual Speech Presented by: Lauren Miles and Sharon Rzyski
Opening Activity It’s quiz time!!!!
Answers…. 1. Quemó 2. Fueron 3. Caminar 4. Llamo 5. Hablas
Reflection on quiz How did you do? Write two words that describe how you felt:______________ ________________ This is how many of the ESL/bilingual students feel everyday when participating in activities in their non-native language.
How would you feel... If you were referred for problem solving or a case study because you did poorly on this quiz? Lesson learned: Non-native assessments are unreliable! Do not use them to determine any kind of disorder/impairment--assessment in both languages is ideal!!!
Lingo refresher Know your acronyms! ELL=______________________ ESL=______________________ LEP=______________________ LRE=______________________ L1= ______________________ L2= ______________________
IDEA/ASHA Laws and Ethics Lau v. Nichols (1974) US Supreme Court’s interpretation of the Civil Rights Act. Indicated that local school districts have the OBLIGATION to provide appropriate services to LEP (_________ ________ __________) students.
IDEA Education of All Handicapped Children Act (Public Law 94-142) Now it is MANDATORY that ELLs be tested in their native language Necessary educational services must be provided in the LEAST RESTRICTIVE ENVIRONMENT!!!
IDEA Continued IDEA requires that all information provided to parents must be presented_______________. Procedural safeguards: Are you sending them home in Spanish? Special education required notice and consent forms in different languages (ISBE): http://www.isbe.state.il.us/SPEC-ED/html/consent.htm
Passage of Amendments to IDEA (1997) Goal: to reduce the under- and over-identification of ELLs for special education services Districts can be in violation of federal law if too many of its ________ children are referred for special education services Standardized scores (in English) are considered invalid, unreliable, and biased for bilingual population. This violates ASHA’s Code of Ethics as well.
Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEA 2006) Testing and evaluation materials and procedures should not be racial or cultural discriminators “Such materials or procedures shall be provided and administered in the child’s native language or mode of communication, unless it is clearly not feasible to do so, and no single procedure shall be the sole criterion for determining appropriate educational program for a child.” (20 U.S.C. 1412 (6) (B))
ASHA Code of Ethics Standard scores in English are invalid, unreliable and biased for ELLs Services should be provided competently with all available resources, including referral when appropriate (2010a; Principles of Ethics 1, Rules A and B) Principles of Ethics 1, Rule C: Prohibits discrimination on basis of race or ethnicity.
AHSA Code of Ethics ASHA’s policy on providing culturally and linguistically appropriate services (2004) indicates... -Intervention and assessment MUST focus on the child’s abilities in _____ languages
How do we work with ESL teachers? Become his/her friend! They know about _________ ESL (________ ___ __ ________ _________ development. Check out the student's 1) home language survey and 2) his/her ACCESS scores
ACCESS Scores ACCESS scores: Range from ______________. In general, what do they mean? (see handout) Dos Amigos Verbal Language Scales-Revised (Academic Therapy Publications): Claims to measure language dominance (Spanish/English)
ESL Teachers and the SLP should…. Share ideas and resources Plan and work together to coordinate appropriate IEP goals Evaluate progress toward speech-lang goals as well as English lang development goals Coordinate the instruction of English lang development (i.e. ESL services) with intervention for the communication disorder
ESL teachers and the SLP should… Consider the cultural and linguistic factors that affect delivery Participate in IEP reviews- they are (should be) part of the team!
Language Difference vs. Disorder Language Disorder Present when listening and/or speaking behavior is defective in that it interferes with a student’s ability to understand and/or to convey messages clearly and effectively during interaction with people who speak the same language/dialect.
Language Difference vs. Disorder Language Difference: __________ second language differences Characteristics of LD or SLI that can also be common of ELLs during acquisition of a new language: Speaks excessively OR infrequently Speaks in single words or short, broken utterances Does not volunteer in class Slow to respond Poor recall and/or comprehension Difficulty sequencing ideas and events Difficulty telling or retelling stories
ELL characteristics, cont. Confuses similar sounding words ("mass"/"mash") Poor syntax/grammar (“I see a house big”) Interlanguage/linguistic borrowing (“I have a backpack azul”) Code switching (“We play tag y mi friend get me, me tocó”) Artic errors in English Language loss of L1 (see article/handout) Dysfluencies ***Don't make assumptions! (see handouts- typical language characteristics/differences of other dialects)
Guidelines for Distinguishing Differences from Disorders • Disorder present in native language and/or both languages • Appropriate assessments • Language performance compared to __________ speakers/peers • Other causal factors which may contribute to interruption of native language development identified
Impact of exposure to another language Does having exposure to two languages have an impact on language level? Yes! Any amount impacts them Grammar is definitely impacted and ___ ___________ of a language disorder
Special Education Referrals An appropriate referral to special education should happen only after ______________________________ You must suspect that the child’s needs can NOT be met in the general education classroom, or only with ESL services
Special Education Referrals Over-referrals stem from 2 major factors: A misunderstanding of the language acquisition process Educational programs not properly addressing the needs of the ELL
Speech/Language Screeners What do you do for an ELL? *see Flowchart/handout Screen in English Also must be screened in native language if poor English screening results (if resources are available) Note: Do not put all the weight on the English results!
Bilingual TA's and Screenings Do each language/screening at different times English screening: TA should be with you in case of code-switching TA should translate to you what student said- you can at least assess the semantics Spanish screening: TA performs the screening; you are present as well
Evaluations/Assessments Appropriate/equitable assessment of ELLs Include multiple sources of information Information regarding child’s level of English proficiency (ACCESS) Know how their culture affects their evaluation Use trained interpreters/translators--child’s native language Ideal if SLP understands how the two languages contrast Request assistance of a bilingual SLP
Situation: you need a bilingual speech eval and you are not bilingual... ¡ay ay ay! On domain sheet indicate, “____________ speech language assessment” Talk to Learning Coordinator about how to obtain a bilingual SLP Use your own judgment regarding completing any testing in English
Bilingual evaluations, cont. Please interpret English scores with caution They are not normed on individuals of your bilingual student’s cultural/linguistic background!
Bilingual evaluations, cont. Do not hesitate to determine the need for bilingual assessments at Domain meetings The district MUST abide by that determination If the student needs it, he/she should get it Think of your own kids being tested in only non-native language...
ISBE support bilingual assessments Section 226.150 (23 Illinois Administrative Code-ISBE) indicates: when the search for a bilingual specialist has been exhausted, the district shall use the services of a qualified specialist assisted by a certificated employee or other individual who has demonstrated competencies in the language of the child. It is recommended that this practice be restricted to cases in which no bilingual specialist can be located because the student speaks a low incidence language.
Test Scores/Performance All English instruction could interfere with performance on a native language assessment but that is why evaluating in both languages is important you want to see what they know, in any language! Low scores on both likely indicates a language impairment Speech and language is not a determination of language loss
Determining Eligibility Can qualify for SLI only if below average in native language (or both L1 and L2) Compare student to students who speak same language, and who have similar linguistic experiences, culture, and background (NOT English speaking peers!) Make sure you have reviewed student’s instructional program placement and school attendance records, medical history, home environment, language(s) spoken at home Eligibility/exclusionary factors page on Esped (handout)