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Facts ERP is tailor-made ERP Software Solution, our fully customizable ERP software is developed in Dubai to meet exact requirements of UAE market. Facts is the best software development company in the Middle East which provides ERP solution, HR & Payroll software since 14 years.
Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships. Michael Jordan
Com Comme ment nts s • L La ac ck k o of f p product roduct Kn Knowle owled dge ge • I Ine nef ff fec ectiv tive e u us se e o of f Kn Knowledg owledgeb eba ase se • L La ac ck k o of f D Do om ma ain in Kn Knowledg owledge e • R Re e u us sa abil bility ity • P Pro rovidin viding g i im mpro prope per r s so ol lutions utions • I Im mpr pro ope per r r re es sou our rce ce a al ll lo oca cati tio on n L La ac ck k o of f p pla lan nn ni ing ng • • I Im mpr pro ope per r C Co ons nsul ulta tation tion L La ac ck k o of f K Kn no owl wle edge dge t tr ra ans nsf fe er r • • N Not ot f fo ol llo lowing wing p pr ro ocedu cedur res es L La ac ck k o of f G Gu uid ide eli line ne • • St Sta ay y o ou ut t o of f R Re espo spons nsi ibi bility lity • L La ac ck k o of f c co om mmu municatio nication n wi wit th h c cu ust stom ome er r
• FactsBMS is the first learning point. Lack of product Knowledge FactsBMS having less features and advanced options but process flow and structure is strong. FactsBMS easy to understand. Understand the Process flow and structure than features and advanced options of the product. • Table structure and fields. Understanding of this makes life easy. - For migration - For report layout changes.
Lack of product Knowledge Inventory • Accounts Important knowledge points. Import knowledge points 1. Inventory Costing 1. Accounting effect on documents (Debit – credit) 2. Impact on transaction tables (stock UP or down) 2. Knowledge about accounting reports. 3. Knowledge about inventory reports 3. Allocation, Reconciliation, Aging, Closing JV etc. Features of FactsERP, Usage of Each Options – Refer corresponding Documentation
La Lack ck of D of Dom omai ain n Kn Know owledge ledge Core Areas to concentrate more : 1. Accounts. 2. Inventory costing. Apart from FactsERP, study the basic accounting, costing, different types of business activities. (From books, Web, or from experienced people) We can collect this knowledge from clients itself – - Visit the client site to see their activities (Eg. Factories, warehouse etc). Observe/ask what they doing (from employees)
P Pro rovidi viding ng im imp prop roper er so solu luti tions ons Don’t use shortcuts • Refer Primary study documents (SRS) • If it is difficult to solve – Take time (But there is a cut of date) • Solutions don’t do it in the client site • Refer all referral points – Documents, from experienced engineers etc. • Communication with the team. • KB, learning Videos
I m I m p r o p r o p e r p e r C C o n s o n s u l u l t a t I t a t I o o n n 1.Ask the queries to concerned person. 2.Make use of Knowledge base 3.Avoid delay to clearing the queries. 4.Document in KB (If not there).
Not Not f fol ollo lowing wing pr proc oce edu dures res 1.Follow the procedures - Discuss with Team - Follow the check list - Follow the SRS
St Sta ay y o out ut o of f R Res esponsibil ponsibility ity When you do what you have promised, people see you as a responsible and reliable person. This is quite admirable, as many people won’t deal with individuals who are irresponsible. They will give their trust to friends they can count on, and give their business to companies they admire. A responsible person is one who can be trusted to act without needing strict supervision, because they are accountable for their own behavior. Keep doing it, and you’ll soon develop a reputation It’s not rocket science, being responsible simply requires you to follow a certain set of guidelines, in every action you do. Get all of these in order, and you’ll be a very responsible person
La Lack ck of co of comm mmunicatio unication n w with ith cu cus stomer tomer Always keep contact with customers, don’t be idle. If possible make friendship with customers Don’t give false promises - - Talk confidently. Don’t tell other referral points to customer (Eg. I need to ask somebody (name of the person), Instead of that always tell that discuss with team, check with R&D department or I will check the internal database • • Don’t use sorry, in words or mail, instead of that, if necessary, can use Apologies
In Inef effe fective Always use the knowledgebase Add value editions to Knowledgebase. Place local copy of KB in all databases. (Prime responsibility) ctive u us se of K e of Kno now wledg ledgebase ebase
Re Re u usa sabilit bility y - Incorporate all new enhancements (That done for a new client/existing client ) in demo - Lan with the help of demo-Lan custodians. - Demo Lan acts a Showcase of all features – So we can refer/check its already done or not
Im Imp pro rop per er re reso All resource are eligible to allocate anything related with implementation. All are specialists. Important how we make the execution, its totally dependent on the execution plan . sou urc rce al e alloca location tion - - -
La Lack Totally dependent on Project Managers. Don’t Plan anything in last movement Always follow the PDS. ck of of p pl la anning nning
La Lack ck of of K Kno now wledge ledge tr tra ans nsfer fer - Don’t hesitate to ask doubts/queries - Make use of KB - Watch the videos - Read documentations. - Attend daily refreshment session
La Lack - SRS is the reference point of the project implementation. - PDS – Follow the PDS milestone . - Additional points are change order and this is a core revenue point for the company.. ck of of G Gu ui idelin deline e
After dealing with customer .. Should not be like this Should be like this
Always Remember, Happy Customers are our future… Be thankful customer who complain .. You still have the opportunity to make them happy.. One customer taken care of could be more valuable than $10000 advertising .