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GDP by final expenditure: Import and Export of goods and services

GDP by final expenditure: Import and Export of goods and services. NESDB THAILAND International workshop on measuring GDP by final demand approach 25-27 April 2011, Shenzhen, China. Outlines. Overview. Definition & coverage. Definition & coverage .

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GDP by final expenditure: Import and Export of goods and services

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Presentation Transcript

  1. GDP by final expenditure: Import and Export of goods and services NESDB THAILAND International workshop on measuring GDP by final demand approach 25-27 April 2011, Shenzhen, China

  2. Outlines

  3. Overview

  4. Definition & coverage

  5. Definition & coverage Net export (NX) = Export (X) – Import (M)

  6. Definition & coverage • Export and import of goods and services from Balance of Payments: Goods and services account • Goods : all categories of goods pass through customs formalities and data adjustment for Balance of Payments basis • Value of export of goods at f.o.b. • Value of import of goods at c.i.f.

  7. Definition & coverage • Services • Export of services = Services receipts • Import of services = Services payments • Services include: • Transportation • Travel • Government services n.i.e. • Other services e.g. communication services, construction services, royalties and license fees, insurances services, etc.

  8. Method & some adjustments • SNA : use the same figures as in current account statistics

  9. Method & some adjustments • BOP adjustment made to the Customs data include: • Exclusion e.g. goods under diplomatic privilege, rented items, sample goods, personal belongings and used furniture • Inclusion e.g. satellite, some military goods, electricity from neighboring countries • Other adjustments such as time of recording and exchange rate

  10. Method & Some adjustments • SNA adjustment made to import of services: • Deduction of compensation of employees from services payments (other services) • Estimation of import and export of goods and services at constant prices in SNA

  11. Classification and data sources

  12. THANK YOU www.nesdb.go.th

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