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Inclusion in Sport – The Similarities, The Differences

Inclusion in Sport – The Similarities, The Differences. Peter Downs, Hamish Macdonald and Debbie Simms www.iWebinar.com.au contact@iwebinar.com.au. Your Questions. Please ask questions We would like to hear from you. To send us a question go to your Control Panel, type in your question

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Inclusion in Sport – The Similarities, The Differences

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Inclusion in Sport – The Similarities, The Differences Peter Downs,Hamish Macdonaldand Debbie Simms www.iWebinar.com.au contact@iwebinar.com.au

  2. Your Questions Please ask questions We would like to hear from you. To send us a question go to your Control Panel, type in your question And then click ‘Send’. If you lose your Control Panel – don’t panic – simply click the orange button to get it back 2

  3. The Webinar Series Getting your House in Order – Organisational Development Models that Work Top 3 Technologies to Help sport – Now and the Future Presentation Skills for People in Sport Making sport Safe, Fair and Inclusive – Benefiting from ‘Play by the Rules’ 3

  4. Inclusion in Sport –The Similarities, The Differences Peter Downs The Inclusion Club Hamish Macdonald Left Field Business Solutions Debbie Simms Simms Consultancy

  5. Hamish Macdonald

  6. Debbie Simms Simms Consultancy www.simmssportconsultancy.com.au/

  7. What are the common elements of Inclusion? The Similarities across Targeted populations?

  8. Inclusion To comprise or embrace as part of a whole

  9. Disadvantage An unfavourable circumstance that reduces the chances of success or effectiveness

  10. People want to be treated with respect, dignity and courtesy

  11. Family is a Substantial Influence

  12. Common key Barriers

  13. Less Female Participation

  14. Establishing Strong Partnerships

  15. Motivational Factors

  16. POLL TIME What’s your opinion?

  17. What are the Differences between targeted populations ?

  18. Managing Time

  19. Eye Contact and Clothing Requirements

  20. Touch

  21. How people relate to and treat different genders

  22. Experience of structured sport, knowledge of rules of the game

  23. Confidence

  24. Intellectual Function

  25. Tasks

  26. Hamish Macdonald

  27. Question Time

  28. Debbie Simms Simms Consultancy www.simmssportsconsultancy.com.au

  29. Hamish Macdonald

  30. Inclusion in Sport –The Similarities, The Differences Peter Downs The Inclusion Club Hamish Macdonald Debbie Simms Simms Consultancy

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