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BioInspired Nanotechnologies: from concept to applications TD 1003 Start date: 2/11/2010 End date: 1/11/2014 Year : 3. AIME STREHLITZ Chair Vice Chair CNRS / France Germany. Presentation Maria Minunni.
BioInspired Nanotechnologies: from concept to applications TD 1003 Start date: 2/11/2010 End date: 1/11/2014 Year: 3 AIME STREHLITZ Chair Vice Chair CNRS / France Germany Presentation Maria Minunni http://www.bioinspired-nano.eu/en/
Background / Problem statement: • Converging development of molecular biology and bioengineery, instrumentation down to the nm scale and technological centers. • The Action wants to bring Bioinspirednanosystems and nanomaterials in the field of nanotechnology and to combine Bioinspired bottom up and top down fabrication methods. reminder of MoUobjectives (Memorandum ofUnderstanding) /Research directions: • design of multi-scale structures based on nm building blocks. • determination of steps and levels of integration, (ICT) • Engineering the interface properties from molecular scale up to micrometres. http://www.bioinspired-nano.eu/en/ Scientific context and objectives (1/2)
Scientific context and objectives (2/2) • Research directions:An InterdisciplinaryNetwork: • Helping researchers to meet: 9 meetings (May 2013): Bilbao, Bordeaux, Linköping, Nijmegen, Brussels (2), Heraklion, Bratislava, Sitges; Bioinspired Day sessions in International Conferences. • Developing collaborations (STSM): 6 (2011) + 7 (2012) + 5-8 (2013) • Building cooperative projects (see WG initiatives) • Mixing EU researchers with different background: instrumentation, technology, biology, chemistry and hybrids materials… • Developing the field of DNA and protein-peptide nanotechnology, with part of the goal directed toward Synthetic Biology. 3
Biomaterials with 3 sub-topics: Virus, proteins and peptides, DNA and aptamers. (Jan Van Hest NL (C), Anna Mitraki GR, Thierry Michon FR). 45 members • Biomechanisms and molecular modeling: Interface properties and interaction between molecules and nano-objects. Coupled with instrumentation (Alain Estève FR). 20 members. • Technology Integration: assembling nano blocks and hybrid systems (organic-inorganic, polymer network and proteins…) (Maria Farsari GR). 24 Members • BioDevices Demonstrators and applications. At this moment mostly focused on biosensors(JosepSamitier ES ). 14 members. • http://www.bioinspired-nano.eu/en/ Working groups
WelcomeA. Turner • 9.10-9.40 • Regenerative medicine and collaborative activities at LiU • M. Griffith • 9.40 -10.10 • DNA detection in a droplet microfluidic devices • L. M. Zanoli, M. Licciardello, R. D’Agata, A. Calabretta, C. Lantano, R. Marchelli, R. Corradini, • G. Spoto • 10.10-10.40 • Molecular diagnostic label-free biosensing platform based on DNA conformation-probing • G. Papadakis, A. Tsortos, E. Gizeli • 10.40-11.10 • Nucleic acids on electrodes for detection of DNA and DNA binding molecules • F. Lisdat • 11.10-11.30 • Coffee • 11.30-11.50 • Low-voltage and electrolysis-free electroosmosis for microfluidic applications • N. D. Robinson • 11.50-12.20 • Feasibility Study: Simultaneous microfabrication and enzyme encapsulation in SU-8 films for fluorescence-based phenol Biosensor • S. D. Psoma, P. D. van derWalb, N. F. de Rooij • 12.20-12.40…1,5 days and MC meeting Linköping April 26 2012 « Distributed Diagnostic » http://www.bioinspired-nano.eu/en/
ComeniusUniversityCongress Center, Bratislava, COST meeting, organizer TiborHianik, 8-10 April, 2013 The Workshop tookplace at ComeniusUniversityCongress Center, Druzba. Itconsisted of6invitedplenarylectures, 18 short oralpresentations and 13 posters. The invitedspeakerswereleadingscientists in the respectivefield. 3of6speakers (50%) wereexternalexpert so that do notbelongtothis COST action. The followingmainscientifictopicswerepresented and discussed: • 1. propertiesofbiomimeticstructures, suchaslipidfilms and thatcoveredbybacterialS-proteins, • 2. polymerstabilizedlipidfilmsformed on nanostructures and theirapplication in biosensing, • 3. applicationoflipidvesiclesmodifiedbycellreceptors in biosensing, • 4. folding and cooperative propertiesof DNA origami, • 5. properties and applicationsof DNA aptamers, • 6. applicationof DNA technology in biosensing, • 7. peculiaritiesofelectrical and optical detection methods • 8. properties and biomedicalapplicationsofnanoparticles. • and MC meeting
131 participants from 28 countries
“Peptide and protein based materials “ September 13th and 14th 2012, NijmegenOrganizersJ. van Hest and D. Löwik 4 Keynote lectures: Prof. R. Quinlan « proteinchaperone machines and intermediate filaments ». Prof. J. Schneider « self-assembled peptide based hydrogels » Prof. N. Cameron « peptides as building blocks for new polymericmaterials » Prof. J. Cornelissen « ChemicalVirology » & 15 oral contributions with 45 participants;
Detection • Objectives: Detecting-Molecules: linkers & highly specific sensors.- Sensitivity Enhancement: developing confined chemical reactions set-up.- Signal Transducing method: electrochemical devices- Integrated Platform: combining linkers, sensors, nanoreactors and electronic/electrochemical devices.- Improving the Relationship with companies: Procter & Gamble and Radiometer. Read Out Translation WG3 Meeting Nanosbios Coordinator: Roy Quinlan, Brussels, October 26, 2012
Several aspects were discussed : - VNPs from plants : various shapes for various applications (rod-like, filamentous, pseudo-spheres) - VNPs as biomolecules carriers (enzymes, fluorophores) inside and outside. - VNPs as building blocks for 2 and 3 D materials (tissues engineering, detoxification of water, multilayers of functionalized VNPs) - VNPs integrated in devices (biofuel cells, diagnosis chips...) WG 1 Meeting Virus-likeparticles as nano-carriers : news and views Coordinator: Thierry Michon, Brussels, December 18, 2012
13 Conferences on: • 3D nanostructurations with Laser, • Cell Mechanical properties • Natural and artificial assembly of peptides and protein fibres. • Various Drug delivery systems. • Instrumentations for biological systems. • Aptamers as a tool for biosensors. Bioinspiredmaterials design and applications OCTOBER 12-13, 2012 Heraklion Greece, Organizers Maria Farsari & Anna Mitraki
14 Use of COST Instruments
Bilbao, Spain April 14-14, 2011Kick off 38 short talks, BioinspiredNanosystems and Nanomaterials, Bordeaux, France 14 – 17 Nov. 2011 22 tutorials and 18 orals, organizer J.J. Aimè Linköping, Sweden, April 26 2012, Distributed Diagnostic », A.P.F. Turner Heraklion, Crete18 October, organizer M: Frasari, A. MItraki Bratislava, Slovakia, 8-10 April, 2013-04-09, “Biomimeticstructure and DNA technology in biosensing”, organizer T. Hianik Sitges (Barcelona), Spain,16 May 2013, organizer M. Minunni Leipzig, Germany, 8-9 October 2013, "Nano-scalesarrangementsofproteins, aptamers and othernucleic acid structures - and theirpotentialapplications”, organizer Beate Strehlitz and Fred Lisdat,
Significant Highlights in Science or Networking (1/3) COST Action TD 1003 has enforced collaborations between EU teams already set before the action started and created new ones. DNA and Protein-peptide nanotechnology should emerge. 16 16
Significant Highlights in Science or Networking (2/3) • A technological Breakthrough: JACS publication Univ Aarhus-iNANO_CNRS-Univ Bordeaux leading to a better understanding on how DNA Origami platform are fabricated. 17 http://www.bioinspired-nano.eu/en/
(3/2) Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) RU Arrayof Light Sensitive Diodes (LSD) • A technological Breakthrough: • JPC Lett publication UNI Firenze & Catania, • a perpsective on the emerging SPR imaging. Sensorgram Biochip Time Sensorgrams Sensing Area Time Charge Coupled Device (CCD) SPR imaging (SPRi) ΔR% Sensing Areas: Regions of Interest (ROIs) Biochip