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!. Welcome to . Please : Find your child’s desk Sign-in at the back table Grab an apple! PARENTS + STUDENTS + TEACHERS = SUCCESS. My beliefs . Three traits that I try to instill in my students for lifelong success:
! Welcome to Please: Find your child’s desk Sign-in at the back table Grab an apple! PARENTS + STUDENTS + TEACHERS = SUCCESS
My beliefs Three traits that I try to instill in my students for lifelong success: 1. Hard Work - You may have noticed the quote at the bottom of the site: "Hard Work Beats Talent When Talent Doesn't Work Hard." I truly believe, as stated above, that every person is blessed with certain gifts and talents, but if you don't work hard, those gifts and talents are wasted. Pine View Students should embrace their gifts and put in daily effort to cultivate those gifts to their full potential; sharing them with others in the process. 2. Perseverance - With hard work comes perseverance. Life is all about learning and growing. How do you know something is alive? It grows. We are all going to have areas and times of failures. There are two ways to respond to failure. It can devastate and immobilize you, or it can provide an opportunity for growth. As parents, it is crucial that when our children go through times where they are struggling, we offer them loving support, but we don't completely save them. Don't run over with a safety net too soon. These times are opportunities for your child to develop confidence and self esteem when they see that they can get through their problems and even learn something in the process. When parents say, "Keep trying, I know you can do it," children see that their parents trust and believe in them. This is very empowering for kids. 3. Collaboration With Others - We're all in this thing called life together. No one is an island and we all need help and support from others. Even above intellect and talent, future employers are looking for employees that can work well with others. Building a classroom community is one of my top priorities. We spend time during the week doing class and team builders to help us establish a community we are all invested in. The time spent doing these activities really helps us throughout the year to minimize behavioral interruptions and maximize time spent learning. The goal is that our classroom is one where every student feels comfortable, valued, and free to take risks because we are all playing on the same team.
Fourth Grade is a BIG transition year! • Study Skills – often this is the first year students have had to study (Science and S.S.) see multiple-intelligence PP for study ideas unique to your child • Self-Advocacy – students are expected to speak up when they have questions or concerns • Responsibility – students are held accountable for Work Habits and held more accountable at home for working on projects/homework independently • Organization – Link to Learning is key! • Pace – increases more than when in a self-contained classroom • Details - elaborating answers, complete sentences, neatness, heading on papers, notebooks set up the correct way, etc.
How Can I Help My Child? • LINK TO LEARNING IS KEY! • Check & sign the Agenda nightly • Check website calendars for test dates • Sign and return Friday Folder each week • Sign weekly calendar • Check student’s backpacks occasionally, there should be no loose papers • Allow for an adjustment period – (first couple of weeks were trial for work habits) See Reference Sheet
Encourage Responsibility and Independence • STUDENT should lay out Agenda and work for the night in a common place (Organization Checklist in Link to Learning) • STUDENT should call a study buddy with questions • If there is a concern, STUDENTS should try to resolve it with the teacher first • Help STUDENTS to accept responsibility for homework and workload – “We’ve all been through 4th grade!” • See articles in folder
Managing the Workload • Help them determine what is due first (prioritize) • Do least favorite part first • If there is extra time, encourage them to work on long term assignments, study for tests (tip sheets located in Link to Learning binder), review notes, or read • For projects, help them prepare a timeline/schedule for time management (use Agendas) • Check that nightly work is done and put in backpack BEFORE you sign their agenda • If student consistently spends more than an hour on hmk., contact teacher
Work Coming Home • Most student work will be coming home in the Friday Folders • Some places you may want to occasionally check for grades/content: All Subject Notebooks • Sign and return the Friday Folders and any papers below 80% All science tests will need to be signed and returned
Work Habits • The Work Habits Calendar is used to communicate how well your child is doing with responsibility, organization, and preparation • At 5 tallies, a Work Habits Alert will be sent home • At 10 tallies, a Work Habits Contract will be sent home • No one’s perfect!
Communication From Parent • First, check Gold Welcome Packet – many ?s answered there • Email teacher (best way) • Write notes to teacher in Agenda – remind your child to tell the teacher • Call school and leave message • To sign up for access to CrossPointe (grading program) go to PV’s website and click “Parent Access”
My Goals for Math are for students to: • see themselves as mathematicians (problem-solvers) • see the real-world math connection • become fluent in math (mental math with basic facts) • understand the visual picture behind the calculation • Be able to use reading/test-taking strategies solve math word problems • LOVE math because it becomes easy for them! • set their own math goals, and reflect on their progress.
Math Curriculum • Our textbook is available online and/or they may take textbook home • Students will have access to the 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade textbook for flexibility and review • Will be teaching 5th grade standards and reviewing some 4th grade standards as needed • Incorporating Common Core standards – look in notebook and folder if we are not using the textbook
Math Fluency: Timed Tests • Will continue working on timed math assessments of basic facts (see data sheet in child’s notebook for progress) • Need to know addition/subtraction facts through 18, multiplication/division facts through 9s • 100 problems in 3 minutes • Tests per quarter: 1 addition/subtraction, 2 multiplication, 2 division • 15% of math grade • Check out website for practice sites!
Fewer Standards withmore in-depth learning – see common core sheet • Sunshine State Standards 3 Big Ideas (5th Grade) • Develop an understanding of and fluency with division of whole numbers • Develop an understanding of and fluency with addition and subtraction of fractions and decimals • Describe 3-dimensional shapes and analyze their properties, including volume
Homework • To “practice” a skill, there will be assignments on most nights in math • Graded for completion and attempt • Student’s responsibility to notify me of problems or confusion – always time for questions in class • Sometimes will be started in class
Tests and Quizzes • Given at the end of some lessons or topics to check understanding • Students should come to me BEFORE tests/quizzes if there are any questions or clarification still needed. • The only way to study for math is to work problems. Good places for practice – math textbook at the end of each topic there is a Florida Test OR math notebook and folder
Typical Math Day • Going over homework • Mini-Lesson on New Material - Possible notes in the notebook, manipulatives • Math Rotations • Teacher Time – work with teacher • At Your Seat – practice lesson • Daily Review – review previously covered material • Hands-On – games, manipulatives, task cards, computers
4th Grade science Textbook available online – go to science link on website
My Goals for science are for students to: • see themselves as scientists (someone who asks and tries to answer questions) • see the real-world connection to science in their everyday lives • Students use inquiry skills • LOVE science!
Science • Scientific Method, Matter, Earth Structures – rocks, weathering, Earth in Space and Time, Energy - sound, Heat, Forces and Motion, Life Cycles and Growth, and Organisms and the Environment • Science Textbooks– interactive, active reading strategies incorporated • Textbooks available online! • A lot of the reading may be done at home Enrichment and discussion will occur in the classroom.
Science Assessments • Quizzes – Quizzes usually occur right in class after lessons have been thoroughly gone over. 5 questions each Tests- given after a unit is complete; check test calendars IMPORTANT – Students will be asked to APPLY their knowledge on tests (higher level). They will be given situations/scenarios and have to choose the most logical answer.
Science Fair • Info on the science fair coming very soon!
4th Grade social studies Textbook available online – go to social studies link on website
My Goals for social studies are for students to: • Appreciate the unique state they live in • Have fun learning about Florida’s history
Kagan Cooperative Learning • It’s all about Active Engagement! • Cooperative Learning vs. Group Work • NO Hogs, NO Logs • Teaches Social Skills – eye contact, turn taking, praise, patience, communication… • Brain-Friendly – safety (classbuilding and teambuilding), novelty, nourishment (brain breaks) • New teams every 6 weeks
How Can I Help? • Our room parent, Stephanie Perdew, or I will contact you with how you can help based on your Volunteer Form • There are also sign up sheets on the back table for PV Fair, Pinnacle, and Class Party Helpers • PV Fair Parents – Fair October 19th • Pinnacle Parents – Pinnacle November 16th • Check Wish List on Website!
We are a classroom community~ THANK YOU FOR COMING TO OPEN HOUSE!!! Feel free to look around the classroom!
4th Grade Math and Science Please find your child’s desk and have a seat. Mrs. Tucker
My beliefs Three traits that I try to instill in my students for lifelong success: 1. Hard Work - You may have noticed the quote at the bottom of the site: "Hard Work Beats Talent When Talent Doesn't Work Hard." I truly believe, as stated above, that every person is blessed with certain gifts and talents, but if you don't work hard, those gifts and talents are wasted. Pine View Students should embrace their gifts and put in daily effort to cultivate those gifts to their full potential; sharing them with others in the process. 2. Perseverance - With hard work comes perseverance. Life is all about learning and growing. How do you know something is alive? It grows. We are all going to have areas and times of failures. There are two ways to respond to failure. It can devastate and immobilize you, or it can provide an opportunity for growth. As parents, it is crucial that when our children go through times where they are struggling, we offer them loving support, but we don't completely save them. Don't run over with a safety net too soon. These times are opportunities for your child to develop confidence and self esteem when they see that they can get through their problems and even learn something in the process. When parents say, "Keep trying, I know you can do it," children see that their parents trust and believe in them. This is very empowering for kids. 3. Collaboration With Others - We're all in this thing called life together. No one is an island and we all need help and support from others. Even above intellect and talent, future employers are looking for employees that can work well with others. Building a classroom community is one of my top priorities. We spend time during the week doing class and team builders to help us establish a community we are all invested in. The time spent doing these activities really helps us throughout the year to minimize behavioral interruptions and maximize time spent learning. The goal is that our classroom is one where every student feels comfortable, valued, and free to take risks because we are all playing on the same team.
My Goals for Math are for students to: • see themselves as mathematicians (problem-solvers) • see the real-world math connection • become fluent in math (mental math with basic facts) • understand the visual picture behind the calculation • Be able to use reading/test-taking strategies solve math word problems • LOVE math because it becomes easy for them! • set their own math goals, and reflect on their progress.
Math Curriculum • Our textbook is available online and/or they may take textbook home • Students will have access to the 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade textbook for flexibility and review • Will be teaching 5th grade standards and reviewing some 4th grade standards as needed • Incorporating Common Core standards – look in notebook and folder if we are not using the textbook
Math Fluency: Timed Tests • Will continue working on timed math assessments of basic facts (see data sheet in child’s notebook for progress) • Need to know addition/subtraction facts through 18, multiplication/division facts through 9s • 100 problems in 3 minutes • Tests per quarter: 1 addition/subtraction, 2 multiplication, 2 division • 15% of math grade • Check out website for practice sites!
Fewer Standards withmore in-depth learning – see common core sheet • Sunshine State Standards 3 Big Ideas (5th Grade) • Develop an understanding of and fluency with division of whole numbers • Develop an understanding of and fluency with addition and subtraction of fractions and decimals • Describe 3-dimensional shapes and analyze their properties, including volume
Homework • To “practice” a skill, there will be assignments on most nights in math • Graded for completion and attempt • Student’s responsibility to notify me of problems or confusion – always time for questions in class • Sometimes will be started in class
Tests and Quizzes • Given at the end of some lessons or topics to check understanding • Students should come to me BEFORE tests/quizzes if there are any questions or clarification still needed. • The only way to study for math is to work problems. Good places for practice – math textbook at the end of each topic there is a Florida Test OR math notebook and folder
Typical Math Day • Going over homework • Mini-Lesson on New Material - Possible notes in the notebook, manipulatives • Math Rotations • Teacher Time – work with teacher • At Your Seat – practice lesson • Daily Review – review previously covered material • Hands-On – games, manipulatives, task cards, computers
Kagan Cooperative Learning • It’s all about Active Engagement! • Cooperative Learning vs. Group Work • NO Hogs, NO Logs • Teaches Social Skills – eye contact, turn taking, praise, patience, communication… • Brain-Friendly – safety (classbuilding and teambuilding), novelty, nourishment (brain breaks) • New teams every 6 weeks
My Goals for science are for students to: • see themselves as scientists (someone who asks and tries to answer questions) • see the real-world connection to science in their everyday lives • Students use inquiry skills • LOVE science!
Science • Scientific Method, Matter, Earth Structures – rocks, weathering, Earth in Space and Time, Energy - sound, Heat, Forces and Motion, Life Cycles and Growth, and Organisms and the Environment • Science Textbooks– interactive, active reading strategies incorporated • Textbooks available online! • A lot of the reading may be done at home Enrichment and discussion will occur in the classroom.
Science Assessments • Quizzes – Quizzes usually occur right in class after lessons have been thoroughly gone over. 5 questions each Tests- given after a unit is complete; check test calendars IMPORTANT – Students will be asked to APPLY their knowledge on tests (higher level). They will be given situations/scenarios and have to choose the most logical answer.
Science Fair • Info on the science fair coming very soon!
Work Coming Home • Some work will be handed back when graded for students to take home, such as quizzes, since students often need them for test review. • Tests/Quizzes will be in students’ Friday Folders • Tests/Quizzes under 80%, please sign and return • All science tests need to be signed and returned
How Can I Help My Child Succeed? • Help with Study Skills – often times this is the first year students have had to study! • Self-Advocacy – Help your child take responsibility for his/her learning by encouraging them to speak up with questions and concerns.
How Can I Help The Class? • Guest Speakers for units • Wish List posted on class website
We are a Classroom Community! • Come to me with concerns/questions (Best way to contact me is via email!) • Remember that we are here to build relationships, learn, and have fun! • PARENT + STUDENT + TEACHER = SUCCESS!
THANK YOU FOR COMING TO OPEN HOUSE!!! Feel free to look around the classroom!!!