SIKHISM The world of Sikhs
Sewa • Sikhs often perform a special ritual known as Sewa (pronounced si-va.) This means that if someone, for example, was less fortunate than a Sikh man who might be more fortunate than him, that person would be given money or food.Sikhs can also perform sewa by giving respect at the Gurdawara.
The 5ks • The 5ks are precious articles of faith that Sikhs must wear all the time once they have joined the Khalsa- a special brotherhood(Next page.) They are:The Kesh,The Kanga,The Kaccha,The Kirpan,and The Kara.The Kesh is long hair, The Kanga is a comb,The Kaccha is a pair of shorts,The Kirpan is a dagger and The Kara is a metal bracelet.
The Khalsa • The Khalsa is a special brotherhood that was started by Guru Gobind Singh,the tenth guru(which means teacher.)He was talking to a group of people and trying to explain why it was important to fight against those who were trying to destroy Sikhism.Suddenly he asked if anyone was willing to die for their religon.No one moved.He asked again. Still no one moved.He asked a third time and one man stepped forward.The Guru led the man into his tent…and reappeared with blood on his sword.The crowd gasped.4 more men came forward… to become the Panj Piarre- the 5 beloved ones.
The Langar • The Langar is a communal kitchen that all people can go to, Sikhism or not. All the meals are vegetarian – though Sikhs don’t have to go veggie. http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/rs/prejudice/sikhismrev4.shtml Click me
Naam Karan • Naam Karan is the baby naming ceremony.Once the mother and father are well enough they visit the Gurduwara – the Sikh place of worship.The baby is placed in a decorated crib whilst the name is chosen from the Guru Granth Sahib – the Sikh holy book. A random page is picked and the 1st letter of the first page of the hymn will be the start of the baby’s name.Singh which means lion and Kaur which means princess is always put on the end of the baby’s name,Singh for a boy , Kaur for a girl.