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9 th Gr. Week 18 Agenda & Obj. 1/6/14-1/10/14

9 th Gr. Week 18 Agenda & Obj. 1/6/14-1/10/14. Monday & Tuesday: No School – BRRR! Wednesday & Thursday: Act III Project Friday: Act IV vocab. Daily Writing: Day off 1/8/14. Choose one prompt to respond to and explain with detail : What did you do on your days off? Explain!

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9 th Gr. Week 18 Agenda & Obj. 1/6/14-1/10/14

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  1. 9th Gr. Week 18 Agenda & Obj. 1/6/14-1/10/14 Monday & Tuesday: No School – BRRR! Wednesday & Thursday: Act III Project Friday: Act IV vocab

  2. Daily Writing: Day off 1/8/14 Choose one prompt to respond to and explain with detail: • What did you do on your days off? Explain! • Would you like a 4 day week? How would that work? What would be the downfalls? What would be the benefits? Planner Due tomorrow: • Journal title: My Character(s) • Practice your part (including pronunciation, gestures, actions, nonverbals, emotion, etc.) • Create props

  3. Wednesday: Act III • Show me your Act III Summary & hand in your 6th grader reflection. • Late HW? Essays? Journals? • Act II quiz for those of you not here on Thursday will be taken with Act III quiz on Monday. • Moving on to Act III 

  4. Wednesday: Act III • In your groups: • Review Act III summary up until your group’s scene. • Decide who will act out which part. • Read your scene out loud discussing emotions, actions, nonverbals (etc.). Take notes! • Create props – be creative! Definitely need some sort of name tag. • Make sure your “extras” know how to act without words! • Journal title: My character(s) • List the character you are assigned and write about their emotions throughout the scene and how you will SHOW these emotions with your voice, gestures, and nonverbals. • Assign prop homework. Everyone should be practicing his/her part(s).

  5. Wednesday: Act III Tomorrow you’ll present and be graded on: • Group participation and time on task (today) • Group acting & appropriate tone/expressions • Creativity of props • Individual summary of scene & reflection Assigned Groups and Scenes:

  6. Scene 2 • Salma A. • Hafsa Scene 1 • Abdijabar • AbdullahiAbdi • Khalid Scene 3 & 4 • Asma • Kausar? • Mohamed • Bashir • *Lots of parts! Each actor/actress will have to be more than one person. Think PROPS! Scene 5 • Maryan • Sumaya • Zak • Salma Y.

  7. Scene 2 • Ladan • Deqa S. Scene 1 • Abdikahlik • Mohamed D. • Abdifatah • Abdullahi Scene 3 & 4 • Noordin • Ramla • Sumaya • Yonis • *Lots of parts! Each actor/actress will have to be more than one person. Think PROPS! Scene 5 • Dego • Najmo • Ayanle • Abdikarim • Abdirahman

  8. Daily Writing: What If… 1/9/14 Choose one prompt to respond to and explain with detail: • What would happen if there were no cars, buses, trains, boats, or planes? How would this change your life? • What would happen if there was no technology? What would our lives be like? Planner • Due tomorrow: Act III vocab • Due Monday: Act III Summary & Group Work Reflection • Quiz Monday on Act III vocab & content

  9. Thursday: Act III • Show me “My Characters” • Vocab worksheet due tomorrow. • 5 minutes: Get into your groups and review your parts together! • Perform! • On a separate piece of paper due Monday: • Write a summary of your scene in your own words. • Give yourself a grade – explain! • Give your peers each a grade – explain! • How do you think you did working as a team? • What would you do differently next time?

  10. Daily Writing: Power 1/10/14 Choose one prompt to respond to and explain with detail: • “Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power.” ~Abraham Lincoln • “Knowledge is power.” ~Francis Bacon Planner • Due Monday: Act III Summary & Group Work Reflection • Quiz Monday on Act III vocab & content

  11. Friday: Act III Newsletter! http://stepacademymn.com/index.php/newsletter Student Council Announcement! • Sign up (if you didn’t already) by Jan. 17 IF • No Ds or Fs this year • No more than 3-5 tardies/absenses • No behavior issues/major time with Ahmed • Go to Zahra or Dawn in office to get report and approved written on it if interested. • Prepare 3 min speech for Friday, Jan. 24. School will vote, and ONE student per grade will be chosen to represent the class. Show me your vocab. Go through correct answers. Memorize for Monday’s quiz!

  12. Friday: Act III • More performing • Summarizing & reflecting: • Write a summary of your scene in your own words. • Give yourself a grade – explain! • Give your peers each a grade – explain! • How do you think you did working as a team? • What would you do differently next time?

  13. Hot Seat • Designated “hot seat” in front of the room. 2 minutes to ask the seated person any question in a rapid-fire succession. The hot seat member is allowed to say “pass” for any too personal questions — avoid asking anything too personal, as it can ruin the fun. Sample questions: • “What would you do if you won the lottery?” • “If you could meet and have dinner with any person who ever lived, who would it be and why? What would you ask that person?” • “What three words would you use to describe yourself?” • Questions can be funny, too, such as: • “What was your most embarrassing moment?” • “What was your proudest moment?” • “What was the silliest thing you’ve ever done?”

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