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Oklahoma State Department of Education Special Education Services Secondary Transition. Spring 2010 Regional Meetings. Purpose of IDEA (CFR §300.1(a)). Purpose of IDEA (CFR §300.1(a))
Oklahoma State Department of Education Special Education ServicesSecondary Transition Spring 2010 Regional Meetings
Purpose of IDEA (CFR §300.1(a)) Purpose of IDEA (CFR §300.1(a)) “To ensure that all children with disabilities have available to them a free appropriate public education that emphasizes special education and related services designed to meet their unique needs and prepare them for further education, employment, and independent living”.
20 Indicators In order to operationalize the law and assure consistent and standardized data, OSEP created a list of 20 Indicators: OKLAHOMA STATE PERFORMANCE PLAN 4/20 indicators relate specifically to transition.
Indicator 13: • Measurable Post School Goals • Reviewed Annually • Age Appropriate Transition Assessment • Transition Services • Course of Study • Annual IEP Goals • Student invitation • Parent Consent to Invite Agencies
Indicator 13 20 U.S.C. 1416(a)(3)(B), revised March, 2009 “Percent of youth with IEPs aged 16 and above with an IEP that includes...appropriate measurable postsecondary goals that are annually updated and based upon an age appropriate transition assessment, transition services, including courses of study, that will reasonably enable the student to meet those postsecondary goals, and annual IEP goals related to the student’s transition services needs.
What components will we cover? • Postsecondary Goal(s) • Transition Assessment • Annual Transition IEP Goal(s) • Short-Term Objectives or Benchmarks (when needed) • Coordinated Activities and Responsible Parties • Course of Study and Expected Graduation/Exit Date • Transfer of Rights
What is secondary transition? • The term “transition services” means acoordinated set of activitiesfor a child with a disability that: • Is designed to be within a results-oriented process . . . focused on improving the academic and functional achievementof the child . . . to facilitatethe child’s movement from school to post-school activities,including postsecondary education; vocational education; integrated employment (including supported employment); continuing and adult education; adult services; independent living or community participation.
Postsecondary Goals • Each young adult, aged 14 and above and on an IEP, must have a postsecondary goal/vision listed on page 1 of the IEP, the goals page, and at the top of the transition services plan page. • This postsecondary goal must address education/training and employment. Independent living goals are optional and determined as needed
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) 2004 • Beginning not later than the first individualized education program (IEP) to be in effect when the child is 16 or a Freshman IEP whichever comes firstand updated annually thereafter, the IEP must include: • Appropriate measurable postsecondary goals based upon age-appropriate transition assessments related to training/education, employment, and, independent living skills(where appropriate).
Postsecondary and Annual Goals • What is the difference between a Postsecondary and an Annual Goal?
1. PSG • After high school, John will complete training as RN at PJC and maintain a 2.0 GPA. • Betty will perform job search and job placement activities and maintain employment for a minimum of 90 days on a successful level. • After high school, Brenda will attend Career Tech for Child Care; upon completion of course work, she will work for Early Rise Child Care Center. • Brad will describe 5 accommodations he needs in the general education setting and why he needs them with 100% accuracy. • Penny demonstrate the ability to fill out a job application with 90% accuracy. 2. AG 3. PSG 4. AG 5. AG
Students • Ryanis a high school junior with a specific learning disability. Test scores indicate he reads on a fourth grade level and is on the fifth grade level in math. Ryan wants to go into the Air Force, like his father and older brother. • Isabel is twenty-years-old. She is confined to a wheelchair due to the frequent seizures she experiences and her cerebral palsy. She also has a minor visual impairment. Isabel is a lively, caring student who aims to please. She enjoys shopping, and she loves to make gift baskets for her friends and family.
Transition Assessment • Present levels of Performance
Strengths Needs and Effects
Postsecondary Goals • Each child, aged 16 and above and on an IEP, must have a postsecondary goal/vision listed on the top of the transition services plan page of the IEP. • This postsecondary goal must address: Education/trainingandemployment.Independent livinggoals (as needed).
Sample Postsecondary Goals “Ryan will join the Air Force and receive on-the-job training. He plans to live on base.”
Sample PostsecondaryGoals “Within three months of graduation, Isabelwill participate in/audit business development courses at the local Career Tech school. With the help of a habilitation training specialist (HTS), Isabel will implement her business plan for a home-based business of custom gift baskets.”
AnnualTransition IEP Goals • The postsecondary goal should drive further development of the transition plan, including annual transition IEP goal(s) found on page two of the IEP. • The annual transition IEP goal(s) must demonstrate the movement toward reaching the postsecondary goal(s).
What aboutRyan? • Consider what annual transition IEP goal(s) will assist Ryan and Isabel in working toward their postsecondary goals. • What academic areas do Ryan and Isabel need to improve upon? • EXAMPLE - Annual Education/Training Goal: “Ryan will work on Tinker Air Force Base one day per week as a part of the Work Study program.” • EXAMPLE- Annual Employment Goal: “Ryan will report on 5 possible Air Force occupations that he is interested in, based on research and results from his taking the ASVAB.” • EXAMPLE– Annual Independent Living Skills Goal: “Ryan will demonstrate the ability to balance a checkbook and reconcile financial accounts with 80% accuracy.”
What aboutIsabel ? • EXAMPLE - Annual Education/Training Goal: “Isabel will demonstrate how to manage a personal income using a budget, 8 out of 10 times.” • EXAMPLE- Annual Employment Goal:“Isabel will research 5 Web sites that tell how to start a gift basket business and report on the steps given .” • EXAMPLE– Annual Independent Living Skills Goal:“Isabel will plan for her self-care (e.g., showering and eating), educational, and recreational activities, five days each week.”
Objectives and Benchmarks • If the child is taught to alternate achievement standards, the IEP must also include short-term objectives or benchmarks for each goal. There must be at least two short-term objectives or benchmarksfor each goal. Teachers should consider all of the child’s needs and steps necessary to achieve the goal when writing short-term objectives and benchmarks.
Coordinated Activities • The coordinated set of activities will assist the child in accomplishing the annual transition IEP goals. • These activities could be provided by the special education teacher, general education teacher, parent, etc.
More on Coordinated Activities • For example, if a child was working toward becoming awelder,somecoordinated activitiesprovided by the technology centermight include learning job readiness skills(e.g., building a résumé, practicing interviewing skills), competing in competitions using his welding skills, job shadowing, and participating in on-the-job training. • Additional activities may include practicing vocabulary specific to welding and developing math skills needed for the occupation.
Coordinated Activities • Ryan • Take the ASVAB • Job shadow different positions at Tinker • Visit Air Force recruiter • Obtain driver’s license • Learn Air Force vocabulary • Build resume • Practice interviewing skills • Open a checking/savings account at local bank • Isabel • Get her food handler permit • Job shadow at a local florist • Visit local Career Tech • Research entrepreneurship • Learn keyboarding skills • Open a checking/savings account at local bank
Course of Study The course of study must include the specific course name and not the general core area (e.g., Algebra I as opposed to Math). Courses should be specific to each child and demonstrate progression through the completion of their secondary education.
Ryan and Isabel’s Course of Study • In what courses should Ryan and Isabel enroll to reach their annual IEP goal(s) and postsecondary goal(s)? • Ryan • Core courses will be listed individually • Auto Mechanics • Introduction to Computer Keyboarding class • Personal Finance • Isabel • Core courses will be listed individually • Family and Consumer Science • Introduction to Computer Keyboarding • Business Math
Transfer of Rights • Children and parents must be informed about the age of majority and transfer of rights by the time the child reaches 17 years of age. • In the case of a child reaching the age of majority, the notification of meeting will be addressed to the child and a copy will be provided to the parent(s).
Transfer of Rights Local educational agencies (LEAs) should inform parent(s) of their option to seek legal advice if they plan to continue making decisions for their child upon the child reaching the age of majority.
Other Needs • Self-advocacy skills • Self-disclosure • Soft Skills (e.g., self-management, responsibility, integrity, honesty, punctuality, sociability, working on a team)
To Help States Meet Indicator 13 Requirements … • NSTTAC (National Secondary Transition Technical Assistance Center, funded by OSEP) created the NSTTAC checklist and other resources to assist states to build capacity and improve transition planning, services, and outcomes for youth with disabilities. • NSTTAC EXAMPLES
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