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Tevfik Onur Mentes, Imaging Magnetic Thin Films Using Resonant X-Ray Scattering

Tevfik Onur Mentes, Imaging Magnetic Thin Films Using Resonant X-Ray Scattering Nov. 24 th , 2003. Magnetic domains in a Co/Pt multilayer . Image taken by MFM, courtesy of Olav Hellwig, IBM, Almaden. Imaging magnetic domain structures at nanometer length scales by,.

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Tevfik Onur Mentes, Imaging Magnetic Thin Films Using Resonant X-Ray Scattering

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  1. Tevfik Onur Mentes, Imaging Magnetic Thin Films Using Resonant X-Ray Scattering Nov. 24th , 2003 Magnetic domains in a Co/Pt multilayer. Image taken by MFM, courtesy of Olav Hellwig, IBM, Almaden. • Imaging magnetic domain structures at nanometer length scales by, Cobalt L(2,3) (2p3d) resonances Speckle Patterns + Resonant Scattering (intensity variations (strong enhancement in the diffraction pattern in the magnetic scattering of a non-periodic cross-section.) object illuminated Hannon et al, PRL 61, by a plane wave.) 1245 (1988). See Mentes et al, J. Sync. Rad.9, 90 (2002). • X-rays at the synchrotron facilities from high brightness undulator sources. • Systems of interest: magnetic multilayers and alloys (transition metal / rare earth, etc.), mesoscopic “texture” in manganites, ordered (“striped”) phases in strongly correlated electron systems, etc... • In addition to imaging, study domain dynamics at various time scales, using speckle correlations. Experiments carried out at X1B beamline, NSLS, BNL, and ID-4C beamline of APS, ANL.

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