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LNHB in the FENCH metrology organization. B. Chauvenet. Pour personnaliser le pied de page et la date : « Insertion / En-tête et pied de page » Personnaliser la zone de de pied de page Cliquer sur appliquer partout. …IN OTHER WORDS.
LNHB in the FENCH metrologyorganization B. Chauvenet CEA | 10 AVRIL 2012
Pour personnaliser le pied de page et la date : « Insertion / En-tête et pied de page » Personnaliser la zone de de pied de page Cliquer sur appliquer partout …IN OTHER WORDS DDEP Workshop 8-10 OCTOBER 2012
LNHB, A laboratory of CEA Part of the FRENCH metrologyorganization Public institution to which belongs LNHB French metrology steered by DDEP Workshop 8-10 OCTOBER 2012
METROLOGY ORGAnISATION • In 2005, decree of the French governmententrustingLNE withoverallresponsibility for all French metrology • LNE took over from the Bureau National de Métrologie (BNM), whichhadperformedthisfunctionsince 1969 • Actors Metrology Council & 6 Scientific Committees LNE Administration Board Pilot / Coordinator : LNE-DRST the Laboratories - 4 national metrology laboratories - 6 associate laboratories DDEP Workshop 8-10 OCTOBER 2012
French metrology network • LNE: « national metrologyinstitute » (NMI) • Other institutes involved in the metrology network: « designated institutes » (DI) - All the laboratories acting in the frame of the metrology network steered by LNE are denoted by the acronym « LNE – » followed by theiracronym, belonging or not to LNE. - Framework agreement between LNE and DIs: definition of the contractualrelationship and tasks - Annual programme contract: scientific programmes & relatedfunding DDEP Workshop 8-10 OCTOBER 2012
French metrology network National Metrology Laboratories • LNE-DMSI : Direction de la MétrologieScientifique • et Industrielle / Laboratoire national de métrologie et d’essais • LNE-LCM (CNAM & LNE): LaboratoireCommun de Métrologie / Conservatoire national des arts et métiers & LNE • LNE-LNHB/CEA : Laboratoire National Henri Becquerel / Commissariat à l’énergieatomique et aux énergiesalternatives • LNE-SYRTE/OP : Systèmes de Référence Temps-Espace / Observatoire de Paris DDEP Workshop 8-10 OCTOBER 2012
French metrology network … & Associate Laboratories in charge of a limited number of quantities not covered by NMLs • Ecole National Supérieure d’Arts et Métiers de Paris LNE-ENSAM (dynamic pressure) • Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire LNE-IRSN (neutron dosimetry) • Centre Technique des Industries Aérauliques et Thermiques LNE-CETIAT (humidity, anemometry, liquid flow – water) • Laboratoire Temps-Fréquence de Besançon LNE-LTFB (phase spectral density, TF calibration) • Laboratoire Associé de Débitmétrie Gazeuse LNE-LADG (gas flow) • Trapil LNE-TRAPIL (liquid flow – oil) DDEP Workshop 8-10 OCTOBER 2012
French metrology network Observatoire de Paris CNAM-Saint Denis/Landy LNE –Trappes Maxwell building National Metrology Laboratories (NML) CEA-Saclay DDEP Workshop 8-10 OCTOBER 2012
Mass and relatedquantities: LNE-DMSI + SYRTE (for Watt balance project) kg mass pressure force Mass standard torque viscosity flow vibrations DDEP Workshop 8-10 OCTOBER 2012
Length: LNE-LCM m From laser sources to nanometrology Frequency-doubled laser YAG at 532 nm DDEP Workshop 8-10 OCTOBER 2012
Time and frequency: LNE-SYRTE From time s To space Atomic fountain Rb-Cs realizing the second DDEP Workshop 8-10 OCTOBER 2012
Electricity-magnetism:LNE-DMSI A quantum physics direct current low frequency high frequency magnetism Dilution cooler achieving quantum electrical metrology DDEP Workshop 8-10 OCTOBER 2012
Temperature & thermal quantities: LNE-LCM K Temperaturescale Humidity Cryogenics medium temperature Thermophysical properties Pyrometry DDEP Workshop 8-10 OCTOBER 2012
Optical radiation: LNE-LCM cd photometry sensitive metrology radiometry colorimetry DDEP Workshop 8-10 OCTOBER 2012
Chemistry – biology: LNE-DMSI gas mol carbon mineral Electro-chemistry ICP/MS Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer DDEP Workshop 8-10 OCTOBER 2012
Ionising radiation : LNE-LNHB radioactivity dosimetry dosimetry references for external radiotherapy - medical accelerators neutron (emission rate) DDEP Workshop 8-10 OCTOBER 2012
Public institution to which belongs LNHB French metrology steered by DDEP Workshop 8-10 OCTOBER 2012
LNHB in the CEA LNHB in the Technological Research Division of CEA Imaging, simulation for non-destructive control Architecture, design, embedded softwares Engineering of softwares and systems Sensors, signal, information Ambient intelligence, interactive systems DDEP Workshop 8-10 OCTOBER 2012
LNHB ORGANISATION V. Blideanu DDEP Workshop 8-10 OCTOBER 2012
TASKS of LNHB as NML DDEP Workshop 8-10 OCTOBER 2012
Laboratoire de métrologie de l’activité (LMA) DDEP Workshop 8-10 OCTOBER 2012
Laboratoire de métrologie de la DOSE (LMD) DDEP Workshop 8-10 OCTOBER 2012
…and LNHB in European METROLOGY • 400 M€, with 50 % funded by the European Commission • over 7 years – end of the programme in 2017 • - Call 2009: Energy • - Calls 2010: Environment, Industry I • - Calls 2011: Health, SI broader scope I, New Technologies • - Calls 2012: Industry II, SI broader scope II, Open excellence • - Calls 2013: Energy II, Environment II DDEP Workshop 8-10 OCTOBER 2012
Ionizing radiation & FUNDAMENTAL DATA IN THE EMRP Call 2009: Energy • MetroFission • - Measurement of the alpha-particle emission probabilities of U-238 • - Development of beta spectrometry using cryogenic detectors Calls 2010: Environment, Industry I • MetroRWM • - Half- life measurements of Ho-166m, Sm-151, I-129 • Thin Films • - Determination of atomic fundamental parameters for reference free x-ray analysis • MetroMetal DDEP Workshop 8-10 OCTOBER 2012
Ionizing radiation & FUNDAMENTAL DATA IN THE EMRP • Calls 2011: Health, SI Broader Scope I, New Technologies • MetroMRT • - Determinationof beta spectra TRenND - Traceable measurements of atomic fundamental parameters to improve the accuracy x-ray analyticalmethods (fluorescence yields, mass absorption coefficients, Coster-Kronig factors and transition probabilities) MetrExtRT • Calls 2012: Industry II, SI Broader Scope II, Open Excellence • MetroNORM??? • Improvement of NORM related decay data • - Improvements of some emission intensities in 238U series • - Improvements of some emission intensities in the 235U series • - Study of 138La decay DDEP Workshop 8-10 OCTOBER 2012
Tank you for your attention CEA | 10 AVRIL 2012