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OPERATION “PIE”. By Arnav Dutt, Elexis Ellis, and the Kasey Davis. OVERVIEW. 1. Butter: Land O’ Lakes vs. Organic Valley (by far the bulk of this presentation) The Nine Principles of Catholic Social Teaching The Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church

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Presentation Transcript

  1. OPERATION “PIE” By Arnav Dutt, Elexis Ellis, and the Kasey Davis

  2. OVERVIEW 1. Butter: Land O’ Lakes vs. Organic Valley (by far the bulk of this presentation) • The Nine Principles of Catholic Social Teaching • The Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church 2. “What About the Apples?” 3. The Other Delicious Ingredients

  3. Section One Butter!!! Land O’ Lakes vs. Organic Valley: A step-by step comparison


  5. “It is essentialthat within a business the legitimate pursuit of profit should be in harmony with irrenounceable protection of the dignity of the people.” P. 340,The Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church

  6. Does Land O’ Lakes use any synthetic chemicals, herbicides, pesticides, or any other potentially harmful substances?

  7. Land O’ Lakes: Dignity of the Human Person • Under the influence ofMonsanto, many of its cows have been injected with the Bovine Growth Hormone (rBGH). • rBGHhas been associated with immunological defects and the stimulation of a human growth hormone (that can be a major cause of breast, prostate, and colon cancer). • Monsantoas a whole produces synthetic pesticides and herbicides.

  8. Figure 6. “Monsanto”

  9. Land O’ Lakes: Dignity of the Human Person • Under the influence ofMonsanto, many of its cows have been injected with the Bovine Growth Hormone (rBGH). • rBGHhas been associated with immunological defects and the stimulation of a human growth hormone (that can be a major cause of breast, prostate, and colon cancer). • Monsantoas a whole produces synthetic pesticides and herbicides.

  10. Does Organic Valley take into consideration all consumer health concerns?

  11. Organic Valley: Dignity of the Human Person • Thehealthof the consumer and thecommunityis clearly one of Organic Valley’s greatest concerns. • Cows allowed a natural, free-range existence, allowed to grow at own paceso their bodily nutrients are much more beneficial to humans. • Use of both pesticides and antibiotics is avoided,making their products less likely to negatively effect people with sensitivities, likepregnant women and children. • Allows the cows to be stronger, have greater immunity to disease, providing a better product overall for the consumer.


  13. “[I]t would not be acceptable to achieve economic growth at the expense of human beings… condemning them to indigence.” P. 332,The Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church

  14. Does this particular butter product, in any way, infringe upon a person’s right to live a dignified life?

  15. Land O’ Lakes: The Right to Life • Land O’ Lakes is an extension of Dean’s Foods, whose vast amounts of manureare either stored in massive lagoons or excessively applied to crops. • The manureleaches into the groundwater that either directly affects residents, or evaporates for people to inhale. • Many people have been made ill due to this perpetual exposure, with little to no assistance from Dean’s in procuring the proper medical care in response.

  16. Do Organic Valley’s proceeds support or endorse the right to abortion, euthanasia, genocide, embryonic stem-cell research, terror, or violent anti-unionization behavior?

  17. Organic Valley • None of its proceeds directly support activities contrary to the right to life, and we have found no evidence of indirect support either. • In fact, a majority of its proceeds go to the Farm Friends Foundation, whose purpose is to bridge rural farmers with an urban audience. • Additional proceeds go to international organizations like Heifer International to provide quality foodstuffs for the impoverished abroad.


  19. “Everyone has the right to participate in economic life and the duty to contribute, each according to his own capacity.” P. 333, The Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church

  20. Does Land O’ Lakes support its local economy?

  21. Land O’ Lakes • Over the past decade, Land O’ Lakes has had aninternational focus, regardless of the effects on the local economy. • It has used its “co-op” status to receivetax exemptions meant to be dividends for the individual farmers, but has instead used that money to expand and diversify in such a way that creates competition among the farmers who allow for the exemption in the first place. • Local farmers can’t compete with the more visually-appealing, cheaper, and longer-lasting products produced by Monsanto.

  22. Does Organic Valley support its local economy?

  23. Organic Valley • Organic Valley is a co-operation of small farmers across the continental United States. • It is divided into localized regions in order to promote the production of quality goods and the longevity of small farmers, while assisting them with funds made at the national level. • Working within these regions is meant to support and sustain the local economies of the farmers that comprise Organic Valley.


  25. “Allthose involved in a business venture must be mindful that the community in which they work represents agood for everyone.” P. 339, The Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church

  26. Does Land O’ Lakes respect the rights to individuality of its workers as well as its consumers?

  27. Land O’ Lakes • As both Land O’ Lakes and Monsanto have become larger, they have been able to dictate what and when their farmers plant, even if it means discarding their own seeds. • The right to individuality of the consumer is clearly compromised due to the obvious lack of competition and variety in the butter market, and also by the evasive labeling system that conceals the presence of certain hormones. • Land O’ Lakes also dominates other markets like the grain market, pet market, and fuel market, just to name a few.

  28. Does Organic Valley price its essential commodities in a range accessible to the impoverished without compromising the integrity of the product or individuals involved in its production?

  29. Organic Valley • Organic Valley is not currently in the market for essential goods, and its prices overall are fairly expensive. • However, when production costs including just wages are taken into consideration, the prices could not be much lower without compromising the integrity of the product and of the individuals involved in production. • Organic Valley recently stopped selling to Wal-Mart for that reason, and because it was unwilling to shortchange its smaller grocers for the giant’s sake. • It does offer various couponsfor the sake of making its goods more affordable and readily available.


  31. “Businesses should be characterized by their capacity to serve the common good of society through the production of useful goods and services.” P. 338, The Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church

  32. Has Land O’ Lakes made a commitment to both the current and future generation in its methods of production?

  33. Land O’ Lakes Considering the general principles of biological magnification, in which harmful, synthetic chemicals are passed down from one generation to another in a more concentrated and apparent way, itis clear that any organizationthat uses the potentially cancer-causing Bovine Growth Hormone and that actively promotes potentially hazardous genetic modification (Monsanto) has nothing for the benefit of future generations in mind.

  34. Has Organic Valley made a commitment to both the current and future generations in its production?

  35. Organic Valley • Part of the Organic Valley vision is to provide children with both safe and nutritional food, and the awareness they need to develop healthy eating habits. • Organic practices like crop diversification and other methods are designed for longevity, and to keep soil, crops, and animals healthy in the long-term. • The families that make up Organic Valley also want to be sure that farming stays in the family and is not forcibly shipped overseas in the next generation as other types of production are.


  37. “[M]an is called to render justice to the poor, releasing the oppressed, consoling the afflicted, actively seeking a new social order in which adequate solutions to material poverty are offered.” P. 325,The Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church

  38. Does Land O’ Lakes exploit underdeveloped countries’ laws and regulations in an effort to circumvent the cost of environment and labor protection?

  39. Land O’ Lakes • Due to increasing opposition to genetically modified foodstuffs in Western Europe, Monsanto has moved eastward, where perpetual totalitarian rule has left society with very few legal rights to information and participation. • Even when such laws are in place, due to governmental weakness and corruption they are hardly ever enforced, leaving Monsanto to freely experiment, in spite of the wishes of the common people.

  40. Does Organic Valley exploit underdeveloped countries’ laws and regulations in an effort to circumvent the cost of environmental and labor production?

  41. Organic Valley • Organic Valley makes it clear that it intends to remain on American soil in order to prevent the lack of regulation and unfair wages that come about overseas. • This makes it difficult to produce at a low cost, but the association of farmers in the co-op can make sure that the collective wages from its products is substantial enough to support a dignified lifestyle.


  43. “[E]veryone should make legitimate use of his talents to contribute to the abundance that will benefit all, and to harvest thejust fruits of his labor.” P. 336,The Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church

  44. Does Land O’ Lakes provide for the right of association and unionization?

  45. Land O’ Lakes • In following with the previous example, Monsanto’s workers are still endowed with great fear of the government officials of their Eastern European countries. • This way, Monsanto is able to proceed with no fear of unionization or strikes against it, for its employees are far too afraid of the governmental, financial, social, and possibly even physical consequences of their doing so.

  46. Are Organic Valley’s wages enough to provide its workers with essential needs and at least some luxuries?

  47. Organic Valley • Organic Valley has a democratically selected board of directors that sets its prices in a way that is fair to its families independent of commodity prices. • Profits are divided 45% to farmers, 45% to employees, and 10% to the farming community. • Any shortcomings in income can be brought up at monthly pool meetings and taken care of by the Organic Valley community.


  49. “When practiced morally, economic activity… becomes an opportunity for every individual to embody solidarity and live the vocation of ‘communion with others for which God created him.’” -P. 333, The Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church

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