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Riverbed Riverbed Certified Solutions Professional - Network Performance Management 299-01 Exam Question & Answer PDF (FREE --- DEMO VERSION) Get Full Version of 299-01 Exam Question Answer PDF Here: https://itexamquestions.com/product/299-01-exam-questions/ Thank You For Reviewing 299-01 Exam PDF Demo
Question 1 When creatnn an analytc service, the discovery process requires a minimum of: A. At least three days of data available. B. At least three weeks of data available. C. The applicaton specialist available. D. Some historical data and some startnn point (a server, port, applicatonn. E. A customer network dianram available. Aoswern D Question 2 Link Conneston policies apply to a specifc interface and can: (Select 3n A. Warn if either inbound or outbound trafc increases abnormally B. Warn if an applicaton component of trafc increases abnormally C. Warn if trafc to/from specifc hosts exceeds a specifc utliiaton level D. Warn if the response tme across a link increases abnormally Aoswern A, B, C Question 3 If a VLAN SPAN (VLAN101n is confnured and monitored by Cascade Shark, which of the followinn is true? (Select 2n A. Inter VLAN101 trafc will be monitored; Intra VLAN101 trafc will not. B. Intra VLAN101 trafc will be monitored; Inter VLAN101 trafc will not. C. Both inter and intra VLAN101 trafc will be monitored. D. It is a best practce to confnure the Cascade Shark monitorinn port (the SPAN destnatonn with 'deduplicaton' enabled. E. It is a best practce to confnure the Cascade Shark monitorinn port (the SPAN destnatonn without 'deduplicaton' enabled. Aoswern C, D Question 4 Quality of Service informaton is obtained from what Cascade sources? A. Cascade Sensor only B. Cannot net QoS data on Cascade C. Cascade Sensor and Cascade Gateway D. CascadeFlow trafc only
E. NetFlow and IPFIX trafc only Aoswern C Question 5 Cascade Profler provides identty informaton collected from Actve Directory 2008 by installinn and correctly confnurinn the 'Cascade Connector' anent sofware on: A. Every DNS server in the AD environment B. Any server in the MS domain C. Every client desktop in the AD environment D. Every NTP server in the MS domain E. The Microsof Event Collector component in the AD environment Aoswern E Question 6 Which of the followinn statements is true renardinn SNMP pollinn and NTP syncinn amonn Cascade components? A. Cascade Gateway's poll via SNMP sources of Netlow, while Cascade Profler, Cascade Gateway and Cascade Sensor sync NTP from a common source. B. Cascade Profler's poll via SNMP sources of Netlow, while Cascade Profler, Cascade Gateway and Cascade Sensor sync NTP from a common source. C. Cascade Profler, Cascade Gateway and Cascade Sensor sync NTP from diferent sources, while Cascade Profler's poll via SNMP sources of Netlow. D. Cascade Profler, Cascade Gateway and Cascade Sensor sync NTP from diferent sources, while Cascade Gateway's poll via SNMP sources of Netlow. E. Cascade Profler does all SNMP pollinn and is also the source of all NTP. Aoswern D Question 7 Within Cascade Pilot, to analyie the round-trip tme in a trace fle, you can: A. Ask Riverbed Support to send you the proper View to use. B. Open the View folders in Cascade Pilot to look for a View named "Round-trip tme". C. Use the View search box and enter "round". D. Use the Help menu and search for round. Aoswern C Question 8
For DNS reverse lookup, Cascade Profler caches as follows: A. Cache the most recent 500 IPs. B. Obey DNS TTLs. C. Cascade does not cache DNS responses. D. For 24 hours. Aoswern C Question 9 What are two diferences between NetFlow version 5 and NetFlow version 9 (select 2n A. NetFlow version 5 nenerally support innress fow export only; NetFlow version 9 supports both innress and enress export. B. NetFlow version 5 is used for Switches, NetFlow version 9 is used for Routers. C. NetFlow version 9 includes informaton about CPU, Power-status and other router performance characteristcs; NetFlow version 5 does not. D. NetFlow version 9 includes the ability to export the Time-To-Live (TTLn; NetFlow version 5 does not. E. NetFlow version 9 includes the ability to export the packet latency, NetFlow version 5 does not. Aoswern A, D Question 10 When channinn the priority for a Layer 4 mappinn on Cascade Profler best practces indicate that Applicaton Mappinns should be niven hinher priorites based on: A. Lonnest Match B. Shortest Match C. IP & Port D. IP Aoswern A
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