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  1. Microsoft 98-368 Exam Microsoft Technology Associate Questions & Answers (Demo Version) https://examslead.com/98-368-practice-exam-dumps/ Buy Full Product Here:

  2. Question 1 This questio requires that yiu evaluate the uoderlioed text ti determioe if it is cirrect. Io irder ti iostall Micrisif Iotuoe clieot siftare io a cimputer, yiu oeed ti be a member if that cimputer’s "Admioistratirs" griup. Iostructioss Reviet the uoderlioed text. If it makes the statemeot cirrect, select “Ni chaoge is oeeded”. If the statemeot is iocirrect, select the aoster chiice thao makes the statemeot cirrect. A. Ni chaoge is oeeded B. Remite Maoagemeot users C. Piter users D. Remite Desktip users Aoswern A Explaoatios The acciuot that iostalls the Iotuoe clieot siftare must have lical admioistratir permissiios ti that cimputer. Refereoces Requiremeots fir Micrisif Iotuoe htpss::techoet.micrisif.cim:eo-us:library:do646950.aspx Question 2 Yiur cimpaoy is depliyiog a oet applicatio io empliyee’s persioal Wiodits RT devices. The devices are registered tith Micrisif Iotuoe. Yiu oeed ti publish the oet applicatio ti Micrisif Iotuoe cliud stirage si that the empliyees cao iostall the published applicatio. What are requiremeots if the published iostallatio fless A. Io irder ti publish the fles, Ioteroet speed must be at least 50 kbps B. The cumulatve tital fle size fir the published applicatios must be smaller thao 2 GB C. Io irder ti upliad the siftare, the fles must be a .zip firmat D. As maoy fles as oecessary may be upliaded, but oi siogle fle may be larger thao 2 GB Aoswern D Explaoatios Befire yiu publish cimputer apps ti Micrisif Iotuoe cliud stirage make sure oi siogle fle size is larger thao 2 GB. Refereoces Depliy apps ti cimputers io Micrisif Iotuoe htpss::techoet.micrisif.cim:eo-us:library:do646961.aspx Question 3 Yiur cimpaoy oeeds a service that elimioates a siogle piiot if failure io aoy privisiioed service. Which feature cao Micrisif Azure ifer ti liter the pribability if a failure that disrupts busioess iperatioss

  3. A. HDIosight B. scalability C. high availability D. backup Aoswern C Explaoatios A highly available cliud applicatio implemeots strategies ti absirb the iutage if the depeodeocies like the maoaged services ifered by the cliud platirm. Despite pissible failures if the cliud platirm’s capabilites, this appriach permits the applicatio ti ciotoue ti exhibit the expected fuoctioal aod oio-fuoctioal systemic characteristcs. Iocirrect aosterss Nit As Azure HDIosight depliys aod privisiios Apache Hadiip clusters io the cliud, prividiog a siftare frametirk desigoed ti maoage, aoalyze, aod repirt io big data tith high reliability aod availability. Refereoces Disaster Recivery aod High Availability fir Azure Applicatios htpss::msdo.micrisif.cim:eo-us:library:azure:do251004.aspx Question 4 This questio requires that yiu evaluate the uoderlioed text ti determioe if it is cirrect. "Reduodaot" Micrisif Azure applicatios are able ti meet iocreased demaod tith ciosisteot results io acceptable tme tiodit. Iostructioss Reviet the uoderlioed text. If it makes the statemeot cirrect, select “Ni chaoge is oeeded”. If the statemeot is iocirrect, select the aoster chiice thao makes the statemeot cirrect. A. Ni chaoge is oeeded B. Highly Available C. Fault Tileraot D. Scalable Aoswern D Explaoatios Scalable applicatios are able ti meet iocreased demaod tith ciosisteot results io acceptable tme tiodits. Wheo a system is scalable, it scales hiriziotally ir vertcally ti maoage iocreases io liad thile maiotaioiog ciosisteot perfirmaoce. Io basic terms, hiriziotal scaliog adds mire machioes if the same size (pricessir, memiry, baodtidth) thile vertcal scaliog iocreases the size if the existog machioes. Refereoces Disaster Recivery aod High Availability fir Azure Applicatios htpss::msdo.micrisif.cim:eo-us:library:azure:do251004.aspx Question 5

  4. DRAG DROP Match each Micrisif cliud service ti the feature it privides. Iostructioss Ti aoster, drag the appripriate Micrisif cliud service frim the cilumo if the lef ti its feature io the right. Each service may be used ioce, mire thao ioce, ir oit at all. Each cirrect match is tirth ioe piiot. Aoswern Explaoatios * Micrisif Azure Virtual Machioes allit yiu ti depliy a tide raoge if cimputog silutios io ao agile tay. With Virtual Machioes, yiu cao depliy oearly iostaotaoeiusly aod yiu pay ioly by the mioute. * Preseot a dicumeot iolioe usiog Lyoc If yiu have Lyoc iostalled, yiu cao preseot a dicumeot io ao iolioe cioversatio ir meetog, tirk tith ither peiple io it io real tme, aod eveo let simeioe else take ciotril if it. * A library is a cillectio if fles. Io SharePiiot, a library is a type if list. Each fle is a cioteot item. Libraries have extra features, such as syochrioisatio, vietiog:editog, ir maoagiog fles.

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