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CELEBRATIONS&FESTIVALS. What holıdays and specıal events do you celebrate ın turkey ?. National Holidays Republic Day ( October 29) National Sovereignty and Children's Day (April 23) Victory Day ( August 30) Commemoration of Atatürk, Youth and Sports Day (May 19)
Whatholıdaysandspecıalevents do youcelebrateınturkey? NationalHolidays • RepublicDay (October 29) • National Sovereignty and Children's Day(April 23) • VictoryDay (August 30) • Commemoration of Atatürk, Youth and Sports Day (May 19) • International Workers’ Day (May 1) ReligiousHolidays • Feast of Breaking the Fast/RamadanBairam/Eidal-Fitr • Feastof theSacrifice/Festival of Sacrifice/Eidal-Adha Others Hıdırellez (May 5-6) New Year (December 31-January 1) Newroz (March 21)
Vocabularyfornatıonalholıdays PreparationsforNationalHolidays Studentsrecitepoemsandput on playsbased on thethemeof theday. Manyschoolsandorganizationsrehearsefortheparadesmonths/weeksbeforetheceremony. Somestudentsweartraditional costumesand do folkdance. Studentsdecoratetheirschools.
On theactualday • Politicians/students/soldierslay a wreathat thefoot of a warmemorial/ of statues of Atatürk. • There is a one-minute silence as a sign of respectforthepeoplewhodied in thewar. • Theaudiencesingsthenationalanthemat thebeginning of theceremony. • Wehangourflagson thewindowsordown on thebalconies. Warveteransjointheparadesandtheydisplaytheirmedalsproudly.
Thecrowdlinesthestreetstowatchthesoldiers/children/students. TV channelsbroadcasttheceremonieslive. Students/teachers/headmastersmakespeeches. Soldiers/children/studentsmarchdownthestreets. Studentsperformtheirdances/shows in bigstadiums.
PreparationsforReligiousHolidays • Familiespreparemouth-wateringfood. • People cleantheirhouses. • People, especiallychildren, buy newoutfits/clothes. • Thereis a MorningPrayer service on thefirstday of Bayram.
Somepeoplesacrifice a ram/a cow in Festival of Sacrificeandhelppoorpeople. Wetakeboxes of desserttoourrelativesorfriends. • Oldpeoplegivepocketmoneytochildren. • People cometogether, theyeatandhavefun. • Wevisitourelderlyrelatives.
Preparationsfor New Year’s Eve Therearemanyfireworkdisplays/showsoutside. People hangdecorationsandbannersandpreparefood. Theysendoutpartyinvitationsand buy newoutfitsfortheparty. Theycountdownbeforetheclockstrikestwelve. Whentheclockstrikestwelve, theycelebratetheNew Year.
famousfestıvalsıntheworld La Tomatina (LastWednesday of August) • Ittakesplacein thetown of Buñolnear Valencia in Spain. It’stheWorld's Biggest Food Fight. • Thelocalpeoplecelebratetheir patron saint, San LuisBertràn* andthe Virgin Mary. *Patron Saint: A Christiansaintwho is believedtogivespecialhelpto a placeor a person.
Duringtheweek of the festival, therearepaella-cookingcontests, parades, music, dancingandfireworks. Localpeopleandtouristsgatherin thetownduringthemorning.
Shopkeeperscoverthefronts of their shops. Lorriescarry 125,000 kilograms of ripetomatoesintothetown. At 11am, a siren startsthefight. Thenfornearlytwohours, everyonethrowssquashedtomatoes at eachother.
Another siren callsforthefightto stop. Then, thelocalpeoplecleanallthestreetsandroads.
Speaking Activity 1 Usethewordsbelowandtellwhathappensduring La Tomatina Festival. lastWednesday of Augusttakeplace paella-cookingcontestsBuñolnear Valencia biggestfoodfightparadesgather sirenshopkeepersparades throwripetomatoeslorriesclean
UsıngSequencewords: fırst, next, then, afterthat, fınally Weusesomesequencingwordswhiledescribing an eventor an instruction. La Tomatina Festival First,people buy ticketsforthe festival. Next, localpeopleandtouristsgather in thetown. Then, lorriesbring125,000 kilogramsof ripetomatoesintothetown. Afterthat, a siren startsthefight. Fornearlytwohours, everyonethrowssquashedtomatoes at eachother. Finally, anothersiren callsforthefightto stop.
A PROCESS: How a flowergrows First,seeds fall to the ground and their roots grow into the soil. Next,a plant grows. It needs water and light. Then, a flowergrows. Afterthat,bees come to the flower and the flower makes new seeds. The seeds fall to the ground again and the wind takes the seeds to new soil. Finally, newplants, flowers and seeds grow again.
WaterCycle First of all,the sun heats the sea. Then,the water in the seaevaporates and it goes into the air. Next/Then/After that,the water vapourforms clouds. Then,the clouds cross the land andthey move above the mountains. In the cold air, the water vapour changes into rain. Next/Then/After that, the rain falls to the ground and it goes into rivers. Finally, the rivers carry the water to the sea and the cycle begins again.
Exercise 1: Usethesequencewordstotalk about how you start theday. You can useany of thegivenverbsbelow. FirstThenNextAfterthat Finallygetdressedgotoschool readthenewspapereatbreakfast brush my teethhave ashower leave the house wait in the bus/metro/metrobus station arrive at school
Exercise 2: Here is a paragraph about sending party invitations. The sentences are in the wrong order. Put the sentences into correct order to make a paragraph. ______a. Next, enter all the e-mail addresses of the people you want to invite. ______b. Then, choose an invitation sample. ______c. One of the easiest ways to send out party invitations is to use a website called Evite. ______d. Finally, check over the invitation and click send. ______e. First, go to www.evite.com and click on ‘create an invitation’. ______f. You won’t believe how easy it is! ______g. After that, type the details of your party such as the date, address, and time.
Answer …1…c.Oneof theeasiestwaystosendoutpartyinvitations is touse a websitecalledEvite. …2….e. First, gotowww.evite.comandclick on ‘create an invitation. …3….b.Then, choose an invitationsample. …4….g.Afterthat, typethedetails of yourpartysuch as thedate, address, and time. …5….a. Next, enterallthe e-mail addresses of thepeopleyouwanttoinvite. …6….d. Finally, checkovertheinvitationandclicksend. …7….f. Youwon’tbelieve how easy it is!
Use of tıme words ‘after-before-durıng-as soon as, when’ ın present sımple A. Read the paragraph first. My roommate and I organize a movie night every Saturday. Beforethe movie night, I and my roommate choose a movie. Next, we send sms or e-mail to our close friends and inform them about the movie night. On Saturday afternoon, we prepare the food and drinks and make popcorn. Our friends arrive at around 7.00 p.m. Everyone takes their plates, sits down and gets ready for the film. As soon as the movie starts, everyone concentrates on the movie. During the movie, we do not talk or make noise. Whensomeone wants to go to toilet, we stop the movie and wait for him/her. Whenthe movie finishes, we talk about what we like or hate about the movie. Afterthe talk, we tidy up the mess and everyone goes home. We really love organising movie nights and have fun during the night.
B. Check the sentences from the paragraph. • Beforethe movie night, I and my roommate choose a movie. • As soon as the movie starts, everyone concentrates on the movie. • Duringthe movie, we do not talk or make noise. • Whensomeone wants to go to toilet, we stop the movie and wait for him/her. • Whenthe movie finishes, we talk about what we like or hate about the movie. • Afterthe talk, we tidy up the mess and everyone goes home.
C. Check the sentences from the paragraph and the other example sentences. • Beforethe movie night, I and my roommate choose a movie. adjective+noun I and my roommate choose a movie beforethe movie night. • Also possible: Beforewe have the movie night , I and my roommate choose a movie. sentence I and my roommate choose a movie beforewe have the movie night. Example sentences: Beforethe party, we send invitations to the guests. noun Beforewe have the party, we send invitations to the guests. sentence (Also possible: Before having the party, we send invitations to the guests.)
Afterthe talk, we tidy up the mess and everyone goes home. noun We tidy up the mess and everyone goes home afterthe talk. • Also possible: Afterwe talk about the movie, we tidy up the mess and everyone goes home. sentence We tidy up the mess and everyone goes home afterwe talk about the movie. • Example: Afterthe lesson, I go to the cafeteria and have coffee with my friends. noun Afterthe lesson finishes, I go to the cafeteria and have coffee with my friends. sentence (Also possible:Afterattending the lessons, I go to the cafeteria and have coffee with my friends.)
Whensomeone wants to go to toilet, we stop the sentence movie and wait for him/her. • Whenthe movie finishes, we talk about what we sentence like or hate about the movie. Also possible: We talk about what we like or hate about the movie whenthe movie finishes.
As soon as the movie starts, everyone sentence concentrates on the movie. Also possible: Everyone concentrates on the movie as soon as the movie starts. Example: As soon as the movie ends, we start to talk about the movie. As soon as I arrive home, I wear my pyjamas.
Duringthe movie, we do not talk or make noise. noun Also possible: We do not talk or make noise duringthe movie. Example: We eat, dance and have fun during the party. We sit around a camp fireduring the night and sind songs.
Exercises: before 1. Paul and Sheila always walk their dog _________they go to bed. a. after b. before c. when 2. I always brush my teeth __________meals. a. after b. before c. during 3. _____________ the birthday boy blows outthe candles on the cake, everybody gives applause. a. as soon as b. during c. before 4. You can hear the ‘Happy Birthday’ song _____________a birthday party. a. when b. during c. before after As soon as during
After/as soon as/when 5. Which options are correct for the sentence below? ________________________the clock strikes twelve, firework shows start and people celebrate the New Year. a. after b. during c. as soon as d. when ---The end of presentation----- Prepared by Writing Coordination