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Equilibria and Complexity: What now?. Christos H. Papadimitriou UC Berkeley “christos”. Outline. Equilibria and complexity: what, who and why Approximate Nash Special cases New equilibria concepts. The basic question.
Equilibria and Complexity: What now? Christos H. Papadimitriou UC Berkeley “christos”
Outline • Equilibria and complexity: what, who and why • Approximate Nash • Special cases • New equilibria concepts Warwick, March 26 2007
The basic question • Can equilibria (of various sorts: pure Nash, mixed Nash, approximate Nash, correlated, even price equilibria) be found efficiently? • Explicit games vs. succinct games (graphical, strategic form, congestion, network congestion, multimatrix, facility location, etc.) Warwick, March 26 2007
The succinct game argument • With games we model auctions, markets, the Internet • Thus we must study multi-player games • But these have exponential input • Hence all games of interest are multiplayer and succinct Warwick, March 26 2007
Why Complexity? • Equilibria are notions of rationality, aspiring models of behavior • Efficient computability is an important modeling prerequisite • “If your laptop can’t find it, neither can the market” • Furthermore: Equilibria problems raise some of the most intriguing questions in the theory of algorithms and complexity Warwick, March 26 2007
Equilibria: the trade-offs mixed Nash [DGP06, CD06] correlated existence efficiency naturalness pure Nash Warwick, March 26 2007
Equilibria: the succinct case mixed Nash [DFP ICALP06] correlated [PR SODA-STOC05] existence efficiency naturalness pure Nash NP-c/PLS-c [FPT03] Warwick, March 26 2007
Complexity of Mixed Nash • PPAD-complete [GP, DGP] STOC 06 • Even for 3 players [CD05, DP05] • Even for 2 players (!?!) [CD] FOCS 06 Warwick, March 26 2007
What does PPAD-complete mean? • PPAD: Class of problems that always have a solution, defined in [Pa90] • Contains many well-known tough nuts (Brouwer, Borsuk-Ulam, Arrow-Debreu, Nash, …) • Exponential lower bounds known for some • Oracle separations from P and other classes Warwick, March 26 2007
Exponential directed graphwith indegree, outdegree < 2 Standard source (given) ? (there must be a sink…) Warwick, March 26 2007
An aside:The four existence proofs “if a directed graph has an unbalanced node, then it has another” PPAD “if an undirected graph has an odd-degree node, then it has another” PPA “every dag has a sink” PLS “pigeonhole principle” PPP Warwick, March 26 2007
What “PPAD-complete” mean, really? • Nash’s 1951 proof reduces finding a Nash equilibrium to finding a Brouwer fixpoint • The proof in [DGP06] is a reduction in the opposite direction • We simulate “arbitrary” 3-dimensional Brouwer functions by a game • Main trick: games that do arithmetic Warwick, March 26 2007
“multiplication is the name of the game and each generation plays the same” Bobby Darren, 1961 Warwick, March 26 2007
The multiplication game x “affects” z = x · y w y Warwick, March 26 2007
Reduction Brouwer Nash:a very rough sketch • Graphical games that do multiplication, addition, comparison, Boolean operations… • Simulate the circuit that computes the Brouwer function by a huge graphical game • “Brittle comparator” problem solved by averaging • Simulate the graphical game by a 4-player game: 4-color the graph Warwick, March 26 2007
So…. Brouwer Nash Warwick, March 26 2007
game over? Warwick, March 26 2007
What next? ? existence efficiency naturalness Warwick, March 26 2007
-approximate Nash • a mixed strategy profile such that • no player has a strategy with expected payoff bigger than the current one • by more than + • (assume all utilities normalized to [0,1]) Warwick, March 26 2007
-approximate Nash: what’s known • Can be found in time nlog n / [LMM04] • No algorithm with < 1/2 is possible, unless supports of size bigger than log n are examined [FNS07] • You get = ¾ by looking at all supports of size two Warwick, March 26 2007
How to do = ½ [DMP06] • s is any strategy of the first player • t is the best response of the other player to s • s is the best response of the first player to t • ½-approximate mixed strategy profile: • First player plays ½ [s + s] • Other player plays t Warwick, March 26 2007
Better than 1/2? • .38 [DMP07] (by using ideas from [LMM03] plus LP) • PTAS? • NB: It is known that FPTAS is impossible (unless PPAD = P) [CDT06]. Warwick, March 26 2007
Special cases? • 0-1 games are hard [AKV05] • Any interesting classes for which Nash is easy? • Anonymous games [DP07] • “Each player is different, but sees all other players as identical” Warwick, March 26 2007
Pure equilibria Theorem: In any anonymous game there is a pure 2s-approximate equilibrium (where s = number of strategies, = Lipschitz constant of the utility functions) and it can be found in polynomial time. Warwick, March 26 2007
Also: PTAS! Binomial variables x1, x2, …xn with probabilities p1, p2,…,pn They induce a distribution q = [q0, q1, …, qn] where qj = prob[∑xi =j] Lemma: There is a way to round the pi’s to multiples of 1/k so that |q - q| < O(k-1/4) Warwick, March 26 2007
PTAS (cont.) Now, the mixed strategies with probabilities 0, 1/k, 2/k, … , 1 can be considered as k+1 pure strategies => O(n^(-4)) PTAS Warwick, March 26 2007
Other equilibrium concepts:Nash dynamics pure strategy profiles best response (or improving response) by one player Warwick, March 26 2007
“Equilibrium” concept • Sink strongly connected component (cf [GMV 05]) • Generalizes pure Nash, always exists • Expected payoff (but which trans. prob.?) • How hard is this to compute? • Answer: In P for normal form games, PSPACE-complete for graphical games [FP07] Warwick, March 26 2007
Unit recall equilibria 1 2 A strategy for the row player a 1 2 b 2 a b 1 Problem: given a game, is there a pure Nash equilibrium in the automaton game? (Unit recall equilibrium, or URE) Could it be in P? (It is in NP [FP]) Warwick, March 26 2007
Componentwise unit recall equilibria (CURE) • Joint work in progress with Alex Fabrikant • Equilibrium if players can only change one transition at a time • Universal • Efficiently computable • (But are they natural/convincing?) Warwick, March 26 2007
PS: Nash dynamics and BGP oscillations 1 120 > 10 230 > 20 310 > 30 oscillation! 0 2 3 Warwick, March 26 2007
BGP oscillations (continued) • Well-looked at problem in Internet theory • Necessary condition (NP-complete) • Sufficient condition (coNP-complete) • Surprise! This is actually a Nash dynamics problem… • PSPACE-complete [FP07] Warwick, March 26 2007
So… • The complexity of Nash leads to exciting new problems • …and a rethinking of the equilibrium idea • PTAS for Nash? • Multiplicative version? • Credible/natural, guaranteed to exist and efficiently computable equilibrium concept related to Nash dynamics? Warwick, March 26 2007