Homeless in the Novel Homeless people do not play a major role in the novel, the plight of homeless mainly revolves around Jim Smokey Phillips, known as Smokey Lonesome. The role of homeless in the novel is to show adversity. The story takes place during the depression and many are homeless and jobless. By Idgie feeding the homeless she is trying to help solve the depression.
The Kid The kid was a young man who traveled with Smokey to Chicago. ‘He was a good-looking, fresh-faced kid, wearing a thin blue- gray slipover sweater over a brown frayed shirt and ragged brown pants, with a skin like a baby’s ass. Still wet behind the ears, he’d had a lot of trouble over in Detroit with guys trying to bugger him, and he’d asked Smokey if he could travel with him for a while.’ (Flagg 136) When Smokey and The Kid slept in a hobo camp, it was raided by the Legion. When Smokey looked back to see everything destroyed he saw that The Kid had tripped and split his skull and he died.
The short chapter about The Kid is in the novel to represent how the homeless are maltreated and considered to be below average citizens. The Kid does not have a name, none of the hoboes knew it. Without a name he can not be a man.