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Your First Assignment 2014

Pepeha. Your First Assignment 2014. Introducing ourselves in Māori – Year 7/8. The Assignment. You will create a piece of work that shows everyone who you are, where you come from and the important things about you. This will include: a pepeha and a link to your culture. (Part 1)

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Your First Assignment 2014

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Pepeha Your First Assignment 2014 Introducing ourselves in Māori – Year 7/8

  2. The Assignment • You will create a piece of work that shows everyone who you are, where you come from and the important things about you. • This will include: a pepehaand a link to your culture. (Part 1) • Additional information so the reader really gets an insight into who you are. (Part 2) • You will be required to display this work therefore it has to be of the very best quality.

  3. Pepeha Pepeha is the way that we identify ourselves in the Maori culture. We find connections with landmarks and waterways that we spiritually identify with to define who we are. We also connect with our homeland and the vessel that brought our people to this land. This is a cultural way of introducing ourselves.

  4. Tēnākoutoukatoa (Welcome) No reiraTena koutou, tena koutou Tena koutou katoa (Final Salutaton)

  5. Ko _______ temaunga (mountain)Ko _______ teawa (river)Ko _______ Te maraeKo _______ te hapu (subtribe)Ko _______ teiwi (tribe)Ko _______ tewaka (boat)Ko _______te rangatira (captain)Ko _______ Toku mamaKo _______ toku papaKo _______takuteina (Younger sibling same gender)Ko _______takutungane (Little Brother)Ko _______tokutuakana (Big brother, big sister)No reiratenakoutoukatoa

  6. PepehaHorley • KoSnowdon temaunga (mountain)KoCole teawa (river)Ko Glen Taylor tokokura (School) KoHorley - Pearce te iwi (tribe)KoMrs Avery terangatira (captain)KoGina toku mama (Mum)KoDenis toku papa (Dad)KoLynnette takuteina (Younger sibling same gender) • KoMatthew, Jordan, Marcus tokutamarikitāne (sons) • Ko Becky, Ayesha, Leoni, Kayla tokutamawāhine (daughters)No England Ahau ( Belonging to country/ place) • Kei Birmingham tokukainga (village/town) • Ko 43 tokupakeke (age)

  7. Examples of How to Present Your Work

  8. You can use words, pictures you have drawn, symbols, Photographs, speech bubbles, thought bubbles and so on. Pepeha in words and pictures

  9. Use of cultural colours or cultural patterns also looks attractive. Pepeha in words and pictures

  10. Including photographs and a background personalises your work.

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